Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 517 Blood Ax King Eric

Chapter 517 Blood Ax King Eric

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

Those who would respond to Yagi Yusai were certainly not Chaldea's own people.

Accompanied by furious roars, the Vikings made way for a passage, and Blood Ax King Eric picked up the huge battle ax with both hands, and hit Yagi Yusai on the head.

This is a huge type of ax called a wheelaxe.The characteristic is that there are two blades, and the shape of the combination resembles a wheel, which is huge and heavy.Weapons such as axes do not only rely on the sharpness of the blade, but more often, they use the big V-shaped blade shape to [cleave] the opponent by relying on weight and strength.Therefore, if the difficulty of use is excluded, the heavier the ax is, the more powerful it is.

Don't be brainwashed by animations and games, the general Viking giant axe, that is, an ordinary ax is added to the long pole, it looks...even reminiscent of a hoe, not as exaggerated as in the game, the shape of the wheel ax Exaggerated weapons, it can be said, cannot be controlled without considerable bravery.In fact, with the exception of Bloodaxe, all the Vikings on this ship used ordinary axes.

The ax dragged a blood-red color in mid-air, and it was covered with things that looked like vines and blood vessels. While wriggling, it seemed to be swallowing something, stirring from time to time.

This is the weapon used by the Blood Ax King to dominate one side. According to legend, the battle ax is forged with the flesh and blood of monsters.According to legend, this ax is still alive, and it will constantly eat the flesh and blood of the victim to increase itself.

Blood Ax is 1.9 meters five, so he is much shorter than Blackbeard, but with the stack of muscles, coupled with the giant ax and wrist shield, he looks much braver than Blackbeard.With an ax in his face, Yagi Xuesai thought for a while, blocked the ax with his left wrist, and at the same time turned the tip of the gun with his right hand, and stabbed him in the stomach.


Suddenly there was a sharp pain in Yagi's wrist, he raised his eyes, only to see that his left hand was hacked in by the blood axe, and the blood vessel-like thing on the surface of the axe was swallowing his own flesh and blood.

The defensive power you are proud of has failed?
Yagi Xuesai immediately began to calculate in his mind.

(No. If it fails, my arm must have been broken just now. In other words, it is still taking effect. Is his attack too strong? Or is it because my defense is weakened? As Rider mentioned before, it seems When you get close to here, you will be weakened by something like a curse... Didn't find the existence of a conjurer, did you hide yourself? Or... This ship itself has a curse attribute?)

Thinking quickly in his head, but his hands kept moving, Yagi grabbed the handle of the blood ax with his left hand, and slid the spear back a little with his right hand. He held the tip of the gun, using the gun as a dagger, and quickly missed the blood ax king The body of the armor pierced through.

But Xue Ax also had his own plan, and he was about to pull out the ax and leave after hearing him yell.Yagi's left wrist was already injured and painful, and his own ability level had declined. When his wrist lost strength, he snatched the ax back.Blood Ax took the opportunity to kick up Yagi's belly, kicking him out...

His back made intimate contact with the ship.

As soon as he fell down, three Viking pirates rushed over, and the ax in his hand slashed at his body!
"It hurts to death, bastard!"

Accompanied by the boy's unpleasant voice, the red gun came out from under the three people's feet. With a high-speed roundabout, the sharp point of the gun directly cut the ankles of the three people. When the three strong men fell, Yagi took the opportunity to get up and shook his hands. A puddle of blood flung onto the deck, the blood of Vikings.And his left wrist, which was cut off just now, has almost recovered.

What a ghost.Weakened by this damned curse...

If it's Medea, surely it can hinder this spell, right?Unfortunately, she didn't come with her.Thinking about it, whether in reality or in the game, magicians always stay behind and output, not rushing to the front.

Just when Yagi Xuesai was knocked into the air, Altria Lily had already filled her vacant position from the side, and the golden sword in her hand slashed towards Blood Ax King's body.

However, this can only be said that I am not good at learning.After all, the time to use a long gun is too short.

(As the saying goes, get up wherever you fall...)
"Blood Axe! Look this way! Lily, step back! Leave it to me!"

Yagi yelled violently, and rushed over with his long spear. Arturia lily responded to his words, and swung her sword three times in a row, luring the blood ax king to raise the battle axe and slam it. Taking advantage of the situation, he withdrew from the blood ax At the same time, Yagi rushed up and shot Yagi's armpit. At this time, Blood Ax King was holding his hands high. He had no time to return to defense, so he could only press down the round shield on his wrist, and smashed Yagi's gun with a bang. .

However, this is enough.

Yagi smiled, held the gun in both hands, and dragged with all his wrists. Blood Ax King's weapon is this blood axe, not the small shield. Yagi's gun is a genuine treasure, although it doesn't belong to him yet.The sharp edge of the spear slightly scratched the shield...

Suddenly there was a scorching sound in the air, like the sound of a balloon being punctured.

A slight sound accompanied by intense red flames pressed against his shield, and it started to burn!


Although Yagi Xuesai currently has only 3 runes that can be used in actual combat, it is better to have it than nothing!Especially used to confuse opponents.

The red flames turned into small tornado sparks, which exploded on his shield.

(Compared to the time in Chaldea, the flame was much smaller. As expected, I was weakened. What cursed doesn't matter now. Just bear the curse and kill him, right?)
This small flame definitely couldn't affect Blood Axe.

His own rune attack was not as effective as expected, but it didn't matter.

This attack has another important meaning...

Far away, on the top of the mast of the Queen Anne's Revenge, the black eyes are as sharp as a falcon, and the pure white gloves hold the blue bow.

That flame will not escape the clairvoyance of the shooter.Keenly aware of the target's movement, he quickly shot out the bow and arrow in his hand, and the highly condensed flame turned into a heavy meteor, which precisely hit the position where Yagi Xuesai attacked just now.

Blood Ax has a special ability that can weaken the surrounding enemies, similar to the halo skills in the game, but the problem is that the halo skills have a range.Arjuna was so far away, so of course he would not be affected. The arrow he fired hit his shield with all his strength, causing Blood Axe's hand to sink violently.

Originally, King Blood Ax wanted to use his wrist shield to bounce Yagi's spear blade away, but because of the flames and Arjuna's bow, the heavy pressure from the shield forced his wrist to be pressed down!Yagi Xuesai took the opportunity to press the barrel of the gun hard, and the magic power in his hand poured out without hesitation, running through the red gun, as if the gun body was burning, and the crimson light kept flickering.

The shield that opened the weapon was forced back, and Yagi Xuesai galloped a step, piercing Blood Ax King's unarmored shoulder with a single shot!

Blood gushed out, and King Blood Ax showed a pained expression on his face, and the angry fighting spirit burned even more in his already mad expression.

(End of this chapter)

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