Chapter 52

Using Mash's shield as a body and Yagi Yuzhai's holy sword as a propeller, the three of them hugged tightly together and turned into a tightly integrated aircraft.

If the enemy won't stop attacking, then it's better if we just get in front of the enemy!
Such a simple idea is Yagi Yuzai's tactics.

Using the defensive power of the Mashu Noble Phantasm, against the exaggerated black torrent, and using his own wind king hammer as an advance, he quickly rushed to the front of the opponent. As long as the distance was close, Saber had to stop the liberation of the magic sword.

Of course, none of this is proven.Servants are existences that cannot be speculated with common sense. Maybe Saber will not stop the magic sword at that time. Maybe, before that, Mash's shield will be pierced.Perhaps, at the destination, Saber took a step back and simply bypassed the attacks of several people. These possibilities are all possible.

However, Yagi Yuzhai is not the kind of person who stops action because of the possibility of failure.

His creed is just the opposite: No matter what the situation is, act first, and he will never stop unless waiting makes things better.

Many people prefer to stop and watch when they are faced with things they have never encountered before. They want to make plans based on the experience of others or test the waters. In short, before they are unsure of the direction of a thing, many people tend to observe. .

On the contrary, Yagi Sesai is the type who takes the lead and works hard to achieve his goals.

The black king saber snorted coldly, and calmly increased the instillation of magic power. The magic power endowed by the Holy Grail was continuously instilled into the black sword through her left hand, and the black torrent became even more turbulent.

In order not to let the situation develop to the worst step, Yagi Seizai would ask Arash and ask him as insurance.

Foolproof, he chose to attack.

If he can't defeat this saber with his own hands, he will not be reconciled.

You can't rely on other people for everything, otherwise your position with Mash will be embarrassing.

Mash closed his eyes tightly, and there was only one thought in his heart, that is, to protect his Master, his senior.The sound of Yagi Yuzhai's breathing made her feel much more stable, and she was convinced that there were people she was familiar with here.

As long as she thinks that everyone is together, unexpectedly, Matthew doesn't feel scared anymore.

Just like the famous sword that splits the waterfall in the animation, the combination of the three sharply cut through the pitch-black sea of ​​light, and rushed in front of Saber in one breath.

Rao was the black king's infinite magic sword, and he also failed to penetrate Matthew's shield.

I don't know where the Servant who merged with her is sacred, but there is no doubt that it is a very good shield warrior.

Protected the three and blocked the enemy's attack.In the current situation, it was as if the plug was blocking the faucet, and Saber couldn't get out no matter how much magic power he had, and was bumped into the face by Mash.

In Yagi Seizai's hand, the holy sword has fully displayed its posture. The holy colors of gold and blue clearly prove the nobleness of this sword.

The moment the shield arrived, Yagi Xuezai slid out of the shield with a flexible side-slip step. With brisk steps, he lowered his body, turned around, bypassed the shield, and attacked Saber.

This is... the previous attack on the calf of the Black King Chemashi, which was seen by Yagi Seizai, learned it, and used it in every way.

Although he did not have any relevant training, he was able to do this movement smoothly. It is conceivable that the knight who lent his ability to him had done so much mechanical repetitive training, so that this instinctive way of action was integrated into it. own body.

There was a hint of disdain in the black king's golden eyes.

She is the king of black. In order to protect the country, the king of knights who wiped out all foreign enemies. In terms of swordsmanship, there may be someone who can be on an equal footing with her. If it is said that she is crushed, she will definitely not accept it.

Yagi Xuezai followed suit, Saber was of course prepared, the magic sword in the shuriken temporarily restrained its magic power, and the backhand sword was raised high, facing Yagi Xuezhai's shoulder and chopped it down.

Countless experiences told her that the result of this blow was: Yagi Yuzhai was cut in half.

His own attack is much faster than his.


The sound of flesh and blood running through.

The sharp metal ripped through the flesh, making a sticky sound.

Next is fatigue.

Whether it is a Servant or a Sub-Servant, the center of magic is mainly two places, the heart and the brain.If these two parts are destroyed, the magic power will not be able to be supplied, and it will always be in a state of insufficient magic power, just like a cup with a hole in the bottom that cannot hold water.

Saber, the Black King, looked at her heart in disbelief, and Yagi Seizai's holy sword cut through her armpit, severing her ribs directly, and reaching her heart.

But his sword did not fall.

It shouldn't be.


Saber would never forget the simple act of dropping his hand.

The only reason is...


It was a furious sound.

Although he seemed a little weak because of the injury, he could still hear the pleasure of destruction and tyranny.

It was Darius III.

No one would have imagined that the huge black giant had actually endured Saber's Noble Phantasm. His dark body was hidden in the dark ocean, and he rushed all the way here.

The attack of the Noble Phantasm is an attack that the Servant cannot resist. Generally speaking, the Servant who ate this attack head on should be wiped out.


[Continuation of the battle].

This kind of retention ability is a special ability for a Servant who has had the experience of [Death Fight] before his death, and is still fighting frantically when he is in a dying state, forcibly delaying the moment of death.

Literally, no matter how fatal damage you take, you will save your last breath until the skill expires.

Darius happens to have this skill.

Devoured by the violent black magic, the Berserker, who should have lost his life, was able to survive until now, completely relying on this ability.

Darius' body has been shattered, and the gold decoration has been stained with dark traces. Although the tall body has remained intact, it can be seen that it is much thinner, and the flesh has been burned in many places. Not sure.

Those golden eyes stared frantically and firmly at the little Saber.

It was the axe in Darius' hand that stopped the black sword she held high just now.

Originally, Yagi Yuzhai's plan was to let Fujimaru Rika use a command spell to order Mash's top shield to intercept Saber's blow, but unexpectedly, Darius rushed over first.

Yagi once thought that summoning a Berserker was not a good method, but now he has to admit that he thought too shallowly.

Berserker Darius III, a mighty warrior who fits the name of the king of Persia.

"In the end...was it actually destroyed by...this sword? It's...a fate that makes people laugh...I want to protect the Holy Grail...No matter long as I'm's bound to happen. Towards failure? Huh..."

Saber, the black king, said this in a vague way, starting from his heart, his body gradually turned into golden particles and dissipated.And the Holy Grail in her hand rolled to the ground, still exuding a beautiful golden brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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