Chapter 656
Yagi doesn't know much about the Matou family.

As you know, this family was originally called the Maqili family, and later moved to Japan because of the Holy Grail War.

Japan's Tohsaka family provided spiritual veins and land, the Einzbern family provided the Holy Grail container, and the Maqili family provided the command spell system. Together, the three families wrote the genealogy of the Holy Grail War.It is also because of this that the Holy Grail War has been fought most often mainly in Japan.

But there is a small problem. After the Maqili family came to Japan and changed their name to the Matou family, it seems that they seldom appear in the magic world.

Kenneth didn't know too much, and Yagi didn't know much about it.It seems that this family has faded out of the stage of history.When it comes to the Holy Grail War, everyone talks more about Einzbern's cyborgs or the Tohsaka family's land, and few people mention Matou.

Seeing Matou Otaku today, Yagi really felt the word "not showing his sharpness".

It's not that he's's just that there's no need to say that he is capable when he sees everyone.

The entire Matou mansion is covered with magic power, wrapped in layers of defensive barriers.

Breaking in... probably no problem.With his servant level, it is not a big problem to resist the magic attack inside.

The issue is……

It would be bad if it alarmed the Matou family inside...

(Remove it directly? Or...)
Yagi Xuesai was at war with heaven and man in his heart.

From the perspective of efficiency, the holy sword should be released now, and it should be fired, regardless of whether it is a berserker or a master, it will all be blasted away.

But, this is the Matou family after all!The Matou family with a long history!There may not be many classics hidden in it, and there may not be many magic tools and so on.


Right now, the incineration of humanity is carried out in the form of the [Holy Grail War].

For some reason, the enemy will throw the Holy Grail into different eras to form singularities, just like a special Holy Grail War.So the question is, why does he have to use this system?

Is it because there is something special about this system?
Yagi Yusai thought about this, and became more and more curious about whether there were any wonderful books hidden in Matou's house.

Especially the secrets of the Holy Grail War.

(Forget it, the big deal is forced killing. A mere magician should not be able to do anything to me.)
After the battle, curiosity still prevailed.Eager to see if he could take away something meaningful from the Matou family, so Yagi Yusai began to invalidate the barrier of the Matou family.

The method is also very simple.

Although the Matou family's magic defense is extremely good, what Yagi Yusai has to do is not to remove it.

Just disable the alarm device.

As long as it doesn't appear, he just steps in and there are alarms everywhere in Matou's house.

The project didn't last long.

After all, with his current physique of half a follower, his magic power is no longer at the level of the second-rate magician back then.After the alarm was lifted, he strutted into the Matou family's mansion.

Countless magical powers condensed in the air, turned into deadly rays of light and attacked the intruders, and there were flying insects everywhere for warning, throwing off their sharp jaws and biting at Yagi.

However, Yagi Xuesai just strolled in the garden, letting them attack.

At this time, he admired Siegfried more and more.

As his superior, Siegfried's defense might be even better, right?
Indeed, with such a defensive ability, it has an absolute advantage in the Holy Grail War.

After all, the Matou family is an ancient family of magic, with countless secret methods passed down, and the defense they set up is first-class. Generally speaking, it takes several hours, or even more than ten hours, and ordinary people may not be able to break through it for several months.Yagi Xuesai didn't care about this at all, just went in directly after the alarm was invalidated, forcibly walking forward under the magical bombardment.

All the way into the Matou family's mansion.

Once inside the house, the magic attack stopped.

Yagi Xuezhai patted the dirt on his body, and the cyan swordsmanship uniform that had been blasted into disarray was quickly reborn under the construction of his magic power.

Looking around, I found that the Matou family's mansion had no lights on, and it was dark everywhere, and there was no special security. It seemed that he hadn't noticed the intruder?
Is it because they are too confident in the defense in the big courtyard?

Or is it that the owner is not here?

Yagi Xuesai breathed a sigh of relief, and told himself: Look, thanks to not using the treasure, right?Otherwise, magic power is wasted in vain, and people are not here.

Thinking of this, he became much more relaxed. He picked up the golden sword he had just obtained as a lighting torch, and then the soft light emitted by the golden blade explored the way, and he searched all the way to Matong's house.The target, of course, is rare magic props, magic materials and... magic books.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard in the corridor.

Yagi hurriedly hid himself in a corner beside the wall.

The footsteps were staggering, and he seemed to have no strength, but judging by the frequency, he was probably male.

Then, there was the sound of the door opening and the sound of a man hiccupping.Then there was the sound of a door closing, and the sound of a chair being pulled away.

I guess he sat down?
Yagi Xuesai just appeared, the corridor is very long, there is only one door, peeping through the keyhole, I saw a man in his early 30s sitting with his back to him, drinking alone, he didn't care what he understood , Pull off the cap and blow directly on the bottle.

The smell of magic power on his body is very weak. I don't know if it's because the berserker made a fuss just now, which made him consume too much magic power.

(The Matou family... the man... Oh, this person is Matou Kariya, right?)

Yagi Yusai nodded, the name was heard from El-Melloi II.The biggest hole card he can hold is his knowledge of this Holy Grail War—the Fourth Holy Grail War.

(it is good.)
While he was drinking, Yagi quietly twisted the doorknob, the door opened with a rattling sound, which was overshadowed by the swallowing sound from the man's throat.

Yagi Xuesai quietly came behind him, raised the holy sword, and cut off his head with one blow.

This poor man didn't even know what happened, so his head fell to the ground.

Why use the holy sword instead of the magic gun?
In this way, if there is any trouble, people will mistakenly think that Saber did it from the incision of the holy sword.

Thinking of this, he started to camouflage the corpse, for example, leaving some friction marks similar to metal foot armor... He didn't react until he was done...

That's right, Saber is still an ally for the time being, why are you cheating on her...

I can only say that I am used to it.This grandson's harming others was too natural, and he started to cheat others out of habit.

However, this behavior is not completely meaningless.

While packing up the corpse, Yagi suddenly noticed...

(There is no command spell on the back of the hand? He is not the master? Then who is he? Forget about him, anyway, the Matou family is all enemies. People with singularity will return to the correct history after the singularity disappears ,never mind.)
(End of this chapter)

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