Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 492 VOL. Greek Sage

Chapter 492 VOL. Greek Sage

"Well, isn't this Yagi? Why, are you here to ask me for advice? Then, let's go to class."

About three hours later, Yagi Yusai dragged his exhausted body and knocked on Teacher Chiron's room.

As a famous centaur sage in Greece, Chiron has a gentle and elegant sage demeanor just by looking at it.

This is actually very subtle.

We all know that the popularity of mythological characters largely depends on the extent to which the myth has spread.

A typical example is Celtic mythology.

Celtic mythology is now difficult to examine. Most people don’t even know the details of the difference between Celtic culture and Nordic culture, they just know the term.And Greek mythology, but it was made into cartoons and played everywhere, and the level of popularity is judged.

With the widespread spread of Greek mythology, Yagi respects Mr. Chiron more than Mr. Skaha.After all, Chiron is more familiar to him!

It seems that he was ascended to the sky as a constellation after his death, but Yagi can't remember whether he is a Sagittarius or a Sagittarius, and astrology is not his major.His understanding of astrology is only limited to the fact that an Athena is caught every day, and a group of gold saints are hanged and beaten by bronze saints.So, watching animation is harmful.

Of course, if he had to choose one of the two, he would definitely choose Scatha.

reason?Ah, because he is a man.What is there to wonder about?
After receiving three hours of attack and baptism of runes from Skaha, Yagi Yusai has memorized the writing and general usage of seven or eight words.

However, it is not very clear.

I wanted to ask Scathach, but my body couldn't take it anymore.So, he excused himself to leave, took some time to sort out a note, and then came to Teacher Chiron to clarify his doubts.

Hearing his intentions, Chiron showed a subtle expression on his face.

"Skaha...? I just heard the name, but I didn't really understand it. However, it sounds like a very strict person. Well, it doesn't matter. If the lecture is too fast, the students' understanding will also have problems. If you don’t understand, let me help you look.”

Hearing Chiron's gentle words, Yagi Xuesai almost burst into tears.

Teacher Skaha is good everywhere, but she likes to go out to practice directly... She is the kind of person who believes in direct exercise and remembers with her body.That is to say, "Although you don't understand it now, you should remember it, and you will always thank me if you understand it in the future".Very traditional, but also very effective.

Teacher Chiron's gentle answer is more similar to the mode of modern students and teachers.

Chiron looked at his notebook and said with a smile:
"Isn't this quite detailed? It's amazing."

In Yagi's notes, he recorded the writing method, stroke order, specific use effect of the rune characters, as well as some of his own understanding and opinions.Chiron thought to himself: If only Achilles could be so serious.

For teachers, what is more teaching value than students who listen carefully and take notes carefully?
Rarely, Teacher Chiron showed a serious look in his eyes.

That is to say, people like Achilles and Hercules did not respond to the call, otherwise they would have stared at Yagi with the expression of looking at the dead like Cu Chulainn.

"Well, then, I'll give you an outline now. Pick up your pen."

As Chiron said, he found a piece of colored chalk from somewhere, and directly used Chaldea's wall painted in navy blue as a blackboard—but judging from the color, it should be a whiteboard.Then start writing handouts on it, speaking while writing.

He is not a heroic spirit of Norse mythology, and he can only say that he has some understanding of the runes in Norse mythology. Therefore, his explanation mainly focuses on the use of runes.

It can be seen that Skaha is obviously releasing water.

In order for Yagi to understand the use of runes, she only uses runes alone and will never combine runes.

In fact, there are combinations of runes.The combination of different runes means different meanings.

Just like the combination order of English letters, t, e, and a originally had their own meanings, and the combination is the meaning of tea.Completely unrelated to the original three separate letters.

The runic characters have been lost now. According to modern scholars’ speculation, there are about thirty or forty characters. With so many characters, how many choices can be made in two combinations, three three combinations, three two combinations?If this is really used, then Yagi Xuesai can't even remember the few words in the notes.

Chiron didn't speak fast, and would repeatedly check whether Yagi understood. If he didn't understand, he would go back and give an example.Generally speaking, the examples that are used more often are his disciples.Specifically, most of them are Achilles and Hercules, and occasionally they will mention some things about Asclepius, and in the end they will definitely go around the issue of Yagi Yusai. a style.

The two people combined back and forth, and Yagi suddenly realized.

At the end of the course, he tried to write a commonly used runic script with magic power on the paper Chiron gave him. The flames quickly spread from around the text and burned the entire paper to ashes.

"Oh! I, I understand! Teacher Chiron! Thank you so much!"

Yagi Xuesai excitedly stood up and bowed to him.

"Well, it's good that you get the point. I'm also happy as a teacher—so let's get into the reinforcement exercise now."


Yagi thought it was over.He secretly looked at his watch, two hours had passed.

To be honest, he has spent more than five hours studying. In a normal school, five or six breaks have already passed, and he may still have lunch... Will he continue in the end? !
"Could it be that Teacher Chiron is also calling?!"

Yagi asked timidly.

"Ah, that won't be the case. Come on, I will come up with test questions next, and you will be responsible for answering and giving the answers. Come on, in short, let's do two hundred questions first to consolidate."

Chiron smiled brightly, and the chalk in his hand seemed to have magical powers, almost flying and writing various occasions about runes on the wall.

In a nutshell, at what place, at what time, when a certain hero attacks in what way, what should you do with that rune?

Yagi Xuesai broke out in a cold sweat.

This, this, this...

This Teacher Chiron... is also a Sparta in another sense! !

He used to think that Leonidas training was probably the most difficult thing in the world... Looking at it now...

Mr. Chiron and Mr. Scathach...could they be the gods of the nation of Sparta? !
"Okay, Yagi, let's answer. I'm listening. If Achilles, who is good at speed, holds a spear and doesn't ride a chariot, and attacks your castle in the dark, how do you match Rune to get the best possible result?" How about blocking his attack?"


"Hmm, do you need help? Well, let me add that you are now isolated and helpless, even if you call for help, there will be no reinforcements. The communication with Chaldea has been disrupted."

"That's not what I meant when I called for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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