Chapter 427 Surgery
The corridors of Chaldea were in disarray.

Matthew, who was already upset, stayed in the nursing home of the Medical Department, which was originally dead. Looking at Fujimaru Tachika who was lying on the bed with a frown, she seemed to be having a nightmare. Her orange hair was scattered on her cheeks. Excessive, although there is no lack of blood, it looks very haggard.

She bit her lips hard, her brows were furrowed more tightly, and accompanied by the pained expression that came from time to time, her body would twitch slightly, and her hands would subconsciously grab the quilt and sheets around her. Whenever this happened, Matthew would help her tidy the quilt.

Tidy as if just fell asleep.

She hoped that when Senior woke up, she could say to her in a calm tone; "Senior, good morning. Did you sleep well?"

In a tone as if nothing had happened, let me briefly mention it.

Matthew, who was already in a mess, heard the noise outside the house, and it became even louder. She thought it was someone like Nero, Elizabeth, Jing Ke (drunk) or Qing Ji who was messing around. She was a little angry, and she was full of anger. Leaving the infirmary, he yanked open the door of the infirmary. His purple eyes glanced dissatisfied at the place where the noise originated in the corridor. He was about to speak when the other party yelled, "Get out of the way! Little Eggplant!" !"

"Ah? Ah... hey?"

Before he had time to react, Matthew wasn't that kind of strong personality, and when the other party yelled in a tone like a punk, he subconsciously took half a step back to let the door of the infirmary open, and then he realized: this [Little Eggplant] Could it be your own? ?

Although it is true that I am wearing purple armor!But eggplant... this...

Matthew always felt in a delicate mood.After all, no one has ever given her a nickname. Although it feels a little bad to be called a vegetable, I can't tell what is bad, and I am a little happy.

There is only one person in Chaldea who can use this kind of tone like a delinquent boy, Mordred.This blond girl is wearing an armor with unpleasant eyes, and she is carrying Clarent to open the way ahead. Behind her are Sakata Kintoki and Martha. Martha's hands are constantly shining with pure white light, which seems to be continuously used. Healing magic.At the end of the line are the newest servants, Arjuna, and Artoria Alter, who rarely leaves her room, kitchen, and training room.

This combination is a bit rare.

Matthew stayed with Fujimaru Tachika in the infirmary all the time, and didn't know what was going on outside.Before everyone could explain, Mordred rushed into the infirmary and shouted, "Doctor!! Hurry up..."

Before the words were finished, there was a bang, and the brass bullet hit Mordred's forehead, and the huge impact knocked her back.

"Keep quiet for me in a medical situation, layman."

"Tsk! Don't hit me with bullets, you idiot! Anyway—take a look!"

The one who held the gun was naturally Niijima Yae. The girl with waterfall-like black hair tied her hair into a ponytail casually and put on a white coat over the kimono. I really don’t know how she handled the sleeves of the kimono.Looks like a doctor.

Her method of treatment is a gun, and naturally, she won't put it down in the infirmary.Hearing the noise just now, she who was worried about Fujimaru Tatsuka's injury fired a backhand angrily.Anyway, everyone is a follower, and there is no loss if you shoot one or two shots one by one.

While speaking, Sakata Kintoki had already rushed to the infirmary, behind him was bloody Yagi Yusai, his whole body was stained red with blood, but his mental state was not bad.

That's what makes him special.

At the same time, it has the characteristics of both a servant and a human. It doesn't matter when it receives a small injury on weekdays. It can be healed no matter whether it is a human or a servant.But when it came to such a life-threatening situation, it was necessary to heal part of his humanity and part of his servant at the same time.

Mirta continued to apply healing magic, which somewhat eased the injury, but a severed limb of this degree... still had to go to the infirmary.

Niijima Yae looked at him, and the girl who was already frowning showed a more obvious look of disgust: "One or two of you, you have to cause me so much trouble to be happy... Tsk... Preparing for surgery. Hey, then Defects on the side, go get saline and hydrogen peroxide. It's in the third cabinet from the right, the second compartment, with the label on it."

"Who are you calling bad, you bastard! Who are you to find fault with?"

When Mordred was called out by her, he immediately became angry, and swaggered the sword in his hand arrogantly.However, Yae Niijima showed no signs of fear, and instead repeated it more severely: "Normal saline and hydrogen peroxide, fast!"


It can be seen that Mordred is also a bit helpless. Who makes him a doctor?There was no way, Mordred could only suppress his anger and go to the cabinet to find medicine.Mr. Charles from the Niijima Yaki Medical Department went to prepare the equipment for the operation, as well as the pain-relieving potion and the magic potion for restoring the magic power. Doctor Nee called.

After all, he was originally the person in charge of the infirmary, and Niijima Yae needed a deputy for surgery, and he was the most suitable.

Arjuna stood silently at the door, with a look of pain and guilt on his dark skin.

"Mr. Arjuna... Excuse me, what's the matter? What happened?"

Mash asked the person who seemed the best to talk to.

"It's nothing. I just went to fight a little hidden boss. I went to farm some rare items, that's all. It's the normal state of rpg players."

Arjuna hadn't spoken yet, when Yagi Yusai's voice sounded.

It sounds a bit light, but the spirit is still very good.

Matthew's nose hurt when he heard this voice. He was obviously covered in blood and his arms were cut off. He could still speak in such a joking tone, as if he would never give up his sense of humor.

"I'm was my gaffe. It's still like this even though I'm following you."

Arjuna shook his head in pain and sighed.

He is very confident in his own strength, which makes him feel even more guilty. He obviously followed him, so how could such a thing happen?

"No. It is my responsibility. It is my proposal to let him fight."

Altria Alter, the Black King, calmly took over the responsibility.

Her tone was as calm as ever.

"I hope he can have more experience in confronting the strong, so that he won't insult the name of the holy sword. However, it seems that he is too hasty."

Altria Alter looked at Yagi Yusai, always very anxious.

She couldn't explain why either.

Probably, it's the delicate feelings of being both holy sword users... and being King Arthur.

If you look at yourself, then the mood is more shame and embarrassment.

But Yagi Yusai is different from Arturia Lily, he is a complete descendant of King Arthur from another world.

Whenever she saw him wielding a weapon so amateurishly, it made her unhappy.

I hope he will soon become a man worthy of the title of Holy Sword Master.

However, it seems a little too hasty.

Before Sakata Kintoki went to call for someone, Romani came over on his own initiative, changed into a brand new medical gown, white gloves and a mask, surprisingly reliable.

"Nijima, I'll help too."

"It's really reliable. Then, prepare for the blood transfusion immediately."

The infirmary became chaotic and busy. In the chaos, Fujimaru Tachika was still lying on the bed with a frown, and fell asleep in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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