Chapter 408 Rome
"Rome is the world. Look up to the sky, look down on the earth, everything in the world is Rome. But—you are not. You are not Rome."

A giant man who walks slowly, wearing a bronze-colored skin, staring at red eyes, and a solid blue-black carcass with gold decorations on his bronze-colored skin, just like a moving statue.

In his hand, a huge red spear, reminiscent of trees, was held in his hand. He waved the spear in his hand, and the sound was like thunder.

No matter when, Romulus, who is revered as the ancestor of god, has this kind of [pride] of being a god.He has great confidence and honor in Rome.

In his heart, the world is Rome, and Rome is the world.Therefore, all the guys who try to destroy the world are his enemies.

The huge sea monster in front of him is naturally also.

"Everything, everything will be pierced by my gun—Magna-Voluisse-Magnum!"

Shouting out the real name of the treasure, the huge sea demon stretched out seven or eight tentacles and smashed at his head.However, before he had time to touch the body of the god ancestor, he was blocked one step ahead.

From the ground, countless branches grew up, and the ripe brown branches with emerald-like crowns soared into the sky.As if Romulus was the foundation of the giant tree, countless trees surged up from around him, and the huge trees turned into extremely aggressive cages, passing through the body of the giant sea monster and fixing it in place.

"Okay! Thank you God Ancestor - Rome!!!"

Yagi Xuesai yelled "Roman", feeling happy in his heart, he stepped a little, and the figure flashed three or four in a row, jumped from the branches and leaves of the giant tree, quickly climbed the height, and rushed all the way to the body of the huge sea monster.

"Break it to me!"

Yagi Xuesai yelled violently, picked up the holy sword with both hands, and the magic power burst out from both hands, and the soaring magic power turned into golden particle light, which was stimulated from the blade. However, because of the transparency of the wind king barrier, it seemed It was as if Yagi Xuesai picked up a ball of golden light in his hand.

Of course, also because of the high-speed rotation of the Wind King's enchantment, the brilliance in his hand was spinning like a vortex.

As he drank violently, he slashed the [giant lightsaber] towards the body of the giant sea monster.

As he thought, amputating limbs is as easy as cutting paper.

However, the flesh cut off by the blade healed easily after only two or three breaths.

Sensing that someone was attacking, the huge sea demon branched out several tiny tentacles and stabbed at Yagi Xuesai. Yagi Xuesai swung his sword and cut off several tentacles. There is a big difference.Secondly, it was because his skills were really not good enough, a tentacle javelin stabbed him in the heart!
Yagi Xuesai waved his hand to cut off the tentacle that hit his throat, and he touched it curiously...

No pain.

Although it is so soft to the touch with hands, whether it is the Adam's apple or the flesh, it is just an ordinary touch.

However, it didn't hurt at all when the Sea Demon's tentacles stabbed it just now? !
What he didn't know was that because he had eaten the heart of the dragon Fafner before, his body had undergone a certain change.

The heart of the dragon is different from the hearts of other creatures.He originally only ate dragon heart as a tonic.This kind of behavior is like using a Mercedes-Benz sports car as a locker, which is painful and distressing.

In fact, in another legend about dragon slaying "Wolsong Saga", the great hero Sigurd ate the heart of the evil dragon Fafner after killing it, and obtained the The ability to understand animal language.

It is worth mentioning that this story is the original form of Siegfried's legend "Song of the Nibelungen".

After bathing in the dragon's blood, eating the dragon's heart, and as a follower who possesses the attributes of a dragon and merged with the British red dragon, Yagi Xuesai's spiritual base has already quietly changed.

He didn't discover it himself.

The heart of the dragon is extremely cursed.Legend has it that Sigurd was burned trying to pick up the dragon's heart.And not only did he pick it up, he could even eat it raw...

He... is experiencing the story of [legend] as a [living person].This inheritance will eventually turn the mysterious crystallization into a materialized ability, which will be fed back to the body.

Most typically, he has now obtained a dragon blood armor similar to the legendary Siegfried - even if he is hit by an attack, he will reduce the power equivalent to a C level.

Naturally, the blow of the huge sea monster just now was reduced by the body, so it is naturally not worth mentioning.

He didn't return to Chaldea, so he couldn't do a detailed data survey, but he also understood that he seemed a little different now.With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he simply didn't even do any defense, just let the enemy's tentacles poke him, and with the huge sword in his hand, he kept chopping off the huge sea monster's body.

On the other two sides of the giant tree, Mordred and Altria Alter were doing the same thing.The scarlet-black thunder, the purple-black flames, and the flaming attacks quickly cut down on the huge sea monster's body.

"Damn it, why are you so crazy! I don't have time..."

Joan of Arc draws her sword and fights with Elizabeth. Once she gets involved in idol activities, Elizabeth seems to be a different person.Of course, the chief culprit who endowed her with such a crazy and unreasonable character is Joan of Arc!

"So! I just said it! The aunt who has been pestering the former idol endlessly is the worst! I am now! I am already the idol of the little paparazzi!!"

"Who is pestering you, no! Who are you talking about, you bastard!!"

Joan of Arc's head was full of anger, and red flames rolled out from the sword-blade banner in her palm. Elizabeth was not afraid at all, waving the spear wrapped around the microphone to fight.The two of them came back and forth, fighting in style.However, it is obvious that Black Joan has a considerable advantage in terms of combat.

"Dragon witch who tarnishes the reputation of the saint, you are a dragon, and you are also guilty!"

The handsome white horse knight actually used the huge body of the sea monster as a racecourse, completely ignoring the laws of physics in reality, and when the giant tree of the god ancestor Romulus crushed and attacked the giant sea monster's tentacles, he galloped all the way to the top , the prancing horse stabbed Black Joan with a sword.

Knowing that her defense power was far less powerful than her attack power, Joan of Arc didn't dare to push her too hard, and waved the battle flag to block the blow—boom!Accompanied by the huge force that made the wrist numb, Joan of Arc was completely forced to take a step back by this blow.Behind her, at some time, a smiling blue-haired girl was standing behind her with crimson flames rolling all over her body.

"Show me the atmosphere. Although Qing Ji, I don't mind what the world has become, but it is absolutely not allowed to disturb the peaceful life of Master An Zhen and me!"

There is a madman!
Black Joan showed an angry expression on her face, but she couldn't do it—after all, she was the one who turned them into this way and added the attribute of berserk!
This is the so-called self-indulgence.

(End of this chapter)

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