Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 437 VOL.1 Da Vinci's Resentment

Chapter 437 VOL.1 Da Vinci's Resentment
"People want it!"

The female voice has a strong smell, obviously begging.

"People want it too!"

She repeated it, the longing in her voice deepening.

"It doesn't matter, people want it!"

Yagi Xuesai, whose arm was being shaken by her, could only sigh helplessly, followed her wishes with great reluctance, and asked, "What do you want?"

"They are going to develop that kind of treasure for spirits! The same kind of weapon as that female Robin Hood!"

The speaker is Da Vinci.

Although the gender is male, Leonardo da Vinci of Chaldea regarded the concept of Mona Lisa as a basis for coming, so it can be understood that this is the genius Da Vinci as the mind and the beautiful Mona Lisa as the The perfect combination for the body.

Now this mature older sister seems to have returned to the time of a little girl, begging Yagi Xuesai in a coquettish voice.

It should have started when the female Robin Hood came to Chaldea.

According to Robin Hood (male), Robin Hood is not [a hero], but [the concept of a group of heroes].

This feeling is like the assassin Hassan, there is not only one, according to Hassan, the curse arm, it seems that there are all kinds of Hassans, quiet, drunk... There are many Hassans, and there is one most original, the starting point of all Hassans That Hassan in the house is a lot anyway.

In the same way, Robin Hood is also a green forest organization.If you think about it carefully, you can understand that in those days, it was really a little bit of a stretch to fight against the army by yourself in the forest.A group of people formed a resistance organization called Robin Hood, which was later legendary as a single person.This is the truth of the legend.

However, looking at the feelings of the two people, they are very at odds, as if they both think that each other is a fake...

But that's not the point. The point is that the female Robin Hood is carrying an extremely stylish firearm on her back, which is an extremely advanced weapon even in the timeline where Chaldea is located.

The name of the gun is [Leonardo Da Vinci].

This is the most amazing thing about this gun.

Traces of servants were also detected on this gun.

Yes, the female Robin Hood is a servant, and the gun in her hand is another servant.

Out of curiosity, Da Vinci stalked and insisted on asking the female Robin Hood to lend him this firearm, but she refused, and then Da Vinci became like this.The whole person became strange.

This is what others cannot understand, the obsession of an artist, or a genius, right?How could Da Vinci sit and watch someone name a treasure after him?

Ever since, she called Yagi Xuesai to her workshop, and pestered him to have sex.

In fact, that gun was a weapon obtained by this female Robin Hood servant during a certain Holy Grail War.For some reason, landing as a Noble Phantasm.

The gun in his hand seems to be a weapon made from the spirit foundation of [Da Vinci] in that Holy Grail War.It appears to have been designed by da Vinci himself.

This made Da Vinci of Chaldea instantly ignite a sense of struggle: Everyone is Da Vinci, you can do it, there is no reason I can’t do it, right?

So after thinking about it, she slapped her head, and suddenly remembered, Yagi Xuesai said it before!He couldn't release the real name of the holy sword at that time, so in order to have a wide-area attack method, he was going to make an artificial magic sword.

Like Balmonk, it uses the gems of the Age of Gods as the core, and then uses high-quality metals to cast swords.

As long as the magic power is injected into the gem, the internal circuit can be activated, the magic power will be increased, and the torrent of magic power will be swayed to bombard the enemy.It can be said that this is a simple treasure, or an ordinary booster.

He even asked Medea to fix the gemstones, but later because he could suddenly release the treasure, he put it aside.Unexpectedly, it was mentioned here suddenly.

But even if it was such a crude man-made treasure, Da Vinci just couldn't swallow it.

How could that bad old man make such a powerful man-made treasure!Moreover, why did he incorporate his own spiritual foundation into it, and it was filled with puzzling spells, which obviously didn't look like magic, even Medea was confused when she saw it, but Yagi Yusai After looking at the lines she had drawn for a long time, I realized: Isn't this a circuit diagram?

The conclusion is that the gun is a precious anti-spiritual treasure that is combined with Da Vinci's spirit foundation through scientific methods.And followers are all spirits.

"In short, you wanted to do it some time ago! Sword! Let's design it! Quickly, take out your previous design drawing!"

Yagi Xuesai smiled wryly, even he himself forgot about it.

After all, I was able to use the Noble Phantasm somehow.

But soon he changed his mind.

He is the kind of person who would keep complaining if he was suddenly stuffed with work that didn't belong to him, but he would go on to do it happily after complaining.

Yagi Yusai still kept that blueprint.

Showing it to Da Vinci only made this genius frown in distress, and casually threw his painstaking design drawing—in fact, it was not painstaking, but it took him 10 minutes to make it when his mind was hot—and threw it aside. .

"Hey, you should at least respect the fruits of my labor, this is intellectual property!"

"There is no reference value at all. Forget it, give me the gem that Medea gave you! Let the almighty Da Vinci personally design a treasure that is more stylish than that one! —Give it to me Wait, old man..."

Da Vinci frowned, Yagi Xuesai felt more and more strange the more he listened, why... it seems that this Da Vinci relative kept emphasizing the age of the other Da Vinci when he was talking about another Da Vinci?
Although I was curious about the reason, but looking at Da Vinci's appearance, it shouldn't feel like he can communicate... I simply gave up.

Isn't this the same as the bickering between Robin Hood (male) and Robin Hood (female)?Others getting involved will only make yourself unhappy.

Well, anyway, you can never have too many cards!

Moreover, if there is really a particularly cool sword... To be honest, he is quite excited.

At that time, the transparent sword will be able to be used as the weapon of the yin people.

At that time, my left hand will be the spear given to me by Scathach, and the right hand will be the long sword given to me by Da Vinci. Who would have thought that his treasure is actually a transparent sword that can be summoned to his hand at any time?

Generally speaking, what followers guard against are weapons.

Because, from the point of view of common sense, weapons are the most revealing things for a follower.

For example, saber's weapon is a sword or a knife.

Lancer's weapon is a gun.

Archer's weapon is a bow.

This is very common reasoning. fact, there are quite a lot of variables...

For example, the silver-haired and red-clothed archer who responded to the call not long ago had two daggers, one black and one white.

For example, Alexander, although the weapon is a sword, but the occupation is a rider.

When the time comes, I will be holding a big sword that attracts the wind, so I am sure everyone's attention will be on the big sword!At that time, I can use that transparent sword myself... Hehehe...

This tactic successfully killed Oda Nobunaga (bad) in the previous Honnoji Temple, which shows that it is really useful.

Therefore, in the recent period of time, Chaldea has circulated complaints that there are always strange voices in Da Vinci's workshop.Dr. Romani was miserable, and his workload increased a lot.

However, these are all things to come.

(End of this chapter)

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