Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 450 Vol.14 Exercise

Chapter 450 Vol.14 Exercise
Leonidas is also working hard on herself today.

Is it because of Scathach's arrival?Are you also a lancer job agent, and are you keen on the attribute of exercise?

Or, did Leonidas feel unwilling because of Arash's death?

Today's Leonidas bravely waved his gun shield. In the imaginary training room, there were 800 people standing on the open plain.

There were Roman soldiers whom I had seen before, French soldiers holding muskets, and even dragon tooth soldiers that Fuyuki had seen mixed in.

Leonidas guns and shields came out together, combined into a fatal blow, repelling all the enemies who approached.

"Leonidas! Left!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka frowned tightly, and a wave of heat surged in her body, as if a red-hot iron nail was smashed into her spine, the sudden tingling and burning sensation approached, causing her to clench her teeth .

This is the necessary test for a magician to use magic.

The magic power flowing in the body will turn into such a scorching torrent. When summoning the servants, Chaldea has already provided most of the magic power consumption. Even so, this small part is not something ordinary people can afford casually of.

The girl was covered in sweat from the sudden burning pain, her clothes were wet and stuck to her body, and her vest seemed to be stuck in mud, sticky and very uncomfortable.

With the penetration of the magic power, Leonidas only felt that his whole body was full of strength. With a loud shout, he turned his feet and turned the large shield in his left hand violently, aiming at the Roman soldiers rushing up from his side. Smash, smash him all into the air!

That is a force comparable to that of a heavy truck running over. Ordinary people will have their heads blown after being hit by this. Even if they are heroic spirits, they will definitely be smashed to pieces.

This is the [support] that Fujimaru Tachika has gradually become proficient recently.

Instantly strengthen.

A support ability that sounds like it can immediately understand what effect it is.

It was to inject his magic into the followers, and then let him strengthen the combat effectiveness in an instant.

Sometimes, that's it.Evenly divided attacks, as long as a little change is added, the balance will be deflected.There is a saying called "the last straw that broke the camel's back".

In the battle between a follower and the enemy, as long as he can grasp the opportunity and inject magic power into it, the follower will use all his strength for the next blow, and maybe he will be able to defeat the enemy.

Of course, the premise is [seize the opportunity].

Therefore, Fujimaru Tachika will train here.

Command training.

When she heard that her master offered to train with her, Leonida's whole body boiled over!The blood is burning, and the word Spartan education was born in his country!He doesn't really want to admit it, but he's one of those crazy workout freaks.

Therefore, the two will be combined to train here.

Leonidas goal is to protect Fujimaru Tachika's comprehensiveness in the melee of 800 people.

The goal of Fujimaru Tachika is naturally to assist Leonidas in repelling these people.

It has been more than three hours since the two of them entered the training room. For human beings, this is already the limit of concentration. The brain is thinking about various things rapidly, and the thinking gradually becomes rigid and unable to function.

Leonidas had defeated more than 300 people. As the Roman soldiers at the forefront were defeated, the French soldiers who raised their guns and formed a circle in the back row finally began to show their power.

With the first gunshot, followed by intensive gunfire.

The enemies here are all composed of electronic data mixed with magic power, even if they hit, they will not cause substantial damage to the Master.But the pain is really, really painful.


Fujimaru Tatsuka yelled.


The girl with the big shield who blocked the enemy from the side immediately withdrew her strength. With her hand drawn, the Roman soldier who was wrestling with her flew into the air, and the bullet hit him from behind, hitting him from the vest, and the whole person turned into one. A pile of electronic data disappeared.

Fujimaru Tachika injected magic power into Mash's legs, and the purple girl rushed to her side with one step enhanced by magic power. The big shield was pushed out, and a safe area was vacated in the arm, and Fujimaru Tachika hurriedly burrowed past.

Behind is the security defense of a large shield, and in front of him is Mash's body wrapped in armor. The body of a follower is different from that of a human being, and is much stronger.There are defenses on the front and back sides, and Fujimaru Tateka breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time ordered Leonidas: "The enemy's weapon is a tunnel-fired gun, and it must be reloaded after one shot! Don't miss the opportunity!"

"no problem!"

Hearing Leonidas heroic answer, his body turned twice immediately, and the large shield in his hand was thrown towards the French soldier on the left who was putting down his gun to reload!It's like a discus!No, it would be too disrespectful to say the discus, it was a legendary hidden weapon like a drop of blood, and the large shield, which was whirling at high speed, was already comparable to a sharp machete under Leonidas' full throw.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leonidas picked up the spear with both hands and rushed towards the soldiers on the left. The rock-solid muscles on his thick arms burst out with terrifying strength. Leonidas, who had entered the enemy's line, let out a ecstasy roar, In one breath, he knocked down a hundred people with a gun.

The battle is set.


Before Fujimaru Tachika came back, the three of them were closely watching the battle in the Chaldea control room.

Da Vinci pushed his glasses and asked, "How is it?"

Romani on the side laughed, with a satisfied expression on his face: "Isn't this amazing! Obviously, it can reach this level with only two servants who are mainly shields. Lixiang is very powerful."

"Still a long way to go."

Noelle pouted with a dissatisfied expression.

It's not that she has a bad mouth or is deliberately picking on the thorns. Really, if you compare it with the elites of Group A... No, let's not talk about Group A, don't look at Yagi Xuesai's joking, he is also the chief of Group B. If it is him, command It will probably be easier for the Servants to carry out the tough battle.

In the case of group A, even the heroic spirits are not needed, and these ordinary soldiers can be defeated by themselves.

But soon, she suddenly remembered the change of opinion about Yagi Xuesai, so she immediately added another sentence.

"For a novice, that's not bad. A lot of progress."

It's not enough to just hit blindly.Now group A is in a coma, and it is useless to say anything.

"Yeah. Great progress."

In Da Vinci's words, there was an unexpected taste of depression.

That's right, this innocent, playful and cheerful girl would think about the battle so seriously and delve into the strategy of the battle... Is this luck or misfortune?
The contrast is too great.

That girl has grown up.

Especially on the spiritual level, she has now begun to become a Master.

Growth is the cruelest thing in this world.

Everyone will lose their most important things while growing up, and gradually adapt to the world as they grow up, and finally become a completely different posture from their original self.

Children used to dream of being scientists, pilots, astronauts, etc., which were full of impossible fantasies, but as time grew, these beautiful bubbles were gradually replaced by ugly reality. As adults, their dreams have become to make a lot of money. Wife and boss don't be stupid, don't work overtime during the holidays and other extremely realistic dreams without dreams.

This girl grew up so early, Da Vinci only felt a little distressed.

In order to win, she should become even better.

But considering her age and personality, such growth is indeed too cruel.

Condensing all the things in one sigh, Da Vinci put on that perfect mysterious smile, restored to the omnipotent genius who can solve everything, and waited for Fujimaru Tachika's triumphant return.

(End of this chapter)

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