Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 653 Strange Weapon

Chapter 653 Strange Weapon
The prowess of the black knight had frightened Yagi when he was in the French singularity.

Those black wrists, whatever they hold, is his treasure, and it is too scary to use.

Especially this kind of [incongruity] brought about by turning things that can be seen everywhere in daily life into weapons.

Most of the time, the weapons are similar.

When it comes to swords, there are only a few types of shapes, such as knives, guns, sticks, etc., and they all have similarities.

Having commonality means that previous experience can be used as a reference.

Conversely, the biggest advantage of using Qimen weapons is that it is difficult for the enemy to figure out the routine.

If someone were to list heroes who used swords in history, people who are familiar with mythology and history would be able to name a hundred or so at will.

So, if someone lists the heroes who hold the fan blades in one hand and a handful of wires in the other, how many can you name?
I'm afraid I can't find any of them.

Naturally, be it Saber, Yagi, or Black Joan, they have never seen anyone using such a strange weapon, so they naturally have no way to deal with it.

With a flick of his wrist, the electric wire in his hand curled towards Artoria with a magical arc.

Yagi Xuesai once heard that among the Roman gladiators, there was a kind of "fishing net fighter", which was a special gladiator who used fishing nets as weapons. This net could quickly entangle the enemy's weapons, or hands and feet. Come to your advantage.It now appears that the technique used by the Black Knight is similar to this.

Seeing his skillful technique, he doesn't look like a novice at all, that wire seems to be a handy weapon he has used for many years.

The crimson magic turned into an arc and shot at the broken wire, waving a crimson trajectory. Artoria knew how powerful it was, so she didn't dare to go there. She took a few steps back to open the distance, and waited for the blow of the red thunder to end. Go up, leaning forward, just about to make a surprise attack.

However, one step ahead, the huge black-red flywheel whirled and launched, like the ancient Chinese legendary hidden weapon [Blood Droplet]. The whirling fan blades turned into a life-threatening flywheel. Ya had no choice but to delay her advance, and stepped aside two steps. Just as she was about to attack, she saw the black knight's wrist curl up, and the wire rolled back in his return hand!
"What a troublesome weapon..."

Arturia narrowed her eyes and muttered a little anxiously.

This kind of weapon that she had never seen before made her very aggrieved, and she had never dealt with similar weapons.

Joan of Arc saw that he was only chasing Arturia, her head almost burst into flames. She kept swinging her sword and swinging her sword again, and saw countless dazzling flames from her side, like a conscious fire snake , whirled out, rolled an irregular trajectory, and attacked the black knight.

In terms of swordsmanship or fighting skills alone, Joan of Arc is not particularly remarkable.

As a Servant, what is truly powerful about her is her magical power.

Although the muscles are strong, but the lack of skills is flawed.

The excellence of magic power and agility established the main fighting method of Joan of Arc, which is to continuously emit flame magic power and attack the enemy like a fort. Considering her character, I am afraid this is the most suitable attack for her, right?
As she swung her sword furiously, black spears could be vaguely seen condensing into shape in the sky.

Joan of Arc is not a follower, nor a heroic spirit, nor an IF of Joan of Arc.

She is pure [fictional] shadow.

She is a Servant completely created by the Holy Grail, bearing Guildre's distorted thoughts about Joan of Arc.

In fact, she should have experienced the French singularity, and when she finally failed, she was completely wiped out.

However, it should be said, thanks to Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc has a huge reputation all over the world, and among Joan of Arc's fans, quite a few people have the same feelings as Gilderrey: "The saint is too pitiful" "Such incompetent France is not worth saving." "I don't even want to provide protection for the hero, it's better to destroy it." This kind of thinking supports the existence of Black Joan.

In addition, even Joan himself felt: "She is very pitiful. Although she is not a certain side of me, but... I really hope to see her again."

Thanks to this, she was able to respond to the summons as a Servant, which was a special case within a special case.

And her attack method, naturally, is also a fighting method that bears the [everyone's fantasy].

Since he was burned at the stake, it should be natural for him to be able to use flames, right?

Because she was slandered as a witch, it is only natural that her magic power is strong, right?

Because God abandoned Joan of Arc, it is normal for Joan of Arc to hate God before she died, right?
Since she was chained to the cross stakes, then of course she would use the evil black stakes, right?

Speculations like these were all turned into something similar to [Legendary Famousness], which was fed back to Joan of Arc.

The spear stabs rolling in the sky gave the Black Knight an ominous premonition. With a flick of his wrist, the electric wire drawn towards Artoria slowed down a little. With his hand, the flying blade quickly recovered, and cut towards Artoria from the back of his head.

Yagi Xuesai swiped over with one step, holding a sword in each hand, swiped a cross, and flicked the fan blades away.

Because it was not held in the hands of the black knight, its strength was very low. This kind of weapon without mystery bonus was chopped into pieces by Yagi at once.

What he used in his right hand was the dazzling holy sword, and in his left hand... he picked up the golden sword that was still stuck in his heart just now.

It seems that it is actually similar to the Sword of Oath of Victory, but it is much more primitive. The shape of gold looks like an ordinary sword, and the fusion inside is not sacred magic, but reminiscent of the scorching sun. of flame magic.

I don't know the real name of the treasure yet, so it's fine if I can't release the real name, but it's very handy to use it as an ordinary weapon.

How should I put it...every second-year boy has dreamed of something like the two-sword style...

For some reason, as long as he is a second-year middle school boy who likes cold weapons, he can't resist the attraction of holding a weapon in each hand.

Yagi also secretly practiced dual wielding before, but one spear and one sword are really not easy to cooperate with. Diarmuiduo taught him some, but he didn't remember too much. If there are two guns, he doesn't have a second good gun.It's different now, holding a sword in each hand, but it greatly satisfies his middle heart.

Seeing him coming to help her, Artoria didn't bother to thank him, she nodded slightly to express her gratitude to him, stepped on the ground with her feet, swung the sword behind her back with both hands, and only heard a chirp, a violent explosion erupted from her shoes. Magic power, the strong wind on the blade on the back is unlocked, and the propeller rushes out quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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