Chapter 641 Enemy of a Hundred

Breaking through the assassin who was chasing and intercepting him in one breath, Yagi Yukisai turned his red gun and gathered strength in his wrist.

Holding the body of the gun with three fingers, this is the "spear throwing" technique that Leonidas had taught Yagi.In ancient Sparta, the long-range weapons used were mainly throwing guns.

In many film and television dramas and games, guns are thrown with the body of the gun in hand.However, only professionals would sneer, that's called "throwing" a gun, not "throwing" a gun.

Use your fingers to control the body of the gun, and [push] the long gun out in an almost flat posture. This is throwing the gun.Instead of using wrist strength, it uses the strength of the entire upper arm plus the dynamic thrust, so that the throwing gun flies out smoothly and powerfully.

In desperation, Yagi didn't have time to think about who taught him the tricks, so he used them all.

The accumulation in daily life was displayed at this moment, and the red spear flew out like lightning, passing through a female Hassan through the vest, and nailed her whole body to the tree trunk in the distance.

Yagi accelerated without stopping, and ran towards her corpse, jumped up, stepped on the gun, and slammed his knee into the tree trunk, the magic power shot out along the knee, forcibly hitting the tree trunk broken!
The palm slapped, fingers pierced the bark like steel claws, grabbed the trunk of the tree, and used it as a weapon. With a tiger roar, Yagi twisted his body with all his strength in mid-air, using the crown of the big tree as a weapon, and swept across a wide area in mid-air !
Hearing the blunt puffing sound, Yagi's wave directly knocked away Hassan who was approaching from the sky!
The physical trees should not be able to attack the servants of the essence of the spirit body. However, it only needs to infuse the magic power into it.

Anyway, judging from Yagi's state, as long as it doesn't consume a lot of magic power in an instant—such as releasing the holy sword—it can be made up for in just a few breaths.

Hassan, who was approaching from the sky, was blown away. The Hassans on the ground did not even communicate with each other.Judging from the light green glow in the faint cold light on the blade, I'm afraid... the blade should be poisoned, right?
Judging by the speed of that weird lancer, even if he rushed over, he couldn't stop such a wide-area throwing knife...

"Dance! The wind!"

However, Yagi Yusai just waved his right hand in mid-air, and a strong wind suddenly surged in his useless hand!The messy gale was quickly released, turned into a gale from his hand, and smashed towards the ground.

To be precise, he threw it at Fujimaru Tachika.

It was a strong wind like a tornado.

If you know anything about tornadoes, you should have heard a word: the eye of the storm.

The center of the tornado is where there is no wind.

The frantic wind will turn into a barrier, but the center will be a windless zone.

When Yagi liberated the holy sword [Wind King Barrier], his heart skipped a beat... his heart said badly: after all, he originally wanted to hide the holy sword.If Hassan has so many, then... didn't he expose his cards in advance?
The temporary change is to use the strong wind to turn into a tornado, hide the blade, and then dematerialize it...

As for whether Hassan has excellent dynamic vision... that's up to fate.

As a result, this action coincided with the position of protecting Lixiang, wrapping around Fujimaru Lixiang.

All the throwing knives thrown by Hassans were blocked by Yagi's unfurled barrier, and the frantic tornado engulfed the flying knives.

If this is a weapon thrown by an archer, or if this is not a light and portable throwing knife, but a heavy spear or even a throwing axe, then maybe it can break the barrier.

Unfortunately, there is no if.The throwing knife was blocked, following this opportunity, Yagi Xuesai landed on the ground, swept the spear in his hand, and with all his strength, the tip of the spear and the ground swept a deep circular ravine in front of him.

"Here... is your death line. You will die if you touch it. Want to try it?"

Yagi Xuesai smiled slightly, showing unquestionable confidence and arrogance in his smile. He had already lost six or seven people. The remaining Hassans looked at each other and jumped back. Their figures disappeared in the dark night. .

After all, assassin's main strategy is to hide and attack secretly.Brazenly fighting head-on, this is not Baimao Hassan's specialty.

Now that it has been discovered, it can only retreat first.

At least confirming [Lancer still has a treasure, which is a golden weapon], it's not a waste of time.

Watching them retreat, Yagi Xuesai also heaved a sigh of relief, if they insisted on chasing him, he would feel really sad.

If you lose, you will definitely not lose!
However, if you want to protect Lixiang, it will be very difficult.

Generally speaking, this should be Matthew's job.Now that Matthew is not here, it is very difficult.

"Nice martial arts, lancer."

In the dark night, a woman's clear and dignified voice sounded.Just listening to the voice, it is so majestic that people may even mistake it for a man.

Wearing a black suit and her blond hair tied into a simple ponytail, Artoria walked over with Master Irisviel, who was even more sassy than a man.

That's right, with her character, she would indeed choose to fight head-on, rather than attack secretly.She had probably been watching it before.Now wait until Yagi has dealt with the enemy, so he will come to talk to him.

Tell the other party openly: I am here.

"However, I have a question... Lancer, where did you get that sword?"

Arturia's blue eyes flickered with confusion.

The sword was only seen for a short moment, but it couldn't be wrong.

Although the details and design are slightly different from the one I hold, there is no doubt that it is the sword of the vowed victory.

Why, does he have this sword?

Artoria had never heard of anyone holding this sword before her.

As for, behind him, there shouldn't be any.

When she died, she asked her most loyal knight, Bedivere, to return it to the fairy in the lake...

Could it be that he is also related to the fairy in the lake?
Anyway, at least he was talking nonsense when he said he was Mordred.

"Ah! Is it Joan of Arc? Or Artoria? Or Miss Chief?"

Seeing the familiar face, Fujimaru Tatsuka suddenly became confused and asked Yagi quietly.

"Yo, King of Knights. We meet again. What, are you here to fight?"

Yagi didn't answer her directly, but gave Fujimaru Tatsuka the answer by answering Saber's question.

"Yes. I am very interested in you. I want to know who you are, where you come from, what kind of follower you are, and why you hold this treasure..."

Saying that, Artoria raised her sword.

"Hey, you don't feel like you want to chat with me."

Yagi smiled and raised his sword too.

"Because, I judge that even if I ask you, you will only talk about gossip to prevaricate. Why not ask you directly with a sword."

"Haha, to be honest, I'm not that kind of fighting mad... I really don't like this style... But... being called away for training by Mordred every day, even if I don't like it, my body has already I'm used to fighting."

"...It's useless to talk. Are you ready, or do you need a break?"

Artoria asked almost provocatively.

"No need. Come on."

It was rare for Yagi Yusai not to sneak attack, took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, abundant magic power filled his body, Saber knew that he had recovered.Holding the sword in both hands like in Japanese kendo, he approached Saber, and Saber did the same. The transparent swords of the two touched lightly in midair.Afterwards, the two of them took a big step back in lightning style, opened the distance, and the transparent sword slammed into it!

(End of this chapter)

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