Chapter 501 VOL.
The bold people all pay attention to eating a big piece of meat and drinking in a big bowl. At the banquet, except for Yagi who doesn't drink alcohol on weekdays, all three of them drank a lot.

When Mordred heard that he didn't drink, he laughed and said: "Sissy~"
Seeing that her face was flushed and her eyebrows were raised high, it should not contain irony or sarcasm, but simply expressing her own thoughts.She really thinks that he is not manly enough if he doesn't drink.

Cu Chulainn, who was obviously too drunk, laughed and echoed, the two of them hooked their shoulders and teased Yagi while dancing.

These two have had too much to drink!

Yagi looked disgusted.That's why he hates drinking, he has the best sense of what a terrible human being he is.There is reason on weekdays, these bad things can be bound by reason, just think about it.Once you drink alcohol and become irrational, it is possible for you to do any unreasonable things.

For example, the most unacceptable...

The most infuriating...

The most deadly...

I took my notes from my second-year middle school, read aloud and assigned CVs emotionally, and when I was looking for reference materials, I accidentally got a special small book with only a dozen pages bought at the comic exhibition.

Once that happened, someone had to die in Chaldea.

As the saying goes, cherish life and stay away from drunkenness.

Yagi looked at the wine barrel with a look of disgust, not even half of the amber liquid inside was consumed.

Estimated by volume, they probably drank seven or eight liters.

Judging from the drinker's drinking capacity, this shouldn't be a particularly exaggerated amount.

Especially Jin Shi, Cu Chulainn, and Mordred, they all look like characters who have been tested by alcohol, how could it be so easy to...

As soon as Jin Shi was mentioned, he saw Jin Shi cover his face with his big hands and let out a sobbing sound.

"Ah... that... Jin Shi?"

Probably thought of something sad?Although Yamu Xuezhai was afraid of trouble, he also felt that if he was left alone, if he couldn't think about it, it would be bad if he used alcohol to make a scene.

After all... Look, white shirt, black pants, gold chain, big axe, big sunglasses... This guy looks very social.

"Yagi... I... I'm so emotional... My family, Boss Raikou, never let me eat and drink outside like this... He said that I should have the most basic manners of a samurai family. On the premise that you don't need to worry about Boss Raikou, you can eat meat happily..."

Boss Raikou?

This name is very familiar.

Rather, there are two surnames Mina that every Japanese should know, one is Minamoto Yoshitsune and the other is Minamoto Raimitsu.They're all pretty famous characters.The former often appears in games, and the latter often appears in TV dramas.

"Boss the a mother...very considerate, but ah, sometimes, I really feel that the management is too broad!"

(A man like a mother? Minamoto is really... wait? There is a precedent for King Arthur, so Minamoto is also a woman, right?, no, right? Ahaha... )
Yagi Yusai tried his best not to let his remaining Japanese history collapse, so he gave up thinking about this issue and continued to comfort Jin Toki instead.

Now I am tossing terribly, and I regret more and more why I didn't drink with him.Otherwise, if you're drunk, you don't need to worry about them.Mordred and Cu Chulainn saw that Yagi didn't respond, and the two sang songs that were out of tune, and Jin Shi kept feeling emotional.

This wine is too powerful!

France is amazing!

I just know that the French wine is very good, this it beer?Don't feel like it?Anyway, this wine is also very powerful!What is this!

Can make a follower drunk like this.


Suddenly, Cu Chulainn made a painful sound, pushed the tree trunk with one hand, and retched, judging from his appearance, he probably wouldn't be too comfortable.

Drink too much and throw up?This follower is too embarrassing, right? !

"Yagi... let me ask you... what is a Chimera...?"

Cu Chulainn forced out a word with a stern face.

Yagi was embarrassed, thought for a while, and asked, "Synthetic beast?"

"Could it... be mixed with dog meat?"

"Then who knows... I haven't done this stuff before."

"Damn... this is the mistake of my life..."

Having said that, Cu Chulainn rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground with a bang, losing consciousness.

Cu Chulainn could not eat dog meat because of the three oaths he had made during his lifetime. Although, as a follower, eating dog meat would not kill him, it would make him feel uncomfortable for a long time, and he would feel exhausted.

Yagi hurried over to look at him, but before he could get close, Mordred grabbed his arm, pushed him hard, and pushed him to the edge of a big tree.

With such a great strength, it is stronger than usual. I am afraid that it has surpassed B and is close to A.This is what people often say about taking advantage of alcohol.

Yagi's back was dwarfed by the tree trunk, and then Mordred swung his right hand and pressed against the tree trunk behind him, and the whole person pressed over like a cage, binding him in his arms.

With a strong smell of alcohol, Mordred narrowed his eyes and leaned over.

"Ah! Yagi! Let me ask you! am I!"

Obviously drunk!
Obviously it is the most exciting scene!why...

No matter how entangled Yagi was in his heart, Mordred's face, which was almost exactly the same as Artoria's, approached: "I ask you, how am I!"

"Very good!"

What is it like?What do you want me to say? !
Yagi was blinded all of a sudden, and subconsciously began to follow her.

Of course, Mordred wasn't that bad, actually.

Although it is true that his temper is a little grumpy, and he is also a little childish, but who is perfect?Said she was fine and had no problems.

"Hmm! I knew it! You! Tell me well, how am I? Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!"

Hey... This is just like extorting a confession, Yagi Xuesai became distressed, wondering how to answer her.

Generally speaking, when he communicated with Mordred, he followed her words desperately.

But... In that case, is that what she wants to hear?
They all say that they tell the truth after drinking, and that they will completely forget about it the next day after drinking... Does it mean that it's time to tell her something heartfelt?

Regarding Mordred, Yagi does have a lot of ideas.

Looking at her drunken face flushed, her black eyes stared directly at Mordred's blue eyes.

(OK, just tell her what you think.)
(End of this chapter)

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