Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 583 Kamikaze Attack

Chapter 583 Kamikaze Attack
Only half of the boat was left, and even half of his own existence was left.There are only two men left.

However, the dangerous aura emanating from Blackbeard has reached its peak.

Originally, the Great Pirate Mode, which rarely erupted because of dying, came in handy in an unexpected place.

This man, the only thing that stalks him is quite scary.

It is said that when the navy raided Blackbeard, the man was shot several times and suffered countless knife wounds. He still swung the scimitar with a devilish smile, and finally died while filling the pistol with gunpowder.

When it comes time to do it, you can risk your life to do it.

It's just that this kind of life is really... It's more in line with Blackbeard's personality to read comics to his heart's content, collect figurines to his heart's content, and live a squat life to his heart's content.

"The spirit base mode...has disappeared."

In the communication, although Dr. Romani could not see the state of Blackbeard, he could clearly detect the situation from the instrument.

Although Blackbeard's voice could be heard, there was no doubt that the machine could not detect the servant's spirit foundation.

The appearance of that person is entirely due to the fact that this sea area is full of magic power... It's like a broken glass bottle filled with some water because of the high tide, probably at this level.

His journey as a servant should have ended long ago in the confrontation with Captain Drake.


"The big pirates are coming! The big pirates are coming!! Kill them all! Kill them all! Take them all! Take them all!"

With such a roaring black beard, he drove the broken Queen Anne's Revenge to break through the huge enemy.

At the bow of the ship, the muzzles of black holes condensed by magic power are densely lined up.It's twelve cannons.

It is the only magic power left by Blackbeard.

The unsuspecting raider was also spotted by the gigantic sea beast.

Humans are so much stronger than bugs, but if a bug approaches them, they will instinctively feel disgusted and kill the bug.

The same is true for sea beasts, although they don't realize that Blackbeard is in any trouble.But it's disgusting to be approached by him.

With the ups and downs of the sea beast, the water surface fluctuated violently, and the huge waves over 30 meters high smashed over like a tsunami.

"Fire, fire, fire! Open the way for Captain Drake!!"

Following Blackbeard's roar, the cannons at the bow fired together, and the magic bombardment hit the water curtain, and the shock wave brought by the explosion of the black powder instantly blasted the water curtain open.

The Golden Hart followed the Queen Anne's Revenge through the gap in the billows.

Dense red light beams shot out from the giant sea beast, attacking the Queen Anne's Revenge. It seemed that it was instinctively attacking the one closest to itself.

However, the Queen Anne's Revenge piloted by Captain Blackbeard was like a nimble cat, shuttled briskly among the countless rays, and shuttled like a butterfly among the splashing water.

"Hei, Captain Blackbeard is amazing..."

Fujimaru Tatsuka was dumbfounded, but she never thought that the idiot captain with a look of good-for-nothing was actually so powerful? !

"He is one of the most famous great pirates in human history anyway, of course he has two tricks."

Captain Drake said, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

That is, a smile reminiscent of sympathy.

The big pirate, Blackbeard, confuses the enemy with his absurd and foolish nature, the big pirate with a playful smile but always vigilant in his heart, naturally has corresponding strength.It can be seen from Hector's sneak attack that he is the type of wise as stupid.No great intelligence aside, at least, he was that smart.

It's far more terrifying to pretend to be a stupid genius than to pretend to be a smart fool.

Drake didn't dislike his personality.

It's just that I can't like that appearance anyway.

"But can that boat go so fast? He never sailed like that when we were on it."

Fujimaru Tachika felt that she had been deceived, and her brows furrowed unconsciously.

"This. Well, let's think of it as something like a trump card."

Captain Drake gave her no explanation.

The reason is very simple, Captain Drake's ship handling skills are better than Blackbeard's, why can't she avoid the enemy's attack so flexibly?

The reason is that she is [Captain].

This is 【Ship】.

Carrying so many servants and so many ordinary crew members, the Golden Deer cannot make such flexible movements.

It's like comparing sumo wrestlers and gymnasts to whoever is more agile.

In the same way, now on the Queen Anne's Revenge, there are no dragging members, no cargo, not even its own spirit base. The Queen Anne's Revenge, which has mostly disappeared, is like an athlete who keeps reducing his weight.Regardless of whether the flexibility has increased or not, the less burdensome, the more you can exert your original strength.

Whether it is Blackbeard or Drake, after becoming a Heroic Spirit, the Noble Phantasm is their ship.Piloting this ship requires magic, not people.Blackbeard is still able to control the ship flexibly by himself, and now it is precisely because the spirit base is about to disappear, so it is more and more handy to operate.

Shuttle between the light curtains, Blackbeard continued to harass the huge sea beast with cannonballs, and the artillery fire fell on it, but it only exploded a small spark, which had no effect at all.

However, Blackbeard's purpose is not to defeat him.

If you are the general of the defeated army, then it should be the winner's job to win.

That's the iron rule of pirates: the winner gets everything.

It was enough to make him proud to be able to fight side by side with the great pirate he admired most, Captain Drake, in his last time.

Yes, this person admires Captain Drake, the great pirate who was born hundreds of years before him, and the great hero who took the lead in completing a great feat around the world.

It's just that he is not the kind of frank person, just like elementary school boys often choose to bully her in order to win the attention of the girl they love.It's the same way to get her attention.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Blackbeard could only use this provocative way to try to get Captain Drake's attention.

Looking back now, I feel a little embarrassed!

Blackbeard shook his head: This is not a good sign.

Because... you will start to recall the past, isn't that just looking at the flowers on horseback?
The field of vision was blurred, only beautiful golden particles.Having lost his lower body and half of his ship, he can't even preserve his self-awareness now.

He doesn't have the ability to continue fighting, nor does he have the ability to act alone. The only thing that has supported him until now is [Pirate's Glory].To be betrayed at will, to die without being of any use at all, isn't it shameful!
"So!!! I just ran back from hell! Just to teach you a good lesson!"

Blackbeard's remaining right hand touched his chest.

It's a pity that the musket that was supposed to be tied to the chest fell to the ground because the entire chest was transformed into a spirit.

However, there is no difference...

Because the pirate responsible for lifting Blackbeard has also disappeared.

Blackbeard fell on the deck, not far away.

He grabbed the musket, vaguely aimed in one direction, and kept firing.

Anyway, the enemy's target is so big, you can definitely hit it if you shoot at problem.

The projectile was ejected from the muzzle, and the smoke and ballistics dissipated in the storm together. Did it hit?It doesn't matter anymore.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

Blackbeard laughed, his laughter was as disgusting as ever.

In a moment of trance, the sound of the tide disappeared, and the sound of the waves disappeared.


I must be dead.

Blackbeard understood.

This time, not only did he keep his head, but he died on the charging land.


Oops... I'm a bit handsome.

Amidst the wild thoughts in his mind, in a sea of ​​blue, Black Beard saw a person in a trance.

With a big hat common to the navy on his head and a coat on his body, Captain Drake is a heroic figure.I can't see the details clearly, but I can only see that she is covered with gorgeous treasures all over her body, which is the posture that Blackbeard imagined Drake should have.Looting everything, owning everything, is the attitude of the unrestrained sea devil, the great pirate Drake.The ultimate pirate who commanded thousands of fleets and completely ravaged the sea!
Involuntarily, Blackbeard saluted her and raised his hands above his head.

"My name is Edward Teach! People call him Blackbeard! He is a great pirate who was born a hundred years after you! Now! Blackbeard is dead! Goodbye!! The greatest navigator in history!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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