Chapter 576

Zhuge Kongming, the famous military adviser, as long as he is familiar with the Three Kingdoms, he will never be unfamiliar with his name.

Speaking of his record, many people must be able to cite countless examples.Such as burning Chibi, or tricks, Zhuge Kongming, as a wise man and a famous military adviser, has always played a pivotal role in the hearts of Chinese people.

What this person is best at is the chain of tricks.

One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.And it must be because the previous plan successfully predicted the actions of the enemy behind, which made the latter plan succeed.

This wisdom is perfectly presented under the command of Captain Drake.

In particular, the Battle of Chibi was also a water battle... What a coincidence!
Jason has been calculated from the beginning to the end, and now he is trapped in Medea Lily's defensive magic, unable to move.

With Gildera trapped their ship, Hector and Yagi Yusai are now locked in battle.

It's not to say how powerful Yagi is. On the one hand, Hector is good at defending. While the defense is impeccable, the offense seems a little weak.On the other hand, Yagi Yusai's usual opponents are either aggressive like Mordred, or Cu Chulainn's youthful vigor, or Diarmuid's skillful coordination of two guns, and there are also frequent opponents. Take on the challenge of Scathach...

It's hard to say how his fighting skills are, but when it comes to being beaten, he has a lot of experience.

Hector's offensive is much weaker than Skaha and Cu Chulainn.

Next, just step by step... let Darius and Lu Bu withdraw from the battle, replace them with other characters with A-level treasures in Chaldea, and exhaust Hercules step by step.

Of course, it would be great if Jason could be killed before then.

"Hmm... It's really troublesome... Hey, little witch over there, what should we do? This is completely beyond expectations, right? It's really like [that person] said, Chaldea is really It's a troublesome existence..."

Hector frowned, and tried to launch an offensive three times in a row to get rid of Yagi Yusai's shackles, but it was unsuccessful.Want to raid Zhuge Kongming, but can't.

In the forest, Atalanta, Artemis, King David and Captain Drake formed a dense firepower network.

The ship was blocked, and after rescuing the hostages, both Minotaurus and Arjuna rushed over, relieved.

Hercules was trapped in Kong Ming's eight formations of treasured stone soldiers. With his weakened ability, every time he wanted to break out, Darius would even give up the attack and use his large body to hug Hercules.Prevent him from escaping from the eight formations of stone soldiers.

It may be difficult to defeat Hercules, but holding him back is not as difficult as imagined.


Medea Lily also gritted her teeth... and sighed involuntarily.

Originally... I wanted Mr. Jason to know nothing...

Destroy this world.

It seems that option 2 is the only option.

"Master Jason, now we only have the last plan left."

"Oh oh oh! There really is a secret technique!!! A witch's secret strategy!!! Quick! As long as you can solve these mortal guys!"

"Then, I want to borrow something from you."

Even when she was attacked by layers of arrows and her magic defense was in jeopardy, Medea Lily was still good at restraining her slow questioning.

It was this leisurely attitude that made Jason the most annoyed: You really don't know how to read the atmosphere!Is it time to chat! ! !

"I'll borrow!!! I'll borrow everything!! Hurry up!!!"

"Then, please give me your Holy Grail."

Jason was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and was annoyed by her questioning, so he directly handed the Holy Grail snatched from Blackbeard to Medea Lily.Medea Lily is holding the Holy Grail and pouring in magic power continuously, as if doing some special magic ceremony.Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

If you want to talk about why... because Medea is the strongest witch of this era!She said that there must be no problem if there is a secret strategy!What a book to make the Holy Grail!Whether it's summoning new characters or strengthening existing characters, it's enough to win anyway! ! !

Thinking of this, Jason urged Medea Lily.

This process did not last too long, that is, about 1 minute.

For Jason, this minute was more difficult than a year.He worried every second whether the enemy's arrows would break through the defensive barrier and land on him.

"Okay. Master Jason."

Medea Lily pushed the remodeled Holy Grail into Jason's arms, and saw that the Holy Grail melted into Jason's chest like a stream of water.

"Oh? Oh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!"

Jason suddenly let out a painful sound, the blood vessels all over his body exploded almost at the same time, some even burst out of the skin, and the air became distorted due to the high temperature.

The blood vessel ruptured, and the black blood inside gushed out, covering Jason's skin at once, and his whole body was covered by this black thing.

"Me... Di... Ya!!!!!!"

At the end of consciousness, Jason shouted his last words with all his will.

Medea Lily just shook her head weakly.A look of helplessness.

Seeing this, Hector pretended to break out of the siege. Taking advantage of Yagi's return to defense, he retreated to Jason's side, and stabbed his heart with the spear in his hand, hanging him on the gun...

"Fly! Captain!!! For our victory!!!"

When the treasure was released, the spear tip flew out with Jason's body in one breath, and it was completely invisible.

Seeing that he didn't have a weapon in his hand, Yagi Xuesai didn't want to talk nonsense with him, he rushed forward and shot him through the heart from behind.

Before, he sneaked up on Blackbeard from behind and shot through the heart.

Now, he was attacked from behind by Yagi, who also shot through the heart.

Heaven's reincarnation.

"Ah, oh... Can I finally rest... Working overtime is not something I like, uncle... Get off work, get off work..."

Whispering like this, Hector freely turned into golden particles and disappeared.

Where exactly did the gun take Jason's body?No one knows.

No one is in the mood to think anymore.


"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!"

It roared furiously like a landslide and tsunami, and the sound waves spread in all directions with an impact similar to that of a real entity.

Hercules, who was trapped in the eight formations of stone soldiers, shook his arms and let out a roar that even directly shook Lu Bu and Darius away... There were blood-red lines on his body, and the ax and sword in his hand With the golden brilliance, it gradually turned into a gold and iron double-edged axe.

Originally, it should be a huge axe, an ordinary person's [two-handed axe].However, with Hercules' huge body, he can easily swing it with one hand.

Shocking away two berserkers of the same level just by roaring... What a heroic gesture!
For Hercules...

Jason wasn't that bad.

Because... He was regarded as an alternative and a monster since he was a child, he was regarded as a genius and the son of God, but Jason always regarded him as a person and a hero.

Indeed, Jason has a lot of problems in life, he is greedy and arrogant, but...

He is unquestionably human.

And...more human than most humans.

He will face his own desires and express his desires directly. No one is perfect.Most people hide their shortcomings and pretend to be perfect.

This man, who is very human-like and never hides himself, is one of the few close friends of Hercules...

Even now, turning into a frantic mobile chariot, he still approves of Jason, otherwise he would not have answered the call to come aboard the Argo...

Now, Jason is dead, and Hercules is furious. He has an irritable personality, coupled with the madness of the berserker, the current Hercules has turned into an unstoppable mobile disaster! !

(End of this chapter)

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