Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 578 The Shadow of the God of Destruction

Chapter 578 The Shadow of the God of Destruction
"Use the second command spell again! Arjuna!! Solve this singularity!"

(Looking at Arjuna's appearance, it looks like only one command spell is not enough...)
Fujimaru Tachika hesitated, and used another one.

She knew very well that the Command Seals of Chaldea were far less effective than the original Command Seals of the Holy Grail War, and had no coercive power at all. Therefore, Fujimaru Tateka decided to use the Command Seals repeatedly to make Ah Zhou That maximizes the release of his hole cards.

If Arjuna loses here, then it's really over...

How long can you stop Hercules?Can you rush back by yourself?At that time, Yagi-senpai will be beaten into something... no way.

With a panic in her heart and a heat in her head, Fujimaru Tachika's burning magic power flowed from the back of her hand through her body, spread throughout her magic circuit, and finally filled the body of the servants she had driven.

Arjuna was startled for a moment, but soon understood what she meant, and the magic power surged and gathered in his body.

"Understood. Please follow your wishes."

"Use the third command spell again...Arjuna! We must win!"

The first two command spells are used, so the third one should also be used together.

With such a self-defeating mood, Fujimaru Tatsuka said so.

El-Melloi II, who was on the side, looked at her, feeling surprised and feeling a little bit emotional.

(Really... This Master is also. Naive, stupid, and will get angry in inexplicable places. But... Only such an idiot Master will dare to bear the weight of saving the world.)
El-Melloi II pushed his glasses, shook his head, and showed a bitter smile.

The magical power of the three command spells surged on Arjuna.

The great hero of India bowed his head and responded humbly.

won't lose.

He has such confidence.

I am a God-given hero.

Never lived up to anyone's expectations.

"The sacred domain is expanded, the space is fixed, and the time limit for the execution of divine punishment is set..."

Following Arjuna's whisper, he stretched out his hand, and on the white glove, blue magic power condensed in his palm.

As if, for a moment, a lotus pond-like space full of blue lotus flowers bloomed under his feet.

The lotus is a characteristic symbol of Hinduism.

According to legend, the three-phase god of Hinduism, Vishnu's body grows a lotus flower, and Brahma is conceived in the lotus flower to create the world, and when it perishes, Shiva will descend to destroy it.

The lotus is between life and death at the same time, symbolizing reincarnation, and is a sacred flower.

Arjuna's Noble Phantasm will give people a feeling of staying in a foreign land in a short moment.

"All approved. Use the wrath of Shiva to kill you here—Pashupata of the God of Destruction!"

In Arjuna's palm, the surging magic power turned into a dazzling ball of light, took a step forward, Arjuna held the ball of light, and rushed towards Hercules.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Similarly, Hercules waved the battle ax in his hand, roared, and slashed towards Arjuna.

For a moment, the world seemed to freeze.

Everything became static.

Arjuna took a quick step at the end, and with one blow, he pushed the ball of light into Hercules' heart.

This treasure is Arjuna's trump card. 【Hand Shadow of God of Destruction】As its name suggests, it is one of the three main gods in Hinduism, a weapon given to it by Shiva, who is in charge of destruction and creation.Although it is called a [Noble Phantasm for Anti-People], in fact, it is not [Kill all the people around you], but to judge the enemies within the range one by one, and if the judgment fails, it will let the opponent [Relieve] Special treasure.

The so-called liberation means spiritual death, the death of the soul.For a Servant, which is similar to a thought body, being liberated means disappearing.

And the higher the divinity of the enemy, the greater the chance of being freed.

Hercules was originally the child of the main god Zeus, with the blood of the gods. After his death, he was promoted to Hercules, a real god.Its divinity has reached level A, and for Arjuna's Noble Phantasm, this target is the most easily liberated existence.

The dazzling ball of light sank into his huge body. Although it did not cause any substantial damage, it was obvious that Hercules' eyes lost their luster, as if the power of the machine was cut off, and the whole person fell limply.

From the feet, the hands, together start to decompose into magic, and return to the world.

No matter how strong the physical armor is, it cannot defend against the annihilation of the soul level.

The secret treasure of liberation taught by Shiva can be said to be Arjuna's greatest trump card.

Unfortunately, because of Arjuna's personal problems, he intentionally or unintentionally limited the output of this treasure.It doesn't matter about the battle on weekdays, but now, in order to destroy this great Greek hero, he has to use all his strength.

As far as the result is concerned, if it weren't for the three command spells that greatly distorted Arjuna's will, broke the limit of his instinctive Noble Phantasm output, and increased his blow.I'm afraid that the hand shadow of the god of destruction whose output is restricted may not be able to liberate a heroic god like him.

Hercules, Chaldea's greatest enemy by far, is finally gone.

"It's amazing. Chaldea's. Even Hercules can beat it."

Surprisingly, Medea Lily basically didn't run away, nor did she fight. She just smiled calmly and looked at her.

A state of resignation.

"Okay, miss, now it's your turn to confess. If you don't confess, you will suffer a lot. I will send you to Brother Fergus. I don't need to say more about what a strong man like him will do to you. right?"

Yagi said half-threateningly.

Fergus, who pricked up his ears, looked excited...Yagi sighed in his heart: I just said it casually, you really believed it!

"Oh, it really doesn't sound like a righteous person at all. You really are a [villain] out and out."

Medea Lily giggled, and Yagi raised his eyebrows: "Then, if you don't want to suffer, just say it."

"There is nothing to say. Because this world is about to collapse. Although this singularity was ordered by the magic king, unfortunately, in the end, it still failed to develop according to our plan... Originally, you of Chaldea , it should be on Captain Drake’s ship, not being summoned as a servant of Captain Blackbeard. It’s a misplacement. Everything is exactly as Lady Catherine calculated.”

Medea Lily shrugged with a smile, showing a sad expression that was a bit like crying.

"Although he is a villain, a scumbag, even if he was betrayed, insulted, even if he was deceived from the beginning. I still like him that much, I really like Mr. Jason so much. He was granted the power of God. But he is still very pure and innocent. Like a child who is excited to get a cheap treasure. He is extremely cruel, but he is so innocent. He is obviously weak, but he attracts others. This is Jason. This is 'Her' first love."

At the end, Medea Lily changed her tone, as if explaining other people's affairs.

"I lost to that lord as a magician, so I can't reveal everything about that Lord Magic King to you. I can't protect Lord Jason, so I at least hope that I can do it right before he dies." Dreaming of a beautiful dream, but still firmly believing that I can create my own royal country. This is my purpose. I was just taken out of the country and believed in him unconditionally. My purpose."

Medea Lily's smile makes people feel distressed.

Her body gradually turned into particles.

Obviously not fighting her, it can only be explained as...

She voluntarily gave up this world...

That is...


"Struggle to your heart's content. Chaldea's. Lady Catherine is much more difficult than you imagined, and she is also more wicked. Maybe she is stronger and more terrifying than that adult. You have to be more careful. Yia Lord Song's body was fused with the Holy Grail, and what he summoned was the thirty-ranked Sea Demon Buddha Niusi. But... Lady Catherine seems to have other uses. You guys, come on. If you can really save the world, I will Am looking forward to."

Medea Lily disappeared talking to herself.

Until now, all the enemies in the endless sea have been wiped out.


The only thing left is to recover the Holy Grail.

(End of this chapter)

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