Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 536 The Witch Circe

Chapter 536 The Witch Circe
Stay with her?
It sounds quite tempting.

Yagi looked at her appearance, in otaku terms, she was a typical loli.

He is the take-it-all type, neither a lolicon nor a sister-in-law. His idea is that as long as he looks good, it's fine.

I have to say that this claim is too scumbag.

However, he still has the important task of saving the world...

Well, well, not really, he just simply felt that the world was destroyed, there would be no Nintendo and Sony in the future, and there would be no BONES (commonly known as Bones Club), A-1Pictures, ufotable (UFO Club)... This is impossible Bear it!
(Note: The first two examples he gave are game companies, and the last three are animation companies...)
Saving the world is fine, but it’s impossible without games and animations!
Therefore, he resolutely rejected this: "Sorry, I still have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, so I definitely can't stay."

But... listening to what she said... she didn't simply want him to stay, did she?

Listening to what she said inside and outside the meaning, sure enough, this girl has done something to porridge.

When he refused, he spread his hands flat, and the tip of his right finger had already landed on the hilt of the transparent sword that had been summoned a long time ago.


The girl's face was slightly surprised, and then she returned to normal. She covered her mouth with one hand and giggled non-stop.

"Then it's up to you! Let's turn into a pig~"

Circe smiled and pointed at Yagi with his index finger, drawing a heart symbol in mid-air.

"You haven't heard the name of my witch Circe, hehe, what a..."


Before she could finish speaking, she heard a loud noise, which made Circe shrink her shoulders in fright, and the eagle wings quickly wrapped around her smaller body. Where she looked like an eagle, now she looked more like a leaf roller!

It turned out that Yagi slammed his left fist hard on the table, and he showed an angry expression.

"I'm talking about you, people in mythology, can you have a little common sense?"

"Hey, hey? Hey—"

"Don't always think that you are very famous. If you don't study your mythological system carefully, who will know! If you say Zeus, Hades, or Jesus, Satan, etc., of course we know! But who will remember those who are not What a famous person! Maybe he was famous in your era, but we don’t know! It seems that every follower is like this, thinking that we will definitely know each other if we sign up, what a joke! Why do I have to You know you can't!"

Having seen too many similar developments, Yagi's spirit of complaining was burning, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Sometimes it was like this. Circe obviously didn't say anything too extreme, but the long-standing grievances broke out here, and she just happened to catch up.

On the contrary, Circe was startled by him, completely suppressed by his aura, and the great witch shrunk into a ball timidly, tentatively comforting: "I, I was wrong, don't, don't be angry... okay ?"

"Really! Be conscious! My name is Yagi Xuesai, have you heard of me? Do you know where I am a follower?"

Circe shook her head like a rattle, whipping her pink hair quickly.

"Look, don't you know me too! Then what's the problem if I don't know you?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, don't, don't be angry! Me, I'll cook porridge for you again?"

It turned out that Circe was the master, but instead he overwhelmed him.

Yagi just wanted to complain, recently Chaldea is indeed like this, one or two followers feel that they are famous and should be known by everyone, but in fact, Yagi and Fujimaru have almost the same level of knowledge!The main way for these two people to understand the myth is through games and animation.If you don't know, you don't know.

Be it Chiron or Scathach, no matter how famous it is in the myth, if you don’t know it, you don’t know it!

And this Circe, I haven't even heard the name this time.

"Sorry, I got emotional too. So, what were we talking about?"

Yagi also felt that he was agitated, coughed dryly, and tried to bring the topic back.

"No, no... Well, I, I'm just asking, did you feel a little uncomfortable after drinking my porridge? For example... Do you want to become a pig or something?"

Circe was afraid that he would lose his temper again, so she apologized in a low voice.


Yagi also felt strange. Judging by her appearance, she must have put some kind of potion in the porridge.

Surprisingly, I didn't have any problems?

"How is it possible?! Well, that is the medicine technique taught by the goddess Hecate! How could it be ineffective..."

"Sure enough, you drugged me!"

Yagi sighed and picked up the red gun next to him.

Although I don't know why, the effect of the medicine didn't work, but her intention to harm others has been clearly revealed.

Circe was shocked, watching the black-haired man with a long gun walking towards her step by step, the gun in his hand was still shining red, Circe backed away again and again, the expression of apologetic smile on his face became more and more obvious .

", you really want to kill me with this..."

"Although I don't have any grudges against you, Miss, can't be left here to harm others. Fortunately, it's me this time. If it's someone else, I'll suffer, and you'll kill me."

"No, no! I'm alone on a deserted island, how lonely, I just want a companion... You see, I worked hard to build a house and repair a pigsty, but no one came ! There are no cute little piggies coming!"

"...Did you just want to use that barley porridge to turn me into a pig and stay by your side?"

"Ah, ah ha ha ha, it's nothing like that..."

Circe looked at the approaching spear blade in his hand, and the expression on his face softened.

"That... you, you just said that you would take me with you, I, I agree now, let's go, take me out to sea, hurry up."

"Would you like to try other medicines?"

Yagi is a little scared now.

Although I don't know why, the medicine didn't work for him.Whether it will be so lucky next time, no one knows.

Although it is a pity, the elements of instability need to be removed in advance.

Especially people who know how to use potions, they don't know when and where they used what potions.

"Wow, wait a minute, yes, I will swear in the name of the goddess Hecate, I will never hurt you! I swear, don't, don't come here, don't stab me with that sword..."

Yagi was taken aback. Indeed, he had been threatening Circe with a single-handed gun just now, but the real trump card was the transparent holy sword in his left hand. This was to prevent her from attacking suddenly. At that time, the counterattack would also be a counterattack with the red gun. It's not counterattacking the transparent sword, but it's your own victory.

Unexpectedly, she actually saw through her trump card?

"It was my fault! Let's sit down and have a good talk! ... Shall we?"

Yagi sighed, and heard Medea mention it by chance before, it seems that for their followers who have directly acquired abilities from the gods, swearing in the name of the gods is a compulsory oath similar to the binding of the command spell. violated.

If she can't resist, there's nothing wrong with talking to her.

Anyway, I don't know when the rescue ship will come.

(End of this chapter)

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