Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 489 New Pseudo-Servant

Chapter 489 New Pseudo-Servant

The abundant magic power, like the pattern, adhered to Ding Xiaowan's originally plain palace clothes, and turned into a light blue-purple pattern, which adhered to the fabric.With the injection of magic power, it is obvious that Ding Xiaowan's clothing style is also changing.

No, it's better to say that it has completely changed, right?
It is completely different from the palace clothes, which are very modern clothes.

A bright red jacket with a white shirt inside, jeans and sneakers underneath.

How should I put it, although it is difficult to evaluate the outfit combination, but at least the modern style is very friendly.

"Ah! My clothes?!"

Ding Xiaowan said happily.Judging by her appearance, these should be what she wore when she was killed, right?Moreover, there was joy in her tone of voice, she should finally be able to put on her own clothes again and feel at ease.


Pressing her slender fingers on her temples, she showed a troubled expression, fascinated by her eyes, as if she was chewing on her own memories.

In fact, with the magic fragments returning to her body, her memory became much more vivid.

"Is it a pseudo follower?"

Lifting his head from the seafood pot, Dr. Romani, who still had half a crab leg in his mouth, was half explaining and half asking questions.

By the way, you are still eating!Even hedonism has time!It's understandable that you can't eat too luxurious food because of Noelle's restriction, but you're too...

"Pseudo-Servant...ah, yes, that's the name."

Ding Xiaowan smiled and nodded.

Come back with the magic, and memory.

It was a certain Chinese chef servant.

He is not particularly famous in itself, but is only passed down to the world because of the famous book "Zhuangzi", and is regarded as a follower synonymous with famous chefs by later generations.

Because of his own limitations, he couldn't directly come to Chaldea with his original face.

In other words, considering Chaldea's current situation, he felt that what Chaldea needed more was her as a modern person than herself as an ancient person.So he took the initiative to merge with Ding Xiaowan, and responded to Chaldea's call as a pseudo-servant.

However, it seems that because the fusion was too hasty, and what Qing Ji held was not the complete Holy Grail, but the Holy Grail fragments, so Ding Xiaowan and his power were dispersed again when summoning.

Looking back on it this way, indeed, among the servants summoned by Elizabeth, there is also one who is clearly inferior to the others—well, he is the only sub-servant among the servants.

That power, together with Ding Xiaowan's memory, resides in the other followers who responded to Qing Ji's [Cooking Call], and this is the magical power that everyone noticed at the beginning.

As for why Wei Gong's personality changed drastically, it was because the part he accepted happened to be the part of Ding Xiaowan's memory.

What was she doing before she came?
Take the plane and prepare to go to the United States to participate in the program.

Well, think about it normally, before anyone is about to participate in the show for the first time, he must be nervous, thinking about what to do when he arrives at the scene, right?Especially that show, which has always been famous for the difficult attitude of Chef Samsung.

This kind of worry, as well as the conception of the future in his mind, finally formed this specious enemy character, which merged with Emiya,

As for why it turned into a culinary competition, it was entirely because of the summoned Shakespeare who was obstructing it.

This person yelled that it wasn't dramatic enough, and then instilled a lot of stories about princes and princesses who went through untold hardships and finally got married... Hey, aren't you a playwright famous for the four tragedies!
Then directly let Qing Ji think of holding a competition, let Fujimaru Tachika participate in it in person, and finally Qing Ji stood up and used the main dish to be the bottom of the box--of course, it is estimated that the moment everyone knew Qing Ji It's all counted.

"Ahhhhh...the Holy Grail! The Holy Grail specially prepared for Lord Anzhen!"

The inherent barrier dissipated, and the familiar scenery of Chaldea returned to everyone's vision.

Qing Ji was lying on the ground, holding a pile of golden fragments, with regret written all over her face.

This was originally used to make Mrs. An Zhen happy—and to have a happy ending with Qing Ji—an important prop.

how to give...

Thinking of this, Qing Ji's eyes became resentful, and she stared fiercely at Chiron's face, which made the Greek sage a little embarrassed, always feeling as if she had done something wrong.

"It's okay, Kiyohime. I'm fine now. Thank you. You and Elizabeth are so considerate of me. Thank you."

Fujimaru Tachika knelt down and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Really? Master An Zhen? Don't you think Qing Ji is useless?"

With teary eyes, Qing Ji raised her head and looked directly at her with passionate eyes.

"Well! Of course not!"

"Great! Master Anzhen!!! Well, it's too late now, come quickly! Taste! The last! Main course!"

Taking advantage of Fujimaru Tachika's approaching, Kiyohime grabbed her neck and pulled her into her arms.

"Ah, I knew it was this kind of development! Ms. Qing Ji, please respect yourself!"

Mash quickly reached out to stop the two of them, so as not to let the scene turn into a level where people under the age of eighteen are not allowed to watch it.

The scene was chaotic.

"What's going on? I observed a lot of magical reactions here in the control room... Oh, did I bother you? Oh, there are so many people, young people are really playing... Be careful when enough is enough. Appropriate ~can~and~stop~~~"

Da Vinci broke into the restaurant in person, and upon seeing such a scene, a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Ah~ My throat is dry from singing. Even though he is a tyrant emperor, is he surprisingly good at singing?"

"Hmm! More praises! This is the greatness of Rome! Um! Yu also admires you, and that enthusiasm is also very good."

"Burn! My Honnoji!"

The trio from the previous singularity were forcibly sent back to Chaldea because of the destruction of the singularity.The three of them who sang at the singularity until their mouths became parched would naturally come to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

Nobunaga had a guitar slung over his body, and he sang while playing.Surprisingly well sung.It's not at the same level as the other two.

As soon as the three of them entered the kitchen, Nero couldn't hold back: "What are you doing!! My master! And you! You don't have any extras!"

"Hey! I should have thought that you, the snake girl, would be ambushing here! Get away from my little deer!!"

"Burning! Burning fire! Supreme! Honnoji~"

Nobunaga why are you still singing!

Chiron and Ding Xiaowan looked at each other. They were both servants who responded to the call today. From each other's eyes, they both saw each other's helplessness and deep smiles.

"It looks like he was summoned by an amazing place."

"Well, besides, it seems that I have caused you a lot of trouble."

"Although I'm just a rookie, I'll be here in the future, please give me more advice."

"Well, please advise."


Andersen, who was on the sidelines, silently stared at Shakespeare, who was in a state of frantic creation. He was immersed in adding artistic nonsense to the wonderful farce he saw...artistic adaptation, and writing it as a comedy.

"Forget it, this kind of comedy without nutrition is acceptable once in a while."

So says the little world-weary fairy-tale writer.

(End of this chapter)

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