Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 477 Purgatory Kitchen

Chapter 477 Purgatory Kitchen (?)

"Hoohoo, it's finally here, Lord husband! Ah, two Lords Anzhen...Hoohoo..."

From the deepest part of the kitchen, the girl's whisper resounded through the room.

Generally speaking, the word whispering means that the sound is soft and does not spread far, but for some reason, Qingji's whispering can be clearly heard by everyone present.

It was a whisper reminiscent of a ghost.

"Hey, are you Chaldea haunted by ghosts? Me, me, me, I'm not good at ghosts... I don't have glutinous rice or black dog blood..." (PS: Legend has it that glutinous rice can be cured Zombies, black dog blood can ward off evil spirits.)
Ding Xiaowan was too frightened to die, Yagi smiled wryly, if he had to die, then they were all [ghosts].The servants of Chaldea are basically dead.Yagi and Mash are the exceptions.

Moreover, Qing Ji...

Indeed, after returning to Chaldea from France, I always feel that something is missing...

Now that I think about it carefully, it turned out that it was Qing Ji.

This girl, who has always been crazy about Fujimaru Tachika, unexpectedly didn't come along with her to make a fuss this time.

I thought she had changed her ways, but it turns out... so... is she also planning some great plan!
This point is not wrong.

Even a servant like Elizabeth, who doesn't seem to be familiar with Fujimaru Tachika, would think of using the power of the Holy Grail to help Fujimaru Tachika, how could Kiyohime not think of it?

Chaldea recovered some of the Holy Grails and kept them in special warehouses.It should be impossible for anyone to invade.

However, I don't know what method Qing Ji used to get the Holy Grail... Could it be that she also went to a singularity point and picked up a Holy Grail?

Just like Elizabeth's time, Kiyohime, who got the Holy Grail, made a wish of "I hope Fujimaru Tachika will be happy" on the Holy Grail.

Many people only know that the Holy Grail can fulfill wishes, but they don't know the way the Holy Grail fulfills wishes.

The way of the Holy Grail to realize the wish can and can only be the method that the wisher knows.

In other words, the wisher must have a complete implementation plan, and then the Holy Grail can follow your plan to achieve the desired result.To put it bluntly, the Holy Grail is like an accelerator, which speeds up the completion of what you are going to do.It's pointless if you don't know what to do.

If it is a cold-blooded and ruthless killer who promises a path of world peace, but he does not know how to maintain peace, then the Holy Grail will follow his usual practice and kill all human beings except him, so that the world will be peaceful.

This is the way the Holy Grail grants wishes.

It can be said that the Holy Grail is something that can speed up the process.

It cannot replace the wisher to find a solution to achieve the wish.

After all, the Holy Grail is essentially a huge source of magic power.By analogy, it is a huge battery pack. You can do all kinds of things after you connect it to the circuit, but it is too difficult for the battery to draw a circuit diagram for it.

Qing Ji has always regarded herself as a "gentle, diligent and thrifty housekeeper, Yamato Nadeko, a good woman". In her heart, the one who can heal the Master (husband) most is of course...

"Hmph... welcome to Purgatory Kitchen."

In the middle of the kitchen, a white-haired man in a red dress greeted everyone in a sitting posture.An aura of the final boss.He raised his eyes, with a look of disdainful arrogance between his brows.Visible to the naked eye on his body, you can see the dazzling, constantly shining red light, surrounding him like water vapor.As if possessed by something.

"This is the place to respond to the dreams of wishers. Here, we present you with world-class cuisine."

The man in red is none other than Emiya, who was called the chef before.

The archer in red is exceptionally good in the field of cooking.It's so powerful that it makes people doubt that his skill is not magic C-, but culinary EX.

"That, Chef Emiya?"

Yagi Xuesai called him uncertainly, but Emiya just stared and said angrily: "I am the chief instructor of this Hell's Kitchen! It's not something a chef can sum up!"

(Obviously you just said that you are from Purgatory Kitchen.)
Yagi Xuesai complained in his heart.

It seems that Chaldea was invaded by an incredible force.

But considering the time of Oda Nobunaga before, it is not unacceptable.

"Fufu, is that the focus of this time? As long as you use cooking to make her feel better! Woah!"

At some point, Tamamo, who had changed into her maid outfit, was still wearing those big and exaggerated animal claw gloves, with a kitchen knife stuffed between each finger.

"Ah, ah, I really feel a little sorry for meeting you here in this way. However, this is not a bad thing, just eat a little more today and enjoy yourself."

Next to Yuzao Cat is Miss Boudica, who has changed into a modern chef's costume. She is wearing a particularly tall white hat that everyone can see from various modern dramas. The sword and shield in her hand have been replaced by Bowls and whisks are constantly stirring the viscous pasty liquid.

"And then there are special guests, the chef specially invited by Purgatory Kitchen, Miss Fox Demon, who is the best in both Japanese and Western cuisine!"

"Don't call me a fox demon! At least I must be a fox fairy! How rude!"

In the back kitchen, a woman's dissatisfied voice came from the host. It was a man holding a microphone, wearing green clothes, and a brown cloak. He had reddish-brown hair and beard. It doesn't look serious, holding a microphone in his hand, no matter how you look at it, it's weird.

"Oh, I'm sorry, [give-every-man-thy-ear, but-few-thy-voice. From "Hamlet") ahem, we almost forgot our creed."

Another follower I have never seen before.

Yagi Xuezhai looked at this unprincipled middle-aged uncle with a strange expression on his face.

I thought that Chaldea was invaded by something again this time?

Because each of the few people who spoke to them just now exuded the same aura as Chef Emiya, a certain vague aura attached to them.Give people a different feeling.

Specifically, the concentration is different.

The traces of the inexplicable magical reaction were not deeply imprinted on these people.

Is this... an enhanced mode triggered by the Holy Grail?
I do not know.

"Well, so... what happened?"

Fujimaru Tachika was completely confused and didn't know what happened.

Chiron, who had just responded to the call, looked at Chaldea's appearance, smiled dryly, and prevaricated: "It seems that Chaldea is really a very interesting place."

"Well, in short, you said that you want to entertain us with a banquet, so what about the meal?"

Yagi Yusai sighed, and decided to ignore all problems and go straight to the point.

"Oh! Oh oh oh! That's a good question, boy! It's good to get straight to the point. However, if you directly let you eat, it would be too non-dramatic, like Coke without carbonated. Well, I will not allow it So, come on! The First Man-Han Cooking Competition in Chaldea! Start now!"

The host uncle didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly waved his hand and made such a declaration.


(End of this chapter)

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