Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 567: Sea Divination of the Eagle Witch

Chapter 567: Sea Divination of the Eagle Witch

"Hey! Are you all right! What are you doing in the room!"

Before Yagi Yusai carefully tasted what she meant by "not Sigurd", the door was kicked open with a bang, and Captain Drake rushed in.

"Eh? Why is there one more? Enemy? Friend?"

Captain Drake cautiously picked up the short-barreled musket in his hand. Noticing this aggressive action, Brunhilde narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a faint look of cowardice. However, the big gun in his hand was Holding it up, she took a step sideways and stood in front of everyone, probably to protect everyone.

"Ah, it's a friend! It's a summoned servant!"


Fujimaru Tachika's words made Captain Drake put away his musket suspiciously.

"Well, anyway, what you say is probably right. Anyway, I don't know what you are doing. In short, just don't make trouble."

Captain Drake scratched his head, completely unable to understand the mysterious things they were talking about, as long as he knew it was not an enemy.

"Ah!!! Sure enough, it's the enemy!"

Just when Captain Drake was about to leave, the eagle-winged girl half-runned and half-flyed through the corridor. She ran too far, and had to hold her hands in the door frame to stop her momentum.

Seeing Brunhilde standing in the room, Circe waved his hand angrily and pointed at Brunhilde.

"No, no, this is not an enemy."

Fujimaru Tatsuka smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly wanted to explain to her again, but Circe shook her head, and said firmly: "No! It's the enemy! Good figure, good temperament, tempting to protect, don't be angry, angry, he is a strong enemy... "

"Just take it as me begging you, auntie, don't say a few words..."

Medea was about to cry.

Sometimes, I really don't know who is older, me or my aunt, and who should worry about it.Sad to have such a childish aunt... It's heartbreaking.

Really, my aunt doesn't look like a witch because of this!It's easy to fall in love with others, and it's not the kind of playful, once you fall in love, you are dead set.Although she is a witch of depravity and temptation, she loses her love every time. As a result, after people break free from her temptation and escape, she herself is the one who is hurt the most.

The most recent one was probably Odysseus. After Odysseus left, she angrily cut her proud long hair short...

The result is still not long-term memory...

Medea has already started not wanting to stay in this singularity anymore, she really wants to go back...

"The enemy...I am not."

Facing Circe's aggressiveness, Brunhilde shook his head, his weak expression was indeed endearing.

Yagi Yusai sighed, and said, "Circe, can you track Hector's magic power, or explore this sea area, what is not right?"

He was talking about a serious topic, walked over proactively, put his hand on her shoulder, and naturally led her to the deck.

"Ah? Hey?!"

Circe, who was suddenly hooked by the shoulder, seemed to have been hit by petrification magic, and his whole body went stiff with a click, and was almost half-dragged by Yagi.

"If it's the legendary Eagle Witch, she must be able to guide us in the direction of our voyage, right? We must catch up with that green-clothed boy now. We must let out a bad breath and solve this singularity. "

"Hey, hey, hey... Mmm... Hand it over, leave it to me..."

Probably because it was rare for men to hook her shoulders, Circe's face was flushed, and she spoke more honestly. The feeling of being relied on made her feel very happy.

On the deck, Yagi Yusai told Arjuna about the situation. Circe blushed, probably to hide her embarrassment. She spread her wings, soared in two, jumped onto the mast, looked at the surrounding situation, and held the Take a special translucent container cup and throw it into the water.

As the container entered the water, it was obvious that the color of the surrounding sea had changed, from blue to white with a hint of gold.

With the thrown container as the center, it spread for about 200 meters. Following the water flow, the original yellow-white area became chaotic with the blue water flow.

This is a method of divination.

It's like the ancient Chinese would throw tortoise shell slices to the fire to crack them, and look at the cracks for divination.

It's similar here, using the water to stir up the colored magic reagents to divination the other party's position.

It sounds like superstition, but considering the technical power and magical power of the witches of the Age of Gods, it is probably believable.

In particular, Circe also has the ability of [Sailing Advice]. It is said that she helped Odysseus go to sea with the ability, and the skill of the servant is trustworthy. Finding Hector shouldn't be a problem.


Circe, the Witch of the Eagle, carefully stood against the changes in the water flow, looked at the chaotic water flow, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, go to the northeast first. There are noble people on the island there who can help us. With their assistance, the other party will come to look for us."

Circe gave his opinion with certainty.

Yagi asked Arjuna, and the archer with excellent vision nodded affirmatively: "Indeed, there is an island about seventeen degrees east of north."

"Although I don't know what their purpose is, the people on that island must be the top priority. Go and meet them, it won't hurt."

Yagi Xuesai laughed when she heard the words: "You really deserve to be a witch from the Age of Gods! That's amazing!"

"Hey! Great!"

Circe crawled along the pole, and through his words, proudly puffed out his flat chest.Yagi Xuesai subconsciously reached out and rubbed her beautiful hair.Her feelings always made Yagi Xuesai couldn't help treating her like a child.If you ask people who don't know her to guess, they will probably think that she is still a junior high school student, right?
The sea breeze blows Circe's already long hair, and the light-colored long hair between pink and orange dances with the wind, giving people a particularly attractive beauty.People can't help but want to check the texture and feel of the hair.

What a powerful witch.Whether it is ability or appearance.

I just don't know why she favors him so much.

If it was him three or four years ago, he would probably bump into him for a while, wondering if she fell in love with him.But now, the cruel reality has long made him realize: that kind of thing is an illusion and does not exist.Don't feel too good about yourself!
In the sea breeze, Yagi and Circe stood together, looking at the invisible island in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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