Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 429 An Unknown Bond

Chapter 429 An Unknown Bond
"Oh? That's interesting...isn't it him?"

Scathach sighed with interest.

What she just wrote on Fujimaru Tachika's body is the rune text that can temporarily act as a magic circuit. If you think about it carefully, it is similar to [Human Body Transformation], Scatha is equivalent to temporarily handing over part of her magic circuit to her .

In the world of modern magic, this kind of magic is not uncommon.Many big families have spread the means of temporarily transforming ordinary people into magicians. Whether it is using bugs, implanting in the body or using special medicinal liquids, this method is not uncommon.

However, this approach also has a small problem.

That is the transplanted object, which will obtain part of the properties of the implanted object.

To give a simple example, a magic family with a fire attribute transplants a magic circuit to an ordinary person. Generally speaking, the temporary circuit owned by this ordinary person is also a fire attribute.

In the same way, Fujimaru Tachika was added magic rune by Scathach, and it should be a special magic system that will get [Celtic magic].

In this case, if she summons, it should be someone who has a deep bond with Celtic and Scathach.

In other words, it should be able to summon Cu Chulainn.

Unexpectedly, it was another person.

The slightly frivolous expression and the seriousness hidden between the brows, these two people are somewhat similar.However, it shouldn't deviate to such an extent, right?
(The seat of Heroes has no concept of time. If it's not the it the future? Will I have some kind of relationship with this black-haired boy with a sword in the future...I see. Speaking of my [Fate]— ——Is it really the disciple I accepted in Chaldea? It’s really good to be a teacher, me who is a follower.)
Scathach instantly understood the matter.

Should it be said that he is indeed the greatest teacher in Celtic legend?Comprehension ability is far beyond ordinary people.

In fact, what fetters will happen between these two people in the future, that will be the next thing.

Feeling the coincidence of fate for a long time, she chuckled, and flicked her wrist, and she grabbed the red gun in her wrist.

"I've changed my mind. For a rare occasion, I'll just accompany you to make a fuss."

Although Yagi Xuezhai didn't understand what was going on now, he could tell by looking at the sea of ​​skulls that he was definitely going to fight.He shrugged helplessly, picked up the transparent holy sword in his hand, and swung it casually. The hurricane danced wildly on the blade, and the tornado-like fierce wind blade instantly crushed a large area of ​​skeleton soldiers in front of him.

This feeling... is cool.

Yagi Xuesai finally understands why a certain company likes to release unparalleled games.

(When I first arrived in Fuyuki, I was attacked by skeleton soldiers... or dragon tooth soldiers? Ah, no matter, they are all skeletons anyway, so let’s treat them as skeleton soldiers. Now this is shame. Yes, this is the so-called gentleman Ten years is not too late for revenge.)
With happy thoughts in his heart, he waved the holy sword in his hand casually. He was no longer the weak sub-servant he was back then. Yagi Yusai's power has long been able to rank among the second-rate Servants, even among the first-rate Servants. Asking for a position, mere skeleton soldiers can't help him at all.

"Wild sword strike. Do you use your own strength as the core to fight with a wild intuition? No way. Who taught you this? It's really embarrassing."

However, Scathach sighed helplessly, obviously smashing a large number of enemies with ease, with a look of recklessness.

Without waiting for Yagi Xuesai to reply, she continued on her own:

"There should be many people who taught you swordsmanship, so your swordsmanship is very mixed. It can be clearly seen that one of them is a woman. Many of the swordsmanship taught you are not suitable for a man's height and arm span. Moreover, the instructor should compare [Technology] pays more attention to [intuition]. It should be that kind of instinctive warrior. Rely on intuition and powerful strength, and fight in a way similar to that of a beast. That method is indeed very efficient, but it is not very flexible for intuition For a human, that would be terrible. It is as if a human walks on two legs, and it would be impossible for a snake to learn this way."

Scathach explained in a calm voice.

Yagi Xuesai was taken aback and swallowed...


Did she mean Mordred?Indeed, that person prefers to cut directly rather than thinking...

"As for the other one, he should be the user of the great sword. His sword is wider and longer than yours, and obviously heavy. If I'm not mistaken, he should be much taller than you. And he is very strong. .So there are many things in his swordsmanship that are steady and steady. Many times, he will obviously sell a flaw, lure the opponent to attack, take damage and counterattack. The power of the big sword is very powerful, but it is not suitable for you. Although the sword in your hand is sharp, But the quality is too far behind. Originally, your arm is not long enough. If the sword is shorter, many sword techniques used to deter the enemy will not be able to be used.”

The more he listened to Skaha's explanation, the more Yagi Xuesai broke into a cold sweat.

So accurate.

Could this woman be a fortune teller?
"However, after picking up so many faults, your movement is worthy of recognition. Light and flexible, although it is not very suitable for you, but you don't have to pick it. It is the so-called analogy, learn this kind of pace, in the future, whether it is attack or distance , all have advantages. Very good. Although it is a bit twisted, at least it is a material that can be made. You should not learn swords for a long time, the longest will not exceed a year. Being able to train yourself to such a level is not just about Kung fu. It can be seen that you are a kind of spiritual person. I haven’t met such a teaching person for a long time.”

Hearing the love for talent in her words, Yagi Xuesai hurriedly climbed up: "Then, you have such insight, may I ask you for advice?"

"It's my pleasure. Then, when you have the opportunity, call me. I will guide you well as you wish."

"Ah, in fact, it can be done now."

Yagi Xuesai was unwilling to let go of any opportunity.

In addition, these are all skeleton soldiers, and they are all free targets.

Unlike the monsters like Hercules before, it is not life-threatening, and it just happens to be used as a feed.

Waiting for her to answer the call?Is that something about the Year of the Monkey?

who knows?Now is the chance, of course now!
This is the so-called [causing a fait accompli]!
Seeming to see through his thoughts, Scar laughed loudly: "I like you very much. As a Celtic, it should be like this. Then, continue."

As she said, she threw the red spear in her hand towards Yagi Xuesai.


Yagi Yusai had never used this weapon.

The stick was used.gun just...

Has it been used in the game?
"Lent it to you first. Try it."

Yagi Xuesai now holds a sword in his left hand and a gun in his right, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Is it with a sword?Or with a gun?Or……

Two swords (guns) flow?

(End of this chapter)

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