Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 461 The Magic City of Singing

Chapter 461 The Magic City of Singing

"Hmm, hum, hum... When the time comes, I will pose like this when the little deer boy arrives. Do you think so?"

Facing the mirror, the cute girl posed in a pose with her right hand behind her head, her left hand on her waist, and her body twisted into an S shape. She looked a bit like a model, and a bit like an idol. In short, she was a person who should Very cute action.

But to be reasonable, this action was supposed to highlight the S-shaped curve of women, but she made it, it just looks like an I, which has to make people feel sad.

The speaker was wearing a fluffy skirt, a black and orange outfit, a big black hat with a wide brim, and was holding an orange trident in his hand. He looked very much like a witch image from the last century, but he added A lot of modern elements, combined with this sexy pose, it seems that people don't know what to say.

Yagi Xuesai was troubled for a long time, finally nodded and said:

"I think it's okay."

"What do you mean it's okay! It's too perfunctory for me! Then why don't you talk about my pose?"

"Well, when the time comes, I'll find a big pumpkin for you to get out of, do you think so?"

"Hmm... um... tsk, huh, he's obviously a paparazzi, doesn't he understand that! Tell me, should I get out of a pumpkin, a cake, or a gift box?!"

After hearing Yagi's words, her interest suddenly picked up again, and Yagi Xuesai sighed: "Pumpkins. It's the best match for Halloween. You said Halloween is a pumpkin, right?"

"Yeah! That's it! Okay, paparazzi! It's really right to ask you to come here! Although it seems that you have little experience as a producer, you can always make interesting suggestions!"

"Then I'll go find a pumpkin...something big enough for you to hide in."

"Hmm!! Go, go, go!"

Not at all nostalgic, the girl was engrossed in giving Xiao Luzai a shocking pose and continued to practice in front of the mirror.

Yagi Xuesai sighed, thinking why he was so miserable, then left the room and went outside.

In the whole of Chaldea, there is only one follower who will refer to Yagi Xuesai\Fujimaru Tachika with puppy\little deer.Elizabeth Bathory.

In history, she was known as the Bloody Countess, and also the prototype of the legendary female vampire [Camilla].

In history, she was a naive and cruel woman.

Because naive, so cruel.

It's like a child can do evil things without any malice, such as filling the ant hole with water, but completely ignore the feelings of the ants.How could Elizabeth, who had been indoctrinated with the decadent ideas of nobility since she was a child, expect her to have a normal view of good and evil?

She didn't understand until she died, she just killed some girls, why was she sentenced to death?How the lord handles his subjects has nothing to do with outsiders?It's like human beings can eat bread, what's wrong with that?

What Chaldea summoned was a young Elizabeth, to be more specific, when she was about 14 years old.For women, it is the time when it is easy to dream of flirtatious princesses.Elizabeth is no exception, because of the dragon tooth symbol on her family crest, she forcibly pinched a dragon attribute for herself, and then because she came into contact with idol culture after she appeared in the world, she decided [I am the number one in the world, the invincible and cute in the universe, of course He is a natural idol] so he has such a unique attribute.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that historians are liars.

Yagi Xuesai was firm in this idea.

Now that it is confirmed who the hostess is here, it is easy to speculate about this castle. 【Prison City Chahdis】.

In the corridor, a woman wearing a maid outfit, with her hands and feet completely covered by huge plush gloves, is using a cheerful smile and large movements to direct the hard workers in the city—the souls who once died tragically in this castle. — to decorate for the holidays.

"Okay! Here you need to brush more! Bark! If you want to hang more pumpkins over there, you need to pick up!"

She is full of incomprehensible adjectives. The sad thing is that the ghosts in this city can't disobey Elizabeth, who is the lord of the city, and naturally they can't disobey the Tamamo cat who was chosen by the lord to be in charge.

Why is Tamamo cat here?

who knows.

But Yagi Xuesai speculates, probably the same as himself?

As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two.

When I was at the Honnoji Temple, I had unintentionally responded to the Holy Grail's call and was pulled over to become a follower.

It's the same this time.

He was brushing Pokemon on the bed. It took seven hours to brush Pikachu with full individual value. He was upset and was about to give up. He was summoned to the city of Chahdis...

It was none other than Elizabeth who summoned him.At that time, she had already put on the clothes that looked like a witch, and said to herself: "Little paparazzi! Isn't this a little paparazzi! Follow me as my producer! Since you are so enthusiastic, then I don't Rejected! Come and help prepare the best banquet together!"

Ever since, Yagi Xuesai, who didn't know why, was forcibly pulled as a young man.

Moreover, just like Honnoji before, when he is summoned by the Holy Grail, he will definitely be given the power of [Unable to Disobey the Holder of the Holy Grail]. Simply put, he cannot leave Elizabeth too far unless she has an order.


Why is my life so miserable?
I was dragged over to be a cook in the middle of brushing the individual before, and was beaten up by the head chef in the end.Because of violating discipline, Noelle deducted two months of performance bonus.

Now that the brushing of the individual is almost complete, it is summoned again inexplicably.

It can be seen that there are risks in playing Pokemon to brush the individual value, so we must be cautious, and be careful not to be suddenly summoned when brushing the individual value.

Now he feels more and more that it should be, should it be... that he is not lucky enough?

Impossible!In my panel, luck is A+++, okay?
This really makes people don't know what to do.

In any case, with Elizabeth's order to "find a big pumpkin", he was finally able to leave that damned room and go see the other summoned servants.

"Ah! Yagi! Good morning!"

As soon as Yagi Yusai came out, Tamamo greeted him with a bright smile and furry paws. Yagi Yusai simply nodded and walked past her quickly, for fear of being caught by her.

"No matter must escape from this must not put Lixiang in danger...this concert is simply must protect her."

Yagi Xuesai muttered about his determination.

Deliberately erasing the address on the invitation letter, it is estimated that it can only be delayed for a while.With Fujimaru Tachika's personality, he should quickly go find someone to analyze the traces of magic power inside, and he will still be able to lock here.

To end this before Elizabeth sings...

(End of this chapter)

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