Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 456 VOL.20 Gathering of Military Strategists

Chapter 456 VOL.20 Gathering of Military Strategists
"Well, this room is too hot. Oh, is the air conditioning system broken?"

Using a white handkerchief embroidered with golden roses to wipe the sweat that kept pouring out of his forehead, the fat man whined while taking the remote control of the air conditioner, and kept lowering the number on it.

In Chaldea, there is probably only one such obese person.


The legendary military strategist.

This man doesn't know what he went through to become this kind of virtue.

Pampered?Or is it self-defeating?

According to the legend, Caesar was a handsome and handsome man. Countless statues and portraits all said the same thing. How could Caesar of Chaldea be a fat man?

When asked about Caesar, he himself laughed and justified himself: This is to make everyone pay more attention to his military talents instead of his beauty, so he deliberately gained weight.

But looking at his smiling face, no matter how you look at it, it is nonsense.It is estimated that it took 30 seconds to come up with nonsense.

He adjusted the air conditioner and confirmed that there was cold wind blowing down from the ceiling. Then he put down the remote control in his hand and secretly observed the other people at the same table.

For the servants, the temperature didn't have that big of an impact, what really made Caesar uncomfortable was sitting with the other two.

One is the legendary ever-victorious emperor [Napoleon Bonaparte], who was born much later than himself in history, but whose popularity is not lost to him at all.Oh, no, this spiritual base in Chaldea should be called [Napoleon Buwanaba].

It was the fusion of the immature boy Napoleon and the future powerful emperor Napoleon who met in France and Chaldea, that is, the [Pseudo Servant].It seems that Napoleon's body can be summoned if certain conditions are met, but the condition is not yet clear.

The existence of this military strategist made Caesar couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, not daring to relax too much.


"Well, that's amazing, Napoleon. Well, then, at this time, let's recruit troops from the local area."

The red-haired boy rested his chin on one hand, frowned, stared at the chessboard for a long time, and finally made the above remarks.While speaking, he picked up a black chess piece from the eaten ones and placed it on the board.

It was another military strategist, Alexander, who was playing chess with Napoleon.

It was this lord who made Caesar restless.

Although the one staying in Chaldea is only the childish state of Lord Iskandar, but this is also Iskandar!

The goal of Caesar's longing, the highest strategist in Caesar's heart, is standing in front of him now, how can he keep calm?

He never told anyone else that Caesar once had a woman he loved deeply.Fortunately, that lady is not a weak woman who only knows how to cling to a man, but a strong man who can gallop with him.

The two dreamed together to build a [Roman-Egyptian Empire], like the conqueror, to create a huge empire.

Although Caesar died in an assassination in the end, it is not difficult to see his respect for Iskandar (Alexander) from the fragments of these dreams.

To be able to sit with him today is really flattering.This is also the main reason for his restlessness.

He came a little late, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw two people playing chess. Caesar was smart enough not to disturb them, but just watching, he couldn't restrain his enthusiasm, so he could only move here and touch there, like a Like a child.

Seeing Alexander put the killed pieces back on the chessboard like a fool, Napoleon smiled slightly and said, "In that case, it will be my turn after one round is consumed."

As he spoke, he laid down the pawn that Alexander had just put on it, together with the surrounding pawns.

"what are you doing?"

Alexander hurried.

"My knight is about to attack."

"How can there be so much reason for knights to attack?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't understand, this is my French dragoon!"

Here is a little explanation, the dragoons are a unit that really existed in history, but they are not the cavalry riding a dragon as everyone understands, but the cavalry equipped with muskets.It seems that in that era, dragon was one of the synonymous names for muskets.

"But, then you only have one knight left!"

"There is nothing impossible in my Napoleon's dictionary!"

"Then you can change a dictionary! In short, this game is too shameless, so I reject it."

Alexander quit, and started directly, preventing Napoleon from continuing to knock down his chess pieces with a smile.

These two people are both famous military strategists in history, but they both came to Chaldea as teenagers, and they did things like children.

After arguing for a while, the two ended up flipping the chessboard over.

Here we can also see the military thinking of these two people.

Alexander had an active mind. Although everyone said that chess trains the mind, it is not appropriate to use chess to compare the battlefield. As Alexander just said, mobilizing troops in conquered areas is also a normal method.

Most people would accuse Alexander of cheating when they encountered such a situation, but Napoleon was different.He is not the kind of person who follows the rules. Seeing Alexander like this, he will follow his plan and add modern settings to himself.

Really good friends.

After the game was over, the three military strategists formally greeted each other and sat down.

"I said, don't make too much noise."

Joan reminded them in a low voice.

Yes, the location of the three of them is the newly opened [Saints Club], or [Prayer Hall].

At first, Alexander just came in curiously, and didn't really want to pray or anything. Then Napoleon really came to meet this Joan of Arc, who is also a French hero.

Seeing that Alexander was coming, the two talked about strategy in three or five sentences, and then they directly spread out the chessboard and started fighting.

Where did the chessboard come from?I asked Napoleon, and it seems that Ms. Jamyer, an employee of Chaldea, gave her a chess that comes with a foldable board and can be carried around.Napoleon carried it everywhere.

(It’s Miss Kimmel again.)
Joan of Arc remembered that mature and stable lady again.In Chaldea, her temperament is the most unique.It seems that because Ms. Cammyer is French, she is particularly concerned about these French servants.

(One day I will find a chance to thank her.)
Thinking of this, Joan returned her gaze to the table where the three military strategists were sitting together. No one prayed, but sat and played chess together.Now the chess is over, should they go?
However, if you look closely...

These three people seem to have no intention of leaving at all? !
(End of this chapter)

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