Chapter 663 The Truth
"As expected of Sir Kenneth! He actually wiped out the servants by himself!"

El-Melloi II complimented him from the bottom of his heart.

Being able to challenge a Servant in a human form and win, no matter when or under what circumstances, is a feat to brag about.

El-Melloi II rolled his eyes and suddenly had another thought, he leaned over decisively and said:

"I don't know, what does Sir Kenneth think of this attack?"

"Obviously, this was an attack on me."

Kenneth raised his eyebrows, not understanding what he wanted to ask.

El-Melloi II nodded and said:
"Exactly. This is the attack on Sir Kenneth. I don't know, what does Sir Kenneth think about this Holy Grail War?"

"Just say what you want."

Kenneth had just annihilated Assassin, and he was in a good mood, too lazy to play guessing games with him.With approval, El-Melloi II continued:
"At the beginning, we were worried about whether the unobservable uncertain factors would cause paradoxes, but now we have confirmed several key points and successfully observed some of them. The information that can tell you has increased significantly. Now it is time to tell you When the whole truth comes."

Fujimaru Tachika had an expression of "You are here again".

"Speaking of which, don't you find it strange? Why is such a large-scale ceremony of competing for the Universal Wishing Machine held in such a remote place in the Far East? Not to mention far away from the clock tower, only one of the seven places for participants belongs to the Don’t you feel strange about the clock tower?”

"Well, indeed, that's why I feel that this is an entertainment program that exaggerates the danger, so I came here to participate."

"Don't say it's overly exaggerated, it's just in name! This is a completely fictional Holy Grail War."

Yagi Yusai, who was making tea for Fujimaru Tatsuka, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

It's a good thing he can talk nonsense!Seeing so many servants, how can you still talk about complete fiction...

Now Yagi Xuesai was really curious what other nonsense he could come up with.

He took the brewed fruit tea and poured a cup for Fujimaru Tachika, and prepared a cup for Kenneth. Just as he was about to continue, Joan of Arc snatched his teapot and took a few sips directly at the spout... …

Then I stuck my tongue out from the heat...

What do you say you are drawing...

"All of this is a conspiracy of our political enemies of the Archipelod family, the Tranbelio family! Find a period of time to lure Monarch El Mello out of the Clock Tower, and take this opportunity to expand their power in the Magic Association! "

Hearing this, Kenneth's eyes widened and he was furious, and gritted his teeth: "What?!"

From his tone, it can be heard that he has already believed seven or eight percent.

"We came here to rescue you because we knew you had fallen into the enemy's trap. However, we must first observe clear evidence to prove that there was indeed a conspiracy in the past. We destroyed the Tohsaka House before. Tohsaka Tokiomi was forced to give an explanation, but those can only be regarded as indirect evidence. Now, there is finally direct evidence."

"It means, it's an attack on me."

Kenneth folded his hands behind his back and nodded thoughtfully.

He is the kind of arrogant and self-centered person. If it was someone else, he would probably think about it first to see if he has the value to be calculated like this.

It's like, there was an elementary school student, and someone suddenly jumped out and said that the whole world formed an alliance against him, and more than 100 countries jointly signed documents to fight against this elementary school student. He definitely didn't believe it.

Kenneth, however, would not doubt such a thing, he was very sure of his own worth.

"Yes. We destroyed Fuyuki's spiritual veins before. Losing the spiritual veins for this kind of fictional Holy Grail War is too uneconomical for the Tohsaka family. So he confessed that he had something to do with the Tranbelio family. The purpose of the collusion is to lure El-Mello, the monarch who pursues martial arts, to this place, to this excellent arena where Sir Kenneth can be fooled! This is the truth of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. No matter who it is, they are all recruited, A pretender to make a lie more real."


Kenneth was speechless.

" vicious...these bloody populist idiots...well, they will do this kind of thing."

Kenneth became more and more convinced.

"So, now is the time when every second counts. Sir Kenneth, please hurry back to London and sit in the clock tower to stop their conspiracy! No matter how solid the foundation of the Archibald family is, if you are not there, it is still possible to be killed by these people." Populism is infiltrated by dastardly plots."

The more El-Melloi II said, the more sad and indignant he was, and Kenneth also showed an increasingly angry look:

"Damn Tranbelio...damn Baruyeretta...I want you to know how good I am! Thank you, future collaborator. However, there are two things I don't understand. I want to talk to you please teach me."

While Kenneth was speaking, he suddenly put away that angry expression again, his face sinking like water.

"You said, you have seen the draft of my love letter in my room. I wouldn't be careless to leave this kind of thing and let others search my room. Thinking about it this way, you can search my room in the future, yes Because the owner of the room never came back."

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Indeed, as he said.

In normal history, Kenneth El-Mello Archibald would have died in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Including fiancee Sola Wu.

Should it be revealed?
El-Melloi II was only silent for a moment, with a sad look on his face that couldn't be restrained, and the muscles on his cheeks were fine, he clenched his teeth hard and closed his eyes.

Although, he once had a very stiff fight with Kenneth, even to the point of facing swords.

However, after he inherited the title of El-Melloi, he finally realized that it was his young and ignorant self who was wrong.It is precisely because his vision is too narrow that he feels that Kenneth is stupid, why he doesn't understand his proposition.

Only this... He was extremely sad.He believed from the bottom of his heart that Kenneth was the one who should have survived the Fourth Holy Grail War. He was a genuine genius, and he would definitely promote the development of the future magic.

"...Yes. As you said."

In the end, El-Melloi II couldn't lie to him, even if he said that he really died here.

Kenneth nodded.

He had guessed it since he was attacked by an assassin before.

However, he wanted to hear from this person himself.

The sadness and forbearance on his face are not fake.

It was the expression of pain that was made after carrying something on his shoulders.

Come to think of it, he claimed to be Reinis's agent. I'm afraid that after his death, Reinis would be in charge of the family affairs.Then he was responsible for assisting Reinis... Sigh, if I hadn't explained it properly, the affairs of the Archibald family were indeed complicated and labor-intensive, and they must have suffered a lot.

"I know. For that, I must thank you."

"I am terrified by these words, my former mentor, the greatest monarch in my heart, the great El-Melloi. Your talents are the treasure of the clock tower, please take care of yourself."

"Then, there is one more point. Whether you, Lancer, or this red-haired master, everyone is in the same group. Why, you can answer the call as future humans?"

(End of this chapter)

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