Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 562 Demonic Sword and Demonic Spear

Chapter 562 Demonic Sword and Demonic Spear

Taking advantage of the moment when the canopy of the tree fell and covered his figure, Yagi Yukisai ran low along the bushes, hid behind Fergus, and suddenly launched a sneak attack.

However, what he didn't expect was that even though he was so careful, he was still stopped by Fergus.

After turning the big sword, Yagi Xuesai only felt that this sword was different from any weapon he had fought against before.

This is a very special feel.

The rotating block metal blade keeps rolling its spear inward, just like a shredder absorbs paper.

However, the force from the blade pushed Yagi's spear out again.

The body of the gun possesses the power of adsorption and pushing at the same time, Yagi Xuesai only felt that his wrist was about to be torn off by this weird touch!

As a last resort, he released magic power with both hands, and the blue magic power pierced through the gun body, and slammed into Fergus' blade hard, only then separated the two weapons.

Throwing the gun aside, Yagi shook his hands in pain.

It could be seen that the blow just now made his wrist unbearable.

"What's wrong?! Is this level! Is this worthy of a warrior who calls himself Celtic!"

With a roar, Fergus grabbed his sword and rushed over.

Yagi himself still wanted to complain: Why did he become a Celtic?I can neither play basketball nor be American! (Note: The [Celtics] that Yagi complained about later is a basketball team in the United States.)
Seeing him rushing over, Yagi raised his toes, picked up the red gun, grabbed it with his left hand, and stabbed towards Fergus' sword, and Fergus swung his sword to block it.

Accompanied by the sound of metal clashing, Yagi's gun was completely smashed into the air.

However, the whirling gunshots had just circled in mid-air, and he grabbed his right hand, pulled up the tail of the gun, pulled the spear over, and shot Fergus in the head.

Fergus blocked again, there was another snap, and the spear was sent flying again!
However, it was the same this time, the spear flew, he immediately switched hands to catch it, and shot it from the opposite direction.

This is what Yagi Xuezhai thought of in a flash of inspiration. If the opponent's strength is huge, then as long as he doesn't fight him head-on, won't it be enough?

If he wants to fly his own weapon, let him fly.During the roundabout of the flying weapon, the impact received will be much smaller.Especially that is the force of attracting and flying back, once you get into wrestling, it will consume too much of your arms.

In this fighting style, Yagi Xuesai fought with him more than 30 moves in a row. Although it was a bit troublesome to switch hands to grab the gun every time, the effect was still there.

Taking full advantage of the length of his spear, he always kept a distance from Fergus.

"I've been playing tricks."

Fergus snorted disdainfully, holding the big sword in front of his body, and as the blade whirled at high speed, the conical magic power quickly condensed in front of him, and Yagi swung his gun at his head again, but Fergus Si didn't dodge or dodge, just let him call.

He just kept picking up the drill bit and rushing towards Yagi! ! !

(now it's right!)

Yagi Xuesai was overjoyed.

Just to force him to rush over without hesitation.

At that time, I will be able to...

I saw him bend his knees slightly, and the magic power accumulated in his ankles.

"Are you going to run away again!!"

Fergus shouted violently, and the momentum of rushing over became even more urgent!

However, Yagi Xuesai is not going to run away this time.

The curled up knees collapsed like a spring, and he jumped towards Fergus.The knees curled up in mid-air, and the magic power was highly concentrated.

In martial arts, there is a saying that is "It is better to receive ten punches than an elbow." 】It literally means that joints such as elbows and knees are more powerful than fists.

The hard skin and bones can often effectively kill the opponent.

In particular, Yagi also has the ability to release magic power. As long as it touches the opponent, the magic spray will cause considerable damage.

It's the same as his magic power release (shrinking the ground), but this time the attack area is reduced, and the magic power is shot out more quickly to kill the opponent in one breath.

Especially since Fergus charged towards him just now, he had an impulsive force in itself.

Now Yagi kicked against his sword, curled his knees, avoided the drill in the middle, and landed his knees hard on Fergus' face.

Even if he didn't hit directly, the strong wind pressure on the drill bit also smashed the pants and armor rolls of his legs, and his flesh was also torn open countless small holes, bleeding.

"Oh oh oh!"

Fergus was completely kicked out by Yagi's knees.

It was quiet.

Only Captain Drake laughed and applauded him.

"You have all seen it! This is the strength of Chaldea! Anyone who is not convinced, you can come up!"

Captain Drake walked up to him with long legs, as if she had won some fighting competition, and she held Yagi's arm and held it up.

Who would dare to come around pirates?

Both Drake and Fergus are at a disadvantage, how can I be an opponent?
Hearing what she said, Yagi Xuesai's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he guessed something...

He looked at Zhuge Kongming (Elmero II) who was sitting by the bonfire. This calm military strategist just pushed his glasses and smiled without saying a word.

In order for Chaldea to quickly integrate into the Drake Pirates, this is the best way.

Pirates are a bunch of idiots.

When you see the strong, you will respect them.

Using this method, let Yagi beat the two of them.

Of course, it is said that it has won, but in fact it is very serious.

Captain Drake was unarmed.She is the type who uses firearms and is good at mid-range attacks. Unarmed combat is still on land, so she has no advantage at all.

In Fergus' battle, he didn't release the treasure, and he just fought with him for a while.

Even if he ate just one knee, Fergus certainly still has the strength to fight.

It's just that people didn't continue.Obviously it is to help Chaldea quickly adapt to the new environment.

After all, they were enemies of the Drake Pirates before, no matter how forgiving they were, they were enemies before, so if they suddenly join in now, there will be bumps, right?

"Okay! Then, no one objected, so now I announce that these people will officially board our Golden Deer! Of course—these are the lowest-level seamen! Do whatever you want!—So! The banquet continues and continues Let’s drink and eat! Who, that so-and-so over there, come and sing for fun. Hurry up.”

Drake pointed at Fujimaru Tachika with a smile, urging her to come up quickly.

Fujimaru Tachika has always been a little embarrassed. She fought with others before, and as a result, she was kidnapped and kidnapped Yuri Ellie. Now she is embarrassed. When she heard what Captain Drake said, she quickly hid her body and touched her with her elbow. Touched Matthew: "Matthew, I'm calling you..."

"Hey? Me?! Me, me, me, I can't sing?"

Like a cat that has been splashed with water, Matthew quickly shook her head, her purple hair flicking back and forth.

"It's okay if you don't know how to sing? Yuri Allie from before, she sang very well. Hurry up, the two of you have similar hair colors, so you must sing similarly."

Captain Drake urged with a smile, while Minotaur, who had kept his head down all the time, lowered his head even more gloomyly, burying his face in the white fluff, and muttered in a low voice:

"Euriel... Yurielle..."

(End of this chapter)

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