Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 669 The Raging Black Knight

Chapter 669 The Raging Black Knight
It was already noon when Yagi Yusai and Artoria walked out of the video store.

Irisviel clutched her stomach, showing a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Meeting is fate, let's eat something together. Please eat something good."

When Yagi Xuesai saw Alice Vier like this, what did he not understand?They must be embarrassed to ask the woman to speak up at this time, so it's better to show off your demeanor as a man!

Saber also nodded in agreement.

"I had so much consumption yesterday, I want to eat meat today. Whether it's barbecue, hot pot, Peking duck or pork in a pot, shredded pork with fish flavor and Beijing sauce, I can eat all of them."

Yagi Xuesai shrugged, and took the initiative to say that by creating a foodie image of himself, Irisviel would not be embarrassed!

On this point, he is still very considerate.

"Peking duck? Pork wrapped in meat?"

Hearing some terms that were not originally Japanese, Artoria frowned, showing a troubled look: "Is there such a shop in Fuyuki?"

"No, but I can make this kind of thing~ Don't underestimate the chef's son."

Yagi Xuesai grinned and made a gesture of holding the kitchen knife.

"Can you cook?"

For some reason, Arturia seemed to show a mocking expression. She didn't know whether she was mocking Yagi or herself. She continued to ask, "It's not mashed potatoes, is it?"

"Uh? I can make mashed potatoes, do you like it?"

"No, not at all... Although as a knight, you shouldn't be picky eaters... But, the mashed potatoes are a little bit... um... I should say that I have watched too much and I don't want to watch it anymore... Or should I say ..."

"Well, don't worry about it so much. It's a little late today. It takes several hours from buying a duck to making it into a roast duck. I'll just eat something outside today. I'll make a roast duck for you when I have a chance."

Yagi joked with a smile, and the three of them walked casually, looking for a restaurant.

However, from a distance, the sound of commotion gradually came.

Artoria was the first to sense something was wrong, and pulled Irisviel past her, protecting her behind her.

Regardless of everyone's eyes, Yagi Xuesai pulled out the golden sword behind his back. It was the trophy that the black knight had snatched from Jin Shining before, and Yagi snatched it from the black knight.

Holding a golden sword in one hand and a red spear in the other, Arturia looked at him and said, "You really like this sword?"

"Hmm! It's a Noble Phantasm after all! Who doesn't love it!"

Yagi replied to her casually, wrote farsighted runes on his eyelids, and looked into the distance...

It was a dark knight.

He was wearing knight armor, and he was emitting black smoke all over his body. He couldn't see it clearly, but he could only see that he was fully armed now!
Holding a pistol in his left hand, he picked up a road sign with his right hand. The metal plate with the P symbol on the front was like a big axe.

He didn't care about anything else, he just waved his weapon wildly, destroying everything along the way.

"berserker is making a fuss."

Yagi Yusai explained something to Arturia who has no clairvoyance.

"what's the situation?!"

"I don't know, maybe it's a trap?"

Yagi Yusai replied, and at the time of this sentence, the black knight seemed to sense something, and stared back at Yagi with red eyes...

No, to be precise, he was staring at Saber beside Yagi...

Too bad he found out!
The black knight raised the pistol in his left hand and hit Artoria with a blow.

Generally speaking, the effective range of the pistol is 100 to 400 meters, and the maximum range is about [-] meters, but after being strengthened by the magic power of the black knight, it is different.

Just look at the purple flames spouting from the muzzle of the gun, the spiral projectile condensed with exaggerated magic power, and fired towards Artoria's head.

Although she didn't catch the bullet, but instinctively, Arturia felt the crisis, she tilted her head subconsciously, and the bullet flew past her cheek!

"This is……"

Saber has no time to take care of herself. Generally speaking, a servant composed of pure magic power will not be hurt by things without mysterious bonuses.Unless magic is attached.

Ordinary bullets should not be able to harm followers, but...

The cheeks were hot, and the scratched skin was accompanied by a bright red color, clearly declaring: I was hurt.

Sure enough, no matter what it is, as long as it is grabbed by the black knight, it will be given the [Noble Phantasm] attribute and become able to attack servants.

This kind of person is really too difficult to deal with.

Yagi Yusai winked at Saber: "Saber, take your master to a safe place first, and I'll stop him for a while. But you have to hurry up."

Arturia nodded with a look of understanding.

Yagi's foot stepped a little, and his figure was as swift as lightning.Originally, the street was panicked because of the black knight's arrogance. There were people running around everywhere, and it was very inconvenient to move around. However, Yagi's agility teacher was Okita Souji. This person is best at sticking to the opponent's body The body brushes past, breaks through the opponent with the smallest amplitude and the fastest speed, and then attacks from the dead angle where the opponent is difficult to guard against, such as the back, waist and ribs.

Yagi Xuesai's body skills were not affected at all in this chaos, and after a few dodges, he had already broken through the crowd, and slashed at the black knight with his sword.

Although the golden sword in his hand does not know where it came from, but since it is a treasure, it must have the basic attribute of a treasure, which is sturdiness.

Now he seems to have suddenly obtained a weapon with the attribute of ??? in an RPG. It looks quite advanced, but he doesn't know how to disarm it? ? ?Under the premise of this, he definitely wants to use this weapon a lot, to see the equipment effect of this weapon, its shape and so on.

Yagi Xuesai always felt that this weapon gave him a very familiar feeling. If he could contact Chaldea, it should not be a problem to analyze the real name of this sword.When the time comes to know the real name, you can still be liberated if you don't keep it!At that time, I will have two swords and one magic spear, wow, it sounds very powerful!In addition, Da Vinci made him a man-made magic sword before, but never used it once, so I am too cool!

The Black Knight's response was even more impressive. He quickly turned the road sign in his hand and thrust it into the ground. The whole person jumped up, just like a monkey climbing a pole. He used the long pole as a support, and the whole person jumped onto the pole. top.

The length of the road sign is right there. With his movement, Yagi cut through the air with his sword in mid-air, and the sword body hit the road sign corroded by the black and red magic power in the hands of the black knight, but it failed to cut it!

Looking at the black knight again, the whole person is climbing on the top of the pole, and the pistol in his left hand has been aimed at Yagi's head.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The black knight made a sound that seemed to be howling, and squeezed the trigger!

(End of this chapter)

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