Chapter 661 Water Prison
One of the words that El-Melloi II praised Kenneth was completely correct.

His talent is indeed the jewel of the clock tower, the best among magicians.

Especially, he is still so young.With time, it is not impossible to become a first-class magician, or even become a top magician.

He is that kind of typical [academic school] magician.

Although thinking is somewhat naive, theoretical knowledge is really rich.

It's like what everyone always says about high scores and low abilities, regardless of their abilities, at least this score is really high.

The same is true for Kenneth. His original intention to participate in the Holy Grail War was to freely spread his magic secrets, suppress other magicians, proudly declare the excellence of the El-Mello magic school, win but not humiliate, defeat all enemies, Sing a triumphant song and return.

In his mind, the Holy Grail War should be the existence of both parties reporting their names and families, and then using their own secret methods, you come and go, fighting magic.

However, after actually participating, it was found that this was not the case at all.

He attributed this to the poor level of the participants.

How could those bumpkins have the arrogance that a magician should have?
Kenneth is heartbroken.

Especially, the information that El-Melloi II just gave him.

(He said...he has seen my love letter. I will never leave that thing alone...that is to the future he lives in...the owner of the study, he never went back, right? .)
Thinking of this, Kenneth's heart was filled with pride and pride, and his blood almost boiled, prompting him to make a move of [fighting all assassins with one person].

He already knew that there was more than one assassin.

Because, there were several dark figures in front of him.

how many?
Who cares.

No matter how many people come, in his Kenneth's magic workshop, they are all sent to death.

(Although I don't know who I lost to in that world, but it must be a very powerful guy. Hmph.)
Kenneth snorted proudly, reciting the mantra in a low voice.

That is a seven-bar super-wide-scale magic.

As I said before, this Hyatt Hotel has turned into Kenneth's magic field, and assassins are doomed to perish from the moment they step here.

Because, Kenneth not only has massive magical support, but also is familiar with the terrain, and has set countless traps.


As for why assassin would do this...

The instigator, of course, was Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Due to unexpected reasons, his own archer was repelled in an unexpected place.

For Tohsaka Tokiomi, this was the biggest command error.

His original idea was: use the infinitely split assassins, first pretend to send an assassin away, make everyone mistakenly think that the assassin is dead, then secretly let them engage in espionage activities, and then bring the archer to annihilate them one by one.

However, now Archer's sudden exit made all plans come to naught.

Therefore, he asked his disciple and his ally, Kotomine Kirei, to transfer his servant [assassin Baimao Hassan] to him.

To be honest, Kotomine Kirei was not very interested in the Holy Grail War, and he still can't understand why he was chosen. Since his ally Tosaka Tokiomi needed something, he didn't think much about it, so he handed it over to him. Out of the right to use assassin.

In other words, let Assassin re-conclude a contract with Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Tosaka Tokiomi judged that Caster, Saber, and Lancer had joined forces, so he decided to let Assassin assassinate Kenneth, at least one should be ruled out first.

In particular, he used magic to see Kenneth laughing through the assassin's vision, and he lost his vigilance because of being praised...

Unexpectedly, he was so wary.

Did you underestimate him a little bit?

(At this time, you should retreat.)
Tohsaka Tokiomi thought so in his heart.

However, the middle-aged magician shook his head severely.

(No, I ordered Archer to retreat because I didn't trust the followers before, which led to his demise. If I didn't think about these before, but ordered Archer to annihilate the enemy, the situation would have been different.)
Thinking of this, Tohsaka Tokiomi calmly put away his mood of ordering, and chose to believe in Assassin's independent judgment.

Since ancient times, the common understanding in the Holy Grail War is: Servants are stronger than humans.Even an assassin who is recognized as weak can easily deal with a magician.

No matter how powerful Kenneth is, he is only a human being, very young.

And...he doesn't want followers to support him now.There is still a chance.

Assassin's characteristic of Hassan's various appearances is that he has different fighting styles, and one of them may not be able to defeat him.

Tohsaka Tokiomi watched the battle calmly.

Suddenly, the elegant magician widened his eyes.

He suddenly noticed that Lancer in the corner, the black-haired servant, was rubbing a girl's hair casually.

That purple-haired girl...although the hair color is different...but...

(Sakura? Why is she there?!)

With Kenneth singing, the atmosphere of the entire Hyatt Hotel changed.

The faucet suddenly sprayed water, as did the automatic fire extinguishing device. The water pipe burst, and countless transparent liquids splashed in the sky, flowed on the floor, and seeped into the next floor. In the entire Hyatt Hotel, more than twenty floors were turned into such water world.

This was set up by Kenneth long ago.

This is a super-wide-area magic comparable to the inherent enchantment.

Kenneth, who has dual attributes of wind and water, is the absolute ruler in this world that has turned into a water prison.

Even if the magic is pre-set everywhere, it needs seven bars of chanting to activate. This is what Kenneth said from the beginning [If the enemy foolishly sneaks up on him, then he should attack him in the hotel upright. He's alright] thought.

Now, just in time to entertain assassins.

The Assassins judged that the assassination failed.

Generally speaking, at this time, you should choose to retreat...


(No, the Master did not order us to retreat... Refer to that archer, the Master will definitely give a signal when he wants us to retreat.)
The individual in charge of the commander in the Assasisn thinks so, and instills this idea in other assassins, and the strange thing is that everyone thinks so.

Tohsaka Tokiomi is that kind of typical magician, since he didn't give himself an order, then he shouldn't act rashly, otherwise, making him angry may not necessarily do anything...

In the middle of the hotel, Kenneth was looking at Assassin with a smug smile.Obviously he was the one who was attacked, and he was the one with the fewest number, but judging by the smug expression on his face, he looks like the winner...

"So... now I officially recognize you as the enemy who broke into my Kenneth position, and annihilate you."

(End of this chapter)

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