Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 596 The Final Sail

Chapter 596 The Final Sail
"Oh... Is this what you said [doesn't belong to this world]? It really disappeared. I thought I had encountered a ghost."

Captain Drake rubbed his hair with a look of difficulty letting go.

"Huh? Captain Drake... hasn't returned?"

Matthew asked strangely.

Generally speaking, after the singularity is over, everyone will return to the Hall of Valor, except that everyone in Chaldea can freely choose when to go back, and everyone else should be...


"Ah! Sure enough! Mash, Tachika, Yagi, Captain Drake in front of a human being! She was not obvious because she was holding the Holy Grail before, but she is a living human being in this era!"

Romani's voice sounded, just right, but also incomprehensible.

Captain Drake rubbed his temples and said with a wry smile: "Probably because it's too sentimental, I always feel as if I heard the voice of a cowardly, cowardly and useless man muttering... Could it really be a ghost? ?”

"Hahaha, with the toughness of the eldest sister, even if it is a man's ghost, it will definitely not look for you!"

A pirate next to him who was not afraid of death interjected, and Captain Drake smiled even wider, but there were obviously unpleasant blue veins on his forehead.

"Okay! Then tonight, you boy, go to sleep in the gun barrel! Which of you will light the fuse for me at night!"

"Wow! Big sister, please spare me!"

In the hilarious atmosphere, Mash and Fujimaru Tachika looked at each other, and they could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Faced with such an inexplicable and sudden enemy, Heroic Spirits are fine, but as a human being... Captain Drake... has been able to defeat all the way so far...

"You... don't you feel scared?"

Matthew mustered up his courage and interrupted Captain Drake's laughter.Captain Drake raised his eyebrows and asked strangely: "What did you say? What are you afraid of?"

(Is it possible that I am always joking with my subordinates like this, am I afraid of lowering my prestige?)

"Captain Drake... As an ordinary human being... don't you feel afraid in the face of those supernatural monsters? Why, can you still fight?"

Matthew asked what he most wanted to know.

"Huh? This question? It's really a question only top students would ask!"

Captain Drake scratched his head in a bit of perplexity, probably, she is the kind of person who only knows how to [teach] but not [speech].Although she has her own will and belief, she doesn't know how to explain it to Matthew.After thinking about it again and again, he sorted out his thoughts over and over again. Finally, Captain Drake saw her staring at him with piercing eyes, and knew that he couldn't escape, so he could only speak.

"Scared. Of course I will be afraid. However, what is there to be afraid of? Even if you lie on the bed, you will die at the end of your lifespan. You will lose your life if you contract a disease or encounter a robber. Death is something that you just need to look away from. If it’s gone, there’s nothing left. Because, no matter what, you can’t get rid of it, and it’s useless to be afraid.”

"It's useless to be afraid... Then, why is Captain Drake so courageous?"

"Courage... haha, courage."

Captain Drake chewed the word over and over again, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"Of course it's because... I have something I want to pursue even if I give up my life!! I am a free and easy pirate. For me, exploring the unknown world, plundering unknown wealth, and stepping on my own footsteps Go all over the world and engrave all the treasures with the logo of our Golden Deer. Anyway, you will die anyway, so it’s better to spend your life doing what you want. How about it, can you use it as a reference?”

Seeing Matthew's confusion, Captain Drake asked.

Matthew shook his head, nodded again, and managed to squeeze out a reassuring smile: "Well, it's very helpful, Captain Drake... But, I don't have one like you..."

"No? Hehe, you don't know yourself yet. You, haven't you already had it. You would risk your life without hesitation... But I won't talk too much. Hmph, I've talked too much, I don't even want to be I'm in style."

Captain Drake seemed to be shy. He was obviously a big villain and a big pirate, but he talked like a teacher. She blushed and turned around, leaving only a free and easy back.

"Little ones! I originally wanted to hold a reception before leaving, but now I've changed my mind! Cheers! Before this chaotic sea disappears, let's explore the treasures sleeping here!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

All the pirates shouted together.

The neat voice shocked everyone in Chaldea for a moment.

Captain Drake and her subordinates are often so close to each other.

The pirates of the Golden Hart boarded their flagship.

The sails were unfurled, the anchor broke through the water and raised, and the hull of the Golden Deer slowly sailed from the shore.

Captain Drake didn't look back in the end.

Great pirate, didn't save the world.

She was just on the road of plundering, just happened to meet guys who didn't know what to do, and then solved them by the way.

It's not a big deal.

So, now that this enemy is ruled out, isn't there only one thing left?
Continue to explore this sea area, plunder all the unknown treasures, and plant your own banner.

Watching the Golden Deer set sail, Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't help but get wet at the corners of his eyes.

Although the time was short, the image of this handsome big sister was firmly imprinted in her heart.

"Well, don't be so sentimental. For a person like her, she should be used to this kind of parting. It's okay, she is so good, just go back to Chaldea and summon her. You are going to be her first mate in the future. people."

Yagi Yusai patted Fujimaru Tatsuka's shoulder encouragingly, with a flat smile on his face.

Fujimaru Tachika nodded and said softly:
"Let's go back."

In this way, in the endless sea, the epic voyage surrounding the pirates finally came to an end.

The Holy Grail is recovered, the world begins to repair itself, and Captain Drake sets sail.However, Catherine didn't show up... It's a bit hard to let go.

After the people of Chaldea returned to Chaldea, they were on an empty desert island...

"Hmm~~~It's really fun~~Well, it's a pity that the last Scarhat shot, and the wild hunt in the storm, otherwise, it was a very happy show. She got in the way. "

The black flames burned up, gradually forming a human figure.

Dressed in black, as if attending a funeral, there is no doubt that she is by far the biggest enemy of Chaldea, the pleasure criminal [Catherine].

(End of this chapter)

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