Chapter 422 Twelve Trials
Arjuna's bow and arrow, the damage caused by the second hit has dropped significantly.

He obviously tried his best, but he was easily defended by that gray berserker... It can only be explained that in this short moment, his defensive power increased sharply.

"Hey, it looks like it's time for us to go. Well, it's time for the golden one!"

Sakata Kintoki raised his eyebrows and showed a happy smile, he couldn't wait!Seeing such a powerful enemy, the blood of a warrior is boiling.He picked up the golden battle ax in his hand, indistinctly, golden thunder flashed, hovering on the battle ax into a dazzling brilliance.

"Ah! Oppressor! It's the oppressor! Hahahaha! Use my love! Crush the oppressor! Hahahaha!"

Seeing the unstoppable posture of the lead gray berserker, Spartacus laughed wildly, swung the Roman-style dagger in his hand, and ran towards the berserker with that uncomfortable ecstatic smile.

"Hmph... Is it Hercules... What an uncomfortable opponent."

Altria Alter, the Black King, expresses emotion indifferently, his golden eyes slightly narrowed, with a haughty look on his face.Yagi Yusai asked: "Hercules? Is that guy Hercules?"

Then, it is not difficult to understand why this guy is so difficult.

The great hero of Greece has completed twelve difficult tasks and was promoted to the superhero of Hercules.

In fact, this arduous journey is the Noble Phantasm [Twelve Trials] that he is most proud of as a follower.

This lead gray berserker, the sufferings and calamities of the past, along with his success, turned into the capital of pride, melted into the blood, and turned into proud feelings.These twelve times of glory were upgraded to Noble Phantasms along with his existence.

The effect is that if it is killed, instead of dying, it will be resurrected.It will only end if you kill it twelve times.

Moreover, after each injury and death, the next time it will automatically gain resistance to the damage of this weapon.

What's even more frightening is that this treasure itself has considerable defensive power. If it is a normal-level weapon, it can't even cause damage.

The only good thing is that this treasure, this invincible body, has become much weaker due to the consumption of mana and the correction of the singularity, otherwise it would be really invincible.

Yagi Xuesai's smile became bitter, and he felt more and more that it was unwise to challenge this thing by himself?But soon, he gave up this meaningless worry.

In order to raise Saint Quartz, this is something that must be done.

For this reason, he brought Spartacus on purpose.

Two berserkers on horseback rushed towards the lead-gray berserker Hercules, and three muscular and burly men collided together. In an instant, the attack caused by the huge force shook the ground like a shock wave.

The battle-axe of Sakata Kintoki, the sword-axe of Hercules, and the dagger of Spartacus, the three weapons clashed in confusion, the dull sword drew a leaden gray deadly trajectory, and the powerful golden battle-axe Chopping on the ax and sword, the flashing thunder-like brilliance made a crackling electric shock sound, and Spartacus' short sword triggered a trajectory similar to a shock wave, and the three berserkers with muscle strength A fought into a ball.

The earth was crushed, and the collapsed houses were affected and turned into more dilapidated existences.

Among the three, Spartacus was clearly at a disadvantage.

Hercules is a great Greek hero, well-known, and he is a demigod. Although his combat experience has been banned due to madness, the instinctive movements of his body are not something ordinary people can handle.There is also the skill of mind and eye, which is exaggerated in combat power.

Sakata Kintoki is the opposite. His madness is very light, so he still maintains reason. Although Sakata Kintoki is not a god in Japanese legends, he is not that strong, but he also inherits the blood of the man-eating Yamabasa, which is genuine. weird.The fighting power of the monster has not lost its reason. It can be said that as a berserker, Sakata Kintoki is very difficult to deal with.

Compared with these two men, Spartacus pales in comparison.He is neither a god nor a ghost, he is just an ordinary Roman gladiator, and only his willpower can be said to be the proof of a hero.

In addition, he himself is a servant who is keen on defense. In his own words: there is nothing that makes him happier than being a shield for the weak.

His own style is biased towards defensive counterattack, taking damage from the enemy, accumulating pain, and bursting out in the last breath.

During the battle, he consciously didn't dodge Hercules' attack, but after more than a dozen rounds of fighting, he was already covered in blood, and his face was filled with joy.

"Ah! Hahaha, this kind of pleasure... I will pay you back twice... Hahahaha!"

He was cut in the shoulder again by Hercules' blow, and the huge and heavy ax sword easily cut off his shoulder and cut open his chest.

He made such a happy sound, wrapped his arms around Hercules' arm, and laughed wildly.

Seeing that the situation was fine, Sakata Kintoki picked up his battle ax and was about to give him a fatal blow...

"Quick retreat! Golden hour!"

Yagi Yusai sternly shouted, although Sakata Kintoki didn't understand what it meant, but knowing that his temporary master would not harm him, he quickly obeyed the order and fled towards this side.

In the process of his escape, Hercules clenched his empty left hand into a fist, and savagely beat Spartacus on the back. The heavy attack hit Spartacus' body like a war hammer. However, this sturdy berserker didn't intend to relax at all.

In his body, the turbulent magic power was agitating, and his body could clearly see that it had swelled up due to the accumulation of magic power. Under the blue skin, there was a dark red like flame.

"Ahahahaha! Oppressor! Take my love!! My love! It will explode! Hahahahaha!"


That was an exaggerated explosion of magic power.

There is no embellishment, and there is no utilization rate. It is just a simple method of bursting out the accumulated magic power in one go.

Surprisingly, very efficient.

The explosion engulfed Hercules, and the frenzied storm turned into a heavy grinding wheel, engulfing the heroic body of the lead gray berserker, and then crushed it into a shattered posture...

This is the Noble Phantasm of Spartacus, the Roar of the Wounded Beast.

Make perfect use of its own EX-level durability, withstand the damage of the enemy, and burst out with one last bang.

Yagi Xuesai is not that kind of merciful person. Of course he likes this kind of inhumane but very efficient Noble Phantasm.The most important thing is that Spartacus couldn't use all of this treasure due to the incomplete summoning of Chaldea. Therefore, although he will detonate all the magic power he has accumulated, he will not blow himself up .The price of weakening power is one's own survival.

Yagi is not worried that he will not be able to explain to Fujimaru Tachika later.

Although I don't know how many times this monster died before, no matter how many times...Yagi Xuesai has consumed him.At worst, just find 12 powerful servants and come over and kill this guy.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

In the hurricane of the explosion, Hercules' roar resounded through the sky.

Sure enough, his twelve trials are still there.

(End of this chapter)

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