Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 580 The first confrontation

Chapter 580 The first confrontation
All the crew boarded the Golden Deer, and Gildera rode the sea monster, and stared at the big eyes that were originally very protruding, as if he wanted to see through the huge sea-born monster fused with the Demon God Pillar in the distance.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! what a blasphemy!"

Gildrey was muttering about such godly topics, and Fujimaru Tachika had told him to retreat for now, but he just blindly immersed himself in his aesthetics of blasphemy and didn't pay attention to it at all. On the contrary, he still Driving the sea demon to approach the other side.

Around the huge sea monster, centered on Gildrey's grimoire, countless little sea monsters flipped, rolled into the waves, and charged into the distance.

However, just as the huge sea monster approached several thousand meters away from it, countless crimson rays shot out from its huge body covered with blood-red eyes, deflected in mid-air, and summoned Gilderley Out of the huge sea monster attacked the past.

There was not even a scream, and there was no chance to dodge or evade. The huge sea monster disappeared at that time.

Everyone on the boat was dumbfounded, but Skaha had a clear look. With the magical power of that thing, it was completely normal to do such a behavior.

"Wow, what should I do, if that kind of thing... even if you use magic to strengthen the ship, it won't be able to stop it, right?"

Circe pursed her lips, complaining like a little girl coquettishly.

"Besides, we can't find other materials to strengthen the's too late. The longer that thing is in the world, the more it will be fixed in this era, and it will be even more irresistible."

Medea gritted her teeth, it was her first time confronting such an opponent.

too large.

Moreover, the magic power is too terrifying.

That is magical power close to the level of gods...

No, it might be a lot stronger than ordinary gods.

El-Melloi II pushed his glasses, and somewhat understood in his heart: ever since he was summoned, he always had an inexplicable anxiety, thinking that other situations should be resolved as soon as possible. Sure enough, when he was summoned, he felt vaguely Feel something is wrong?As expected of Zhuge Kongming, a famous Chinese military strategist, even though he had no information at all, he still predicted the direction of the situation.

"That kind of thing... well, with my magic sword, it's not easy to cut it off."

Fergus rubbed his chin and muttered.

"How about luring him into swallowing us on purpose, like on TV, and then attacking from the inside?"

Yagi Xuesai suddenly thought of the classic scenes on TV.

Anyway, as long as such a monster with a bloody mouth appears, blasting from the inside is considered a fixed bridge.

"Heh, that's a very good and correct answer, but I'll only give you 5 points out of [-]."

El-Melloi II glanced at him coldly, and explained a little irritably: "Before we are swallowed by it, we will be hit by the beam it emits first. It's all a joke."

"Well, how about blocking it with a magic attack of the same level?"

Fujimaru Tateka raised her hand weakly, trying to express her opinion.

"This idea can be used. After all, the biggest feature of Chaldea is that you can change servants freely. But the question is, do you have servants who can shoot treasures quickly?"

Is it a treasure trove...

Isn't there? !
Yagi Yusai suddenly thought of someone.

Siegfried, the dragon-slaying hero who has always shown others with a humble and gentle attitude.

His treasure is not simply to release his own magic power, but is triggered by the magic gem in the hilt, so the consumption is very small, and it can be used multiple times in a short period of time.

"Breakthrough from here to the front of that monster, you need to resist at least 4 rounds of attacks..."

Before El-Melloi II finished speaking, Captain Drake shook his head and interjected: "Wrong, at least seven times. Considering the huge waves caused by that guy's body flipping, combined with his attack frequency, at least seven times." attack."


Yagi Xuesai was also silent.

Siegfried's Noble Phantasm only consumes little to himself, isn't it free of consumption, and can be released seven times in a short period of time?
And... can it really catch up?

Sure enough, should we bring more servants who can release long-distance magic attacks to resist?

Yagi Xuesai was caught in a tangle.

Captain Drake held down his hair, pressed hard, and pushed his whole body down.

"What! So distressed! What's there to worry about, isn't it!"

As Captain Drake spoke, he turned around and asked the pirates behind him.

I thought that these miscellaneous fish pirates who were only inferior evil spirits would tremble, but the response to Captain Drake was all applause.

"That's right! Follow the captain, I have experienced this kind of thing countless times!"

"Yes! As long as the captain is here! Don't be afraid of anything!"

"Hey, at the beginning, didn't the captain put down that big beard too!"

"Also snatched the golden cup that can be turned into food!"

"It's okay this time!!!"

The pirates chattered to stir up Captain Drake's emotions. Matthew listened silently, her eyes widening. She quietly pulled Fujimaru Tatsuka's sleeve and asked, "Senior... are we Didn’t you accidentally learn some amazing information just now?”

"Who made that guy dare to call himself the God of the Sea! My old lady just can't understand that kind of guy! Hey! He dares to call himself the God of the Sea in front of professionals like us who eat at sea! Of course I have to find fault with him!"

"That's right! So the eldest sister must kill this thing for the first time!"

"Of course! This rare guy can make a lot of money as a specimen after killing it! Little ones! The time for plundering has begun!"

Captain Drake didn't hesitate at all.

She understood that the situation was critical, but she had no fear or hesitation.


Hesitation is not going to make things better.

"We! We are pirates! Anyone who dares to challenge us in this sea will be killed and kicked back to where it should go!"


The pirates made a heroic voice together, ran towards the cabin, and returned to their respective posts.

"Really, it's a swift and resolute move. Captain, aren't you even afraid?"

Matthew asked cautiously.

"Huh? Afraid? Hahaha, do as you please, be free, this is a pirate. If you are afraid of death, no one will be a pirate from the beginning. I am a big pirate who wants to break through the world and plunder everything! This kind of place is held back by this kind of thing! If you also have [desire], you will understand."

Captain Drake's words made Matthew's expression darken, and she said to herself: I have no desire.

But Captain Drake didn't continue talking to her, but went to find Fergus and El-Melloi II.

There was no fear, and no other choice. After a brief discussion, the only feasible solution was to break into the opponent's body in one breath, and then destroy it from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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