Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 624 VOL. Chaldea Parenting Time

Chapter 624 VOL. Chaldea Parenting Time

The effect of this medicine can be unlocked.

After all, for Circe, the medicine made by the magicians of later generations was far inferior to the medicine skills taught by the goddess Hecate.Wanting to develop an antidote is like playing.

However, it is not necessary.

It's like, if a person is splashed with water, of course he can choose to wrap his body in bandages to heal his wounds.But if you think about it carefully, it's not necessary, is it?

Circe could see right away that the effect of this medicine would only last for a day at most.In addition, Mordred has magic power as a saber job, this time should be even shorter.

So, here comes the question, is it really necessary to develop an antidote for a drug that ends in less than a day?

Although it doesn't take long to develop an antidote, it still requires going to the singularity to collect materials.

than these...

Just now, Circe had a flash of light in his mind, and thought of a brilliant idea that no one has seen before or since.

You see, no matter what, Yagi Xuesai has a child-like existence.

As long as you act like a good wife and mother, that's it!In this case!Isn't it a fait accompli?

Hee hee hee!
And ah, when the time comes, as long as she shows her side as a good wife and loving mother in front of him, he will definitely be fascinated!I am the great seductress of Greece, if the wheat porridge Shukeon can't charm him, then I will charm him from a more simple and easy-to-understand direction!

Looking at little Mordred again, seeing the eagle's feathers growing on Circe's shoulders, he was immediately attracted, and stretched out his small arms and legs to grab him.

Circe, however, was much wiser, and tucked her wings behind her shoulders to keep her from touching them.

"Anyway, let's go to the cafeteria and make some children's meals for her! I'll let you guys have a good look at the cooking skills of the great witch!"

Although I really want to complain about the relationship between the witch and cooking, but looking at her confident appearance...

Anyway, there was only one day, so Yagi Yukisai simply messed around with Mordred.

He was frequently called away by Mordred for training, and now he only needs to treat it as an easy training subject... No, maybe taking care of children is more tiring than fighting?

In short, Yagi and Circe brought little Mordred to the cafeteria of Chaldea.

"Hamburger meat! I want hamburger meat!"

Mordred saw the hamburger in Altria Alter's hand at a glance.

Wang, who was eating junk food, stared at him for a moment, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Even the young Mordred was frightened by the sudden stern look in her eyes, he didn't dare to say more, and kept silent.

"Listen, Yagi."

Arturia changed her mouth.


"Be nice to her. She's not a knight now."

Artoria Alter showed a little concern for Mordred in a rare way.

Arturia alter is the highlight of the cold side of Artoria, a follower.

In fact, regarding Mordred's attitude, Artoria was not targeting her as Mordred thought.Instead, she always felt that she was treating Mordred fairly.

She treated Mordred harshly because she was indeed a little insufficient as a knight.

The manners are not correct, the etiquette is not elegant, the fighting style is rude, and the strategic thinking is simple.

Such a person is very suitable as a warrior, but it is slightly insufficient to be called a knight.

It's just that people are not sages, and everyone only has [his own vision], and cannot understand other people from the perspective of omniscience and omnipotence. The result is that everyone believes in what they believe, even if it is wrong.

Mordred always thought Arturia was unfair to him.The other side thinks this is fair.

That's it.

Now, Mordred appeared as a child instead of a knight. Naturally, Artoria Alter didn't have to impose strict rules on her, insisting on her doing whatever.

However, in this spirit base mode, she couldn't say any gentle words.In the end, he just calmly said to Yagi, hoping he could treat her better.

After all, she could also see that the Yagi Lingji was fused with her own holy sword. For Mordred, he should be a very special and special existence.Similar to... father.Also similar, brother.It's just that she hasn't found it yet.

Although it is just a miraculous spirit foundation that is short-lived and doomed to burst like a bubble, then, just like a bubble, let it bloom beautifully.

Yagi nodded, and Circe went to the kitchen to make a children's meal...

Rice, hamburger meat, with a small flag, the kind that is common in animation.

Mordred was immediately attracted by this small banner.

Take rice as a position and play with small flags.

Yagi laughed and said, "You actually know how to cook other than barley porridge."

"Of course! Don't underestimate me!"

"I always feel like I asked Wei Gong or Ding Xiaowan to do it."


Circe's smile froze all of a sudden, he smiled awkwardly, and smacked haha.

It seems...... Sure enough! ! !Chef Emiya, please!



Mordred opened his mouth wide.

"Father, feed me!"

she said so.

Yagi Yusai smiled, and was about to help her cut a piece of hamburger meat mixed with rice and feed it to her, but Circe snatched his spoon first and stuffed it into Mordred's mouth.

"Hey! I don't want you! Father, feed me!"

Mordred refused to cover his mouth, just not letting her feed.Circe could only watch Yagi Xuesai feeding Mordred resentfully.

"I told you, don't be so nice to Mordred all the time!"

Circe pouted angrily, and opened her mouth: "Hey me too!"

"Oh...what are you arguing with the children..."

Yagi Xuesai became speechless, so he could only feed her a mouthful.

As a result, Mordred quit again.

It's really hard to do...

Yagi Xuesai smiled wryly, not knowing how to arrange it...

What kind of strange Shura field is this!

This witch-sama named Circe seems to be talking to herself and calling herself her girlfriend.

What a joke, just because of her, Blackbeard has shown an extremely fanatical killing intent towards him several times.

As for Mordred, he was looking for trouble for himself every day, and after turning into a child, he would also be looking for trouble for himself...

God, what kind of Good Friday is this?
Well, it's decided, let's kill Paracelsus after this matter is over.It seems that this bastard is responsible for all the recent troubles in Chaldea.Kill it and get it.

It's really... hey, it's hard to say...


Yagi Yusai casually stroked Mordred's hair, who couldn't hold back and had already started to feast.

(Daughter... oh oh... to be honest, I really want one. Well, it's just like the beautiful girl DreamWorks.)
(End of this chapter)

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