Chapter 555 Hongni Sword

With Yagi's efforts, Minotaurus frantically destroyed the ship.

Originally, he planned to use this method to completely defeat this group of people.

However, they didn't expect that this was actually the other party's conspiracy.

Zhuge Kongming, a famous Chinese military strategist, has always been the most intelligent and great image in the hearts of Chinese people.This man knows astronomy above all and geography below, and he can also watch the stars and divination his fate. He is a great person.

The traps he set have always been serial.

Just like dominoes, once a certain piece is touched, all subsequent plots and layouts will be chained in an instant.

After escaping from the torrential rain, he was the first to deny that he wanted to escape.

He wanted the ship to stay on the nearby islands and try to keep a watchful eye on the sea.

Put on an air of adventurous rest, and actually use the island's resources to quickly fortify the ship.Moreover, mines and growth magic are placed in the waters, and seaweed entangles ships to immobilize the enemy.

Once this trap is successful, anyone will feel that Drake is going to turn to the dead corner of the ship to start shelling and sink the ship, right?
But not right.

Zhuge Kongming is clear that this ship has a special magical reaction.

This ship is 【Flagship】.It's Blackbeard's obsession.It will increase its strength as more people ride on it.Therefore, with the level of Drake's ship, it would be extremely difficult to sink this thing.

Aquatic plants and so on, it took about half a day, and everything was cleared.

So, all this is an illusion.

The illusion of luring the other party to jump on board one's own ship.

Sure enough, Yagi fell for it.

Fergus drank wine with him at a banquet before, and told the information after returning, Zhuge Kongming has roughly grasped the characteristics of Chaldea.I'm afraid there are some thoughtful people here.

However, the better you are at thinking, the easier it is to fall into misunderstandings.

Therefore, he boldly made such a plan.

As a result, Yagi and others jumped ship and lost contact with their flagship.The opponent's magician chose to attack the ship's hull, which had been strengthened many times, because he was afraid of hurting his own people on the deck.

Then the next step is to wait for the ship to break.

Minotaurus is the kind of person with a simple mind and great strength. Kong Ming calculated in his heart that as long as the other party is not stupid, he will definitely find a way to use this big man.

And that's it.

The inside of the ship was severely damaged, but the outside was largely undamaged.At this time, using his command ability will not only get the usual bonuses, but also stimulate the bloodiness of the regular pirates because of the effects of [Last Stand] and [Success or Surrender].There is a saying in China called "Sad soldiers must win", that is to say, if the strength is evenly matched, the sad and angry side is often more likely to win. This is the reason.

The pirates have no way out, and this fighting spirit makes them all have the level of lower-level heroic spirits.

There is no need to win the opponent at all.

Just use the quantity to entangle the opponent.

If you can't win technically, use your body to press up.

Artoria Lily slashed open the chest of the person in front of her with a sword, but the other person was not afraid at all, with a look of resentment on his face, he rushed towards her arm with a bear hug, grabbed her slender arm, and just couldn't help it. Ken let go, and so did the others, just to keep the Chaldeans from breaking free.

Taking advantage of this gap, Drake drove the warship and ran into the Queen Anne's Revenge! ! !
This is the meaning of wanting to sink that ship! ! !
However, there is a problem...

On Drake's ship, there is no [ramming angle] for collision.In other words, even if this ship hits, it may not be able to do anything to the Queen Anne's Revenge, which has many servants to increase the magic power response.


so what?

If there is no collision angle, just press one, isn't it all right?
Fergus laughed happily, left Arjuna behind, and ran towards the bow.

The strong man standing at the bow of the ship roared and then heard two clicks. He stepped on the deck abruptly and stuck his foot into the bow of the ship. At the same time, the big sword in his hand whirled rapidly! ! !
"The sky, the earth, and the sky are whirling!! Feel the neon woven by my magnanimous wrist! Then tremble with amazement!!!——Caladbolg!"

A rainbow appeared.

Red, yellow, green, blue, purple, all kinds of brilliance blended together, with a distorted posture, swirled from his blade. It was a bold blow that seemed to ravage the rainbow into a ball, and the cone-shaped magical power turned into a carapace-like existence. , That, that is, that is the huge rainbow-colored ram of the Golden Deer! ! !

Use the Noble Phantasm of A+ rank to fully expand and use it as a ram! ! !
What a heroic and rough blow this is!
"What?! Hey, aren't you alright! If you get hit by this thing..."

Before Blackbeard finished speaking, there was a loud bang and the Queen Anne's Revenge was thrown up and down by the impact, and a huge hole was dug out on the side of the hull by Fergus' magic sword!The gurgling sea water poured straight into it!
Fergus's Noble Phantasm is not so much a "anti-army" or "anti-city" category, but a "terrain" Noble Phantasm.According to the legend, it is a super-powerful magic sword that can cut off the top of the mountain with just the light of the sword. Not to mention its great power, the hard terrain cannot withstand his attack. If it is used on the ground, it will definitely shatter the earthquake into pieces. Just give up.

Is it used on warships...

Queen Anne's Revenge is an example.

The entire hull was exaggerated to open a big hole, no matter how you looked at it, it was impossible to continue sailing.

Also with this power, Yagi Xuesai took off from the Golden Deer, and rushed back to the Queen Anne's Revenge almost instantly with a crazy jet of magic power.

Of course, the hostage is also in his hands.

If you can take hostages, maybe you can negotiate?

He no longer has such thoughts.

However, it is rare to kidnap the opponent's servant...

How to use it effectively?

Before he could think, the Minotaur on the opposite side let out a furious roar, picked up his battle ax and rushed towards Yagi.

"Hey?! Yagi-san! Ah, this is not it! Ahhhh! Isn't this Yuri Allie's little kiss!!! You are indeed Yagi-san!! You are indeed the man I am optimistic about!!! Great!! The world Wushuang!!! Sai Gao!! Then, the first goal has been completed, and now it is only necessary to repel the enemy!"

Blackbeard smirked smirkingly, looking like there would be no worries in the world with Yuri Ellie.

I really envy his single cell.

Yagi smiled wryly.

However, now he has one more thing to worry about than this.

On the edge of the deck, Circe's mouth was wide open, and an angry expression gradually emerged on his face.

"You, you, you, how could you bring a little girl back!"

"This is an emergency, please stop withholding such details!!"

(End of this chapter)

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