Chapter 540 Rescue
Today's Blackbeard pirate ship is also circling the nearby waters.

It was rare that Blackbeard didn't stay in his room playing an idiot, but stayed in the captain's cabin.

"Captain, we have been searching for seven or eight days, is it time to change places?"

The tall female pirate Annie asked.

It was the same scenery for several days in a row, which made her feel a little bored.

Originally, she didn't have a good impression of these people in Chaldea.

These people, who suddenly came to the ship, possessed enough force to suppress the ship but did not act, and stayed at the hands of this stupid, vile, despicable and terrible scum captain, obviously had two intentions.

Now there is a black-haired one missing here. That person was a strong man who could single out the leader of the Viking pirates. Whether he is dead or separated, it is not a bad thing for the Blackbeard pirates.

Anne also knew that he was caught in a storm at sea and lacked means of movement, so it was definitely impossible for him to move.It is estimated that it drifted to the island or sank into the sea along the sea wind and current.

"Well, uncle, I also feel a little tired... Captain, we should go. After searching for so many days, it can be regarded as the best of humanity. After all, this kind of thing is quite common on the sea Right? Although it makes people sad."

Hector is also helping out.

Black Beard stared at him, and blew angrily: "How can you say that! Yagi-san! Yagi-san is my soul friend! He has been here for so many years, and he is the only one who has no interest in seeing him. Those who laugh at me! Those eyes are not looking at disgusting things at all, they are eyes that regard me as the same kind! The Blackbeard Pirates will never abandon any member!"

Blackbeard fell into a frenzy talking to himself, dancing with hands and feet.

How should I put it, I can kind of understand him.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, including the crew, he is a waste, scum, dead house, and now there is finally a rare person who will not look at him coldly, of course he should cherish it.

"Oh, okay. But Captain, I have to remind you that everyone is somewhat unhappy now, and feels that they have wasted too much time here. If you don't start the voyage soon, I'm afraid everyone will be emotional..."

Before Annie could finish speaking, the door of the captain's cabin was slammed open.

It turned out to be Matthew, with a big shield and a look of urgency.

"Captain Blackbeard! Everyone! We found it! I saw the signal from Senior!"

Matthew's words immediately excited Blackbeard, he took a step forward, and was about to press his hands on Matthew's shoulders, but Matthew was so frightened that he picked up the shield with both hands, and with a bang, Blackbeard and the shield came into close contact.

"Little Mash... this hug is also hard..."

"Yeah, it's not a hug. Anyway, I found the news from Yagi-senpai! Please go to the deck!"

On the deck, Fujimaru Tachika had already rushed out, because it was night, she had already fallen asleep, and when she heard the news, she didn't even bother to put on her clothes, and rushed to the deck without much buttoning.

"The sea breeze is strong, be careful of catching cold, Master."

As Arjuna said, he took off his long white gown and put it on Fujimaru Tachika's shoulders. Under his long white gown was a pink vest, which made his dark skin even darker, blending with the night sky. Only one pair of eyes were particularly bright.

"Leave this alone, did Senior Yagi have a signal?!"

"Well, no mistake."

It was Joan of Arc who spoke.

She once fought side by side with Yagi and others in France, and she knew very well that the golden light that shot straight into the sky before was the holy sword held by Yagi.

It was Arjuna's clairvoyance that accurately observed the change in the sky, and told Joan of Arc who was in charge of the investigation, and now he has captured the exact location of the beam.

That was the island they saw three days ago. Although they didn't land on the island, Arjuna had searched with clairvoyance when they made a detour, and there was no one on the island.

But look at it now...

"Well, Yagi is not only there, but there is also a woman beside him. There are also houses on the island. They are cutting down trees, probably to make a raft..."

Arjuna explained Yagi's actions on the island to her in detail.

"As expected of Senior Yagi! Not only did he survive, but he even built a house! It's a wonderful life! I feel like all my previous worries were in vain."

Fujimaru Tachika frowned a little unhappyly, looking swollen.Made Joan amused.

There was something about her that Joan especially liked: she didn't appear to be perfect like a saint.

Fujimaru Tachika is an ordinary human being, and as an ordinary person, he must have a kind side and sometimes go bad.Worrying about her companion, and feeling unwilling after seeing her companion intact, these are the elements that make Joan feel that Tatsuka Fujimaru is very real.

"Oh oh oh! My Yagi-san! Where is Yagi-san! I'm here, I'm coming down to save you! My best friend!"

It was naturally Blackbeard who rushed onto the deck shouting.

It's hard to believe that this speed is the speed that an agile E rider can run.

Arjuna explained the situation again, and Blackbeard nodded:

"Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up! Blackbeard Pirates! Forward!!!"

Arjuna responded, and continued to look in the direction of Yagi Yusai.

In the next second, a serious look appeared on his calm face.

"Please hurry up. In the ocean, something huge is approaching the island. It can't be seen clearly through the water. Its body length is at least several hundred meters long. It is probably an ocean monster attracted by the traces of magic power."

"Ah?! Then hurry up! Little ones!!! Speed ​​up!!! Blackbeard Pirates!!! Sprint at full speed!!!"

When Blackbeard gave an order, the surrounding pirates cheered up and shouted in unison.

At the same time, Yagi Xuezhai has not yet discovered that the uninhabited island where he is located has quietly approached such a big threat.

In the dark forest, something made a slight rustling sound, like a snake on the grass.

Yagi noticed, lowered his voice and said to Circe:
"As soon as the signal is given to you, you can do some kind of magic to illuminate the surroundings."


Circe also responded softly.

Yagi tried his best to prick up his ears, listened to the sounds around him, and judged the distance.

He doesn't know how to distinguish the position by listening to the sound, he can only roughly hear the distance.Estimating that it was almost the same, Yagi patted Circe's shoulder, and then Circe raised his hand, a dazzling ball of light quickly rose above their heads, and the dazzling light illuminated the island as if it were daytime.

There was a long, gray thing like quicksilver, which was ready to be lifted up, aimed at the two of them and attacked! !

(End of this chapter)

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