Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 609 VOL. The Two of Robin Hood

Chapter 609 VOL. Two Robin Hood

"Hey, I said, this is my pre-planned sniper spot, you stay out of the way."

"I just want to say, please don't interfere with me. Whether it is power or ability, I am much stronger than you."

"Miss, you can't agree with what you say."

"Sir, then show me some strength."

In the simulated training room in Chaldea, the spirit was transferred to the forest area. Considering the compatibility with the forest, Fujimaru Tateka found two servants who are also [Robin Hood], a man and a woman.

But the problem is...

Sure enough, since these two people are both Robin Hood and experts in sniping, they immediately chose the exact same location...

Fujimaru Tachika and Yagi Yusai looked at each other, and they saw the helplessness in each other's eyes at the same time.

"Well, then, in short, let's give up the sniper battle and use another method. Yagi-senpai, please make sure you and Mr. Robin Hood are safe here. Miss Robin Hood and I will go ahead and check."

As smart as he is, he immediately understood what Fujimaru Tatsuka meant.The young man nodded understandingly.

Because the old enemy left, Robin Hood finally relaxed his tense expression, and picked up a cigarette, but after thinking about it, smoking in the forest is really not good, and the monster with a sharp nose will find it, and it is also suspected of destroying the forest.There is no ignition, just dangling.Probably want to use cigarettes to relieve stress.

"Speaking of which, it feels like the two of you are also members of Robin Hood, but the relationship is particularly bad?"

Because he had nothing to do, Yagi Xuesai took the initiative to talk to him.

It is estimated that Fujimaru Tachika deliberately separated these two people.

How clever Yagi Xuesai was, I guessed it all at once.

"Huh? Poor relationship? Ah, let's forget it. That kind of guy is obviously weak to death, but he always looks arrogant in the end, and he still holds such a weapon that doesn't look like Robin Hood at all. Don't you feel it?" Does that kind of person make people's impression collapse?"

Probably opening up the topic, Robin Hood sat down with his hands spread out, looking helpless.

He asked in turn: "Let me ask you, if you haven't seen me, the first time you saw Robin Hood was like that, a woman in a green cloak, holding a super advanced rifle that seemed to appear in the 23rd century, would you Wouldn't you also be confused by the legend of Robin Hood? Think [Why is this Robin Hood legend so messy]?"

"Ah... I'm used to this..."

Yagi Xuesai muttered softly.

In fact, he has long been used to it.For example, the world-famous Knight King is a woman, for example, the super-famous samurai Gen Yoshitsune circulated in Japan is also a woman, the famous Chinese assassin Jing Ke is a woman, and Sakata Kintoki among the Four Heavenly Kings of Raikou is a blond fake foreign devil Ah, the world-famous evil pirate Blackbeard is actually a dead house...

To be honest, now Yagi Xuesai feels that he will no longer be surprised. This kind of historical explosion point, you will be surprised after seeing it once, and you will be shocked after two or three times. Numb.

Hearing his self-defeating muttering, Robin Hood had an obvious [Wow...] expression on his face. He shrugged and continued:

"In short, that kind of person will only make people's impression of the Robin Hood group and hero worse. For example, Wendy, look, if Wendy came into contact with her, wouldn't that be very detrimental to education?"

(I think, on this point, you don't have to say anything about others...)
Yagi Xuesai looked at this Robin Hood who was a bit decadent, had a bad mouth, and liked to smoke.

"And... don't think I'm talking bad about her. I'm very responsible to tell you that there are all kinds of experts in the Robin Hood group. There are experts in blacksmiths, experts in masons, and experts in growing food. , an expert who is good at sniping and assassination, an expert who infiltrates and collects intelligence, yes, there is even Robin Hood, a great warrior who is good at frontal assault. Not to belittle her, how many of her level we want here..."

As Robin Hood said, his eyes showed a rare look of loneliness and nostalgia.

Robin Hood, the hero, is not [a] person.

but a group of people.

A group of people acted chivalrously in the name of Robin Hood.Therefore, Robin Hood is omnipotent, because a person's ability is limited, but the combination of all talents is terrible.So, Robin Hood is everywhere.A person will be exposed by whereabouts, and if there are plurals, it is easy to confuse people.Therefore, Robin Hood was able to fight and delay the unreasonable dignitaries at the time.

These people are probably the most proud companions for Robin Hood who is now responding to Chaldea's call.

"Speaking of... Robin Hood is full of talented people. There are many young girls of that level. However, when it comes to women, there are not many women in Robin Hood. There is a very powerful female Robin Hood."

At the mention of this topic, Yagi perked up his ears.

"Female Robin Hood?"

"Well, it's much better than this rude and ignorant idiot Robin Hood holding a rifle. She is a gentle and virtuous young lady."

"Huh? Miss Qianjin is okay?"

Yagi froze for a moment.

Where did Miss Qianjin come from? This is it.

No, no, speaking of it, you Robin Hood are heroes of the forest. To put it bluntly, you are similar to forest robbers. Why is there a young lady!
"She is a real noble lady. She is well-trained and beautiful. Although she is not very good at fighting, she is our spiritual pillar."

"Oh? That is, similar to... the idol in Robin Hood, this feeling?"

"That's not it, it's not that kind of show. She is very powerful. She is responsible for infiltrating into the enemy's camp to help us collect information. She is originally a daughter, no matter what grade of social gathering she appears, she will not attract attention. Even going in and out of the military camp is very easy. I have to say, we got a lot of help from her. Ah...Miss Roshia has brown hair and is as gentle as an angel. Ahhh, it's really great."

Robin Hood showed a rare look of tranquility and longing.

Probably, for him, that female Robin Hood is the goddess in his memory.

The most cherished existence.

"What about her ending? Robin Hood's ending is tragic. I know, if Robin Hood is not alone, then what about the others?"

"Hmm... I don't know. To be honest, I died earlier. I know about the same as you about that kind of thing."

He didn't say much, a fat, blue, and cute bird suddenly fell from the forest. Robin Hood raised his arm, and it landed on his shoulder, calling affectionately.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, really, it's not like me to be so talkative. Work hard, Yagi."

(End of this chapter)

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