Chapter 571
Hearing Fergus' words, Atalanta shook his head feebly.

Now she feels tired just picking up the bow and arrow, so naturally she won't compete with him.She is so tired.

Every time I pick up a bow and arrow, I think of the goddess I devoutly believe in... like this... naturally, just... well, I can't get motivated.

Fergus too...

Ever since I came to this singularity, I haven't enjoyed it to my heart's content!
Talk about Celtic style!

Just fine wine!Food!fighting!And women!

The first three items have long been satisfied, but the problem lies in the last item.

Although he tried his best to avoid it, it was like an addict trying to quit with perseverance, the further he went, the more he couldn't suppress his impulse.

In fact, in Celtic mythology, Fergus is known for his energy.In the end, the one who became his wife was not even a human being, but a forest goddess... Human beings couldn't help him tormenting like this, they would die of exhaustion.

It is not easy for such a man with incomparable energy to endure for so long.

Fortunately, Captain Drake is the only woman on this ship, and judging by her words and deeds, she is more manly than a man. Yuri Allie was kidnapped as soon as she got on the ship. How much energy does Fergus consume? inhibition.Now the arrival of Chaldea...

The polite and lovely Artoria Lily, the mysterious Medusa, the intellectual Medea, the innocent and lovely Fujimaru Tachika, the obedient and honest Mash... As for Circe, although she knows that she is in love with her Yu Yagi, but just the existence of cute women makes Fergus' heart beat endlessly.

"I can't stand it anymore! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

Fergus yelled loudly and bowed his head to all the women with all his strength.

"Ah... well, if you don't mind, I can..."

Matthew still didn't understand what he meant, and thought he was a simple combat opponent. After all, she also knew the Celtic style, and Scathach was such a combat madman.Thought it was talking about fighting.

Yagi Xuesai coughed dryly, and said abruptly, "Isn't it the time to do this kind of thing?"

Fergus sighed heavily, and said, "Of course I know! But, at a time like this, I can't help it, I can't help it!"

King David looked at him from the side, and said with a smile: "What a man with a true temperament. Well, in short, I will play a song for you first, if only it can relieve your pressure to some extent."

Saying so, King David conjured up a harp out of nowhere, his fingertips fluctuated, and beautiful timbre flowed from it.

How long has Yagi Xuesai not heard of it?This kind of thing can be called music.

In Chaldea, you have to endure the duet of Nero and Elizabeth all day long...

It is really unbearable.

But looking at Fergus's appearance... Sigh, his frowning appearance does not seem to have eased.

"It would be nice if the wife or Maeve was here..."

He drooped his head dejectedly, looking listless, and really couldn't accept a life without women.

"So, let's get down to business."

Yagi Xuesai coughed dryly, accompanied by the sound of the harp, and began to try to bring the topic to the main topic.

"Let's sort it out. No matter what Jason wants to do, as far as the conclusion is concerned, he needs the Ark of the Covenant, right? That is to say, we are now in the initiative, and they must come to us. We can [wait for work], just like Kong Ming before It’s the same as what Mister did, so let’s set up traps too.”

Yagi Xuesai smiled, raised his chin, and showed a sinister expression that is often seen by schemers in TV dramas.

"Just to remind you, the opponent has a hero like Hercules, and fighting head-on is very bad for us."

Atalanta saw that he thought so simply, and couldn't help but hit him.

Only those who have not personally experienced the fighting power of Hercules will have such an idea.

Indeed, this time Hercules responded to the call with the job title of a berserker. Because he lost his rationality, it can be considered that he is weaker than the main body.After all, Hercules lost a lot of his superb martial arts skills!

but!A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Hercules, who was once so powerful, is still a first-class monster even if he turns into a berserker.

And there is also a treasure called the Twelve Trials, which is automatically resurrected after death. It can be said that it is quite difficult to deal with.

Killing once is enough trouble, but killing twelve times in a row...

Moreover, to deal with Medea Lily who is proficient in spells on board, if you use magic traps, you must be prepared to be broken by her.

However, Yagi Xuesai smiled mysteriously.

"No matter how powerful he is, he is only one person."

Yes, the advantage of Chaldea, isn't it here?

Why did Hercules have the upper hand in the Holy Grail War?Because everyone has only one servant, there are seven servants fighting in total.But Chaldea can change servants at any time.

Moreover, Yagi Yusai had fought Hercules once before, although that time it was only Hercules in a shadow state that was almost dissipating.

no problem.It should be fine.

Yagi Yusai thought so.


The point is not how to defeat Hercules!Just hang on to him!

While entangled with Hercules, go and kill that annoying captain.

When the time comes, will Circe and Medea together be inferior to the other's Medea?

The only thing to worry about is Hector.

Take Yuri Ellie back, kill Jason, destroy the ship, as long as any two of these are achieved, it is considered a complete victory.

This is the magic of the so-called barrel theory.

How much water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest board.

As the shortest link of this fleet, Jason, as long as he tries his best to get rid of this shortcoming, he will win.

If Jason sent someone out, it would be best to attack them separately.

If he doesn't send people out and hides on the boat...then use Artoria alter, Artoria lily, Yagi Yusai, Siegfried, Mordred, these servants who have wide-area treasures, from each The angle blasts over!
Yes, Heracles is a great hero in the age of gods, and he will not die easily.But what about you, Jason?Even Hercules Camedea couldn't withstand the wide-area magical attack coming from all directions.

Yagi didn't realize how difficult this was.

There is only one problem, how to guide the enemy to the situation he expected more efficiently.

He couldn't help but recall the time when he played chess with El-Melloi II.

In chess, there is a common training method, which is to read chess records.Guide the other party to make the chess records they have seen.Now Yagi is trying to think in this direction.

Since it is the final battle, the most suitable terrain must be selected in advance, and when the time comes, win it in one fell swoop!
(End of this chapter)

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