Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 613 VOL. Artificial Magic Sword

Chapter 613 VOL. Artificial Magic Sword

"So, you came to my workshop to be lazy?"

Da Vinci pushed his glasses, looked up from the desk, and glanced at Yagi Xuesai.

After hearing his complaint just now, she probably grasped the status quo.

In short, this person cannot drive away the source of the noise, so he can only escape by himself.

The question is, why come here?

"So, Yagi, why are you here?"

As Da Vinci said, he took out a sheet from the side file, and it was useless to check the content. Instead, he used the back, picked up a quill pen and began to draw a sketch.

Yagi Xuesai was lying on the sofa in Da Vinci's studio, his whole body was languidly sinking into a softness, he yawned, and replied feebly: "Well, don't say that! Dear Da Vinci Aren’t you just being lazy by staying in the workshop? Add me.”

"I'm different from you, Yagi. Because I'm a genius, my rest time is several times that of others! Correspondingly, my work efficiency is dozens of times that of others!"

"Hey... I've never heard of it... Didn't everyone say that Da Vinci was a hardworking man who invented special sleep and slept for 4 hours a day..."

Yagi Xuesai yawned, playing with the wooden mechanism that Leonardo da Vinci did not know when he made it. It was a Rubik's cube-like thing. Create a space that is roughly large enough to hold a watermelon.Now Yagi is working hard to restore the thing back.

"Tired of playing... Is there anything more fun for me?"

Yagi tried for a long time, but couldn't do it, so he simply threw it aside and asked.

Da Vinci curled his lips and said with fake anger, "You're still picky!"

"Well, there must be some! The almighty Da Vinci must have something special for me to play with, right?"

Yagi Yusai said as if begging.

"That's true."

Da Vinci nodded in agreement.

"It's in the corner over there. See what you're doing."

Da Vinci smiled mysteriously. Yagi looked over and saw a dark object, which looked like a long box leaning against the corner, because most of Da Vinci's room They are all made of wood, showing a warm orange tone, and the dark color is a bit abrupt in this space.

Picked it up and found a similar...

Yes, something like a sword.

There is a handle and a blade.But there is no edge, it looks like an iron ruler.

The length is about 1.8 meters by visual inspection, and it is almost as tall as Yagi's whole body. In the blade, a bit of high-tech armor seam line can be seen, and there is a slight light emitting from it.

"what is this?"

"[Leonardo da Vinci] Yo."

Da Vinci said so himself.

"No, no, I'm asking about the name of this new invention."

"Well, that is to say, it is called [Leonardo Da Vinci]."

Da Vinci repeated it.

" it actually the same name..."

Yagi complained, and Da Vinci curled his lips indifferently: "Isn't that little girl's rifle also called by that name? It made me feel a little bit of fighting spirit! Hmm, is this the so-called fighting instinct?"

Da Vinci said hey and smiled, and tapped his head lightly.

It's... so cute!

"Hey... so, what is this?"

As if waiting for him to ask, Da Vinci hummed mysteriously and explained.

This is the man-made magic sword mentioned before.

Based on Siegfried's great sword, the short sword given by His Majesty Nero was refined and recast by Paracelsus, a genius alchemist, and the blueprint was designed by Da Vinci himself, with embedded An Age of Gods gem made by Medea.

Overall, this is a man-made magic sword.

Man-made magic sword [Leonardo Da Vinci].This name is to fight against the rifle of Roshiah.

Of course, by the way, even the idea of ​​developing an artificial magic sword is based on this kind of resistance.

Compared with Siegfried's magic sword, it is a little difficult to use.

For one thing, this sword is a real man-made product, so it must be carried with you. It is different from the weapon of the follower, which can be transformed into a spiritual body with magic power.

Secondly, the gems in this sword do not have the function of [storage].

Its effect is 【Transformation and Amplification】.

The specific usage is that Yagi Xuesai injects magic power into it, and it can be transformed into a higher concentration of magic power through the transformation of gems. The highly condensed magic power comparable to the aether of the age of gods is diffused by the magic formula inside the hilt, and finally can be released. A powerful blow.

This was originally intended for Yagi Xuesai.The original intention of the development is because he can't control the holy sword very well.Developed for him to strengthen the strength of the Legion.Who knew he would be able to use it later?So this thing didn't make much sense, and it was shelved by Da Vinci.

Of course, this is not a semi-finished product, but a genuine [trial product], which is already close to a finished product.

The more Yagi Xuesai watched it, the more he liked it, but unfortunately, he couldn't release the Noble Phantasm in Chaldea now, otherwise, he had to try it out.

"Speaking of which, dear Da Vinci, I was very concerned just now, what are you painting?"

Yagi Xuesai noticed that she was sketching something on the paper with the brush like flying, Yagi Xuesai looked over curiously.

You know, Da Vinci is most famous in history as a painter.

Considering the positions of the two just now, sure enough!Are you painting yourself? ! !Can he be portrayed by the great painters famous in history? !


"Hmph, isn't it cute?"

She showed him the painting as if showing off.

It's not Yagi at all!
It was a Leonardo da Vinci who looked much younger.

Little da Vinci?

da Vinci lily?

Anyway, it's something like that.

"Oh, I just came up with a genius idea. If one person can't rest and work at the same time, as long as there are two of them, I'm completely OK! Well, I really deserve to be a genius. I will develop it when the time comes Da Vinci's spare is ready."

Da Vinci giggled, squinted his eyes, and teased in a narrow tone: "Ahh—why~~ Yagi-san, did you just think that, even if there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility, you should No, you think I'm drawing you?"

"It's too bad! Dear Da Vinci! I want you to draw a portrait of me too! Draw it quickly! Draw Yagi Yusai's smile or something, I want celebrity history too!"

Being teased by her, Yagi Yusai responded unwillingly.

"Oh my! Don't worry, I can't remember that kind of thing! By the way, do you know how long it took me to smile on the Mona Lisa?"

"Who knows, some say three years, some say five years, some say 12 years."

"Can you promise to sit in front of me and let me draw?"

"Is it so hardcore! Are the models very hardcore now!?"

Yagi Yusai complained strongly.

The door opened.

With an anxious expression, Dr. Romani suddenly felt relieved when he saw Da Vinci was here: "As expected, Da Vinci is here!!! Come quickly, I still need your help in data analysis! How can I get rid of my work? Slip back to the workshop!"


In this way, as Da Vinci was taken away, Yagi Xuesai also got bored and went back.

(End of this chapter)

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