Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 487 Sure enough, I still have to fight!

Chapter 487 Sure enough, I still have to fight!
It's a strange singularity that makes one wonder what to say.

The ordinary onlookers, headed by Ding Xiaowan, who had no idea what was going on here, just watched the two quarreling in bewilderment at the moment.

This reminded Ding Xiaowan of the bad movies she had seen in the past. She didn't know what was going on throughout the film, until the fight broke out, and everyone didn't care who was hitting who was good and who was bad, as long as some fought.

To be honest, she was eagerly looking forward to the fight as soon as possible, in the mood that watching the excitement was not a big deal.

"I said! You third-rate ones! The kitchen is a sacred place! If you don't want to cook, I'm here to defend the sacred majesty of the kitchen!"

It was Emiya who spoke.

The man in red had an angry expression on his brown face.

His change is the biggest of all.

It makes people wonder why.

Everyone carried that strange aura more or less, but Wei Gong changed the most.It's so big that I don't know how to describe it.

"Well, but, it seems to me that it's messed up now..."

Yagi Yusai timidly complained.

"Hmph...these people are unreliable at all. The kitchen is like a battlefield. Then, just use force to speak."

As he spoke, the magic power in Wei Gong's body surged wildly, and he waved his hands, and a black and white weapon appeared in his hand!
That was Yagi Xuesai who had seen it a long time ago... no, he hadn't seen it before... the black frying spoon and the white rice shovel.

"I-am-the-bone-of-my-Kitchen. (My body is the bone of the kitchen)"

As he chanted in a low voice, huge magic power expanded from under his feet, like a eroding flame.

"Inherent enchantment?!"

Chiron saw through the real body of this wonderful chant at a glance.

"pan-is-my-body, and-spatula-is-my-hand. (The pan is my body, and the spatula is my hand)..."

Before Chiron could react, the surrounding scenery had changed.

In the dusk sky, the huge gears were biting together, making a heavy and slow sound.The huge gears meshed with each other, resounding through the sky.

The terrain is hills.

On the hills dyed black, there are densely packed... kitchen utensils.

Kitchen knife, butcher knife, bone breaking axe, spatula, frying spoon, colander, pot, bowl, casserole, steamer, stove...

Hello!What the hell did you put in the intrinsic barrier!
Chiron was also shocked.

Even though he has great wisdom enough to be called a sage, he has never seen such a battle.

That's right, after all, cooking skills were not included in the criteria of the ancient sages.

Moreover, this deep sense of incongruity...

You must know that the inherent enchantment is a considerable level of magic, which can erode reality with the inner scenery, and seal everything in the world conceived by oneself.

And such a powerful magic was actually used by him to summon pots and pans? !
Chiron was already shocked by this idea, and he would definitely not be even more shocked unless someone took the legendary holy sword to cut pork in front of him.

Possessed by an evil spirit from nowhere, Emiya held a weapon...a tableware in each hand, and directly broke through to the crowd.

The scene was very chaotic for a while.

Dr. Romani no longer cared about his face, and hugged the luxurious seafood dish just brought up by Yuzao. Scatha stared at him with a look of great interest. He had already clenched the red gun tightly in his hand. He stopped and stretched several times, but he didn't rush to fight.

After all, she still has the reserve of being a master. At this time, she should let her apprentices accumulate experience.But... this is an inherent enchantment!Even Scathach has never seen many fresh magic tricks!The demons and gods in the Kingdom of Shadows generally use more advanced things, which are rarely used, and Scathach rarely enters the inherent barrier.

Now she is debating whether to do it herself or to give her apprentice a chance to perform.

Leonid's reaction was quick, and he kicked the table in front of him flying. The long table quickly circled twice, and landed in front of Fujimaru Tatsuka with a bang, blocking the way for Emiya to advance. Immediately afterwards, the crimson cloak accompanied Wearing a large pure gold shield, a rapid leap was already in front of Fujimaru Tachika.

Perhaps, the brain is full of muscles, but Leonidas is undoubtedly an excellent guard.Seeing that the master was in danger, he was the first to rush over.Even faster than Mash who stayed by Fujimaru Tachika's side, he entered the fighting state.

Yagi Xuesai picked up the red spear in his hand, took a step forward, the long spear held against Emiya's rice shovel, turned around, crushed his rice shovel, and stabbed him on the shoulder.

At the same time, Chiron also picked up the big bright yellow bow and shot two arrows at Wei Gong, which pierced the other arm of Chef Wei Gong.

Ding Xiaowan had never seen such a battle before. She was so frightened that she subconsciously shrank behind Fujimaru Tatsuka. Fujimaru Tatsuka would comfort her from time to time, and kept saying: "It's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid, it's all Let's expand!"

"Ahh! Those over there! Don't fish in troubled waters!"

When Qing Ji, who had been fighting with Yuzao all this time, saw this, she screamed and swooped over, baring her teeth and claws, as if she wanted to burn Ding Xiaowan to death.

Yuzao stared angrily at Qing Jiyuan's back, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you! You don't know what it is! Could it be that you can't think normally because of the mixing of someone's spirit base?" ?"

Seeing such chaos, Alexander looked very happy: "Okay! Then, Busifalas! Let's go too!"

He was already sitting very close to Leonidas, so he jumped up from the vacant table. A black horse of great stature, Busiferas sprang out from nowhere and carried it steadily. Stopped him and led him to rush towards Wei Gong.

Both of Wei Gong's hands were pierced, but the weird aura on his body did not diminish at all. There were countless kitchen utensils lined up in the midair with magical brilliance, all kinds of kitchen knives, rice spatulas, pans, and kitchen utensils. He was on standby above his head, and following the order in his heart, the kitchen utensils flew out at high speed like bullets, and fell towards the people around them.

The original form of this inherent barrier should be countless sword-attributed treasures, flying at the enemy non-stop following Emiya's orders.

In this inherent enchantment, the projection magic held by Emiya, which he is best at, will get the greatest improvement, greatly reducing the process of the sword from conception to forging and forming, and greatly improving the efficiency of the projection treasure .

Each of Feishe's Noble Phantasms can explode with a power comparable to that of True Name Liberation.

This is not [real name liberation], but [at the cost of destruction, forcibly drawing out power].However, these are all projected fakes anyway, so it's not very distressing to consume them.

However, at this time, the weapon has become a kitchen utensil, and this inherent enchantment has become more subtle.

The flying kitchen utensils fell from the sky, which really made it difficult for Yagi Xuesai to be serious.

How should I put it... This is simply the unfolding of a funny comic!The Gintama kind!How can you make him serious?He already wants to laugh, okay!
Can't be taken seriously at all.

Facing the overwhelming kitchen utensils in the sky, Yagi no longer knew what to do, so he dialed the spear left and right to shoot down all the kitchen utensils.As Chiron watched, he secretly praised his level: Although he looked very amateurish, considering that he had only just started learning how to shoot a gun, this level was not bad.

While thinking, the bow and arrow in his hand did not slow down at all, and the flying feather arrows shot towards the opponent almost at the same time.

Although solving Chef Emiya will solve the problem.

However, at first, he was obviously possessed by something.After killing Chef Emiya, will it possess other people?Secondly, after all, I just came to Chaldea, would it be bad if I killed Chaldea's servants directly?At this time, I still have to wait for the Master's order.

Chiron just defended passively, preventing these kitchen utensils from attacking.

Inherent barriers are extremely mana-consuming, and it's easy to exhaust the opponent's mana as long as you delay a little bit.

(So... Is Chaldea such a happy place... I really didn't expect it.)
(End of this chapter)

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