第687章 石兵八阵
It was something that suddenly rose from the long yellow sand.

The sand and stone kept falling with the lifting of some object, making the sound of strings.

A pitch-black stone pillar carved with crimson patterns rises from the ground, imprisoning Darius and Iskandar together.

It's not appropriate to say off.

It's like... yes, it's like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Create a space that will not be disturbed.

It's been a long time.

After all, Iskandar is not a caster. The magic power is limited. It is very difficult to release the great magic of the inherent enchantment level for such a long time, not to mention that there is still the raging of Darius here.

The magic power of the inherent barrier of the King's Army is provided by all the summoned servants. Therefore, now that the number of servants has decreased significantly, the inherent barrier has become difficult to maintain.

The same is true for Darius, and the war elephants of death are not infinite. As a berserker, he should have exhausted his magic power earlier than Iskandar.

However, the undead army summoned by Darius was just soldiers, not followers.In terms of classification, it is more similar to undead and ghosts, and consumes much less magic power.

The inherent barrier gradually disintegrated, the yellow sand and blue sky gradually blurred, and the cave-like black dome and the ominous brilliance of the Great Holy Grail began to be revealed.

And it was the same for Darius, the war elephant of death also began to collapse, lacking in magic power, Darius' war elephant galloped for a while, getting shorter and shorter, and in the end it was Darius himself running with his legs.

The King of Conquerors holds a spear and rides a black horse, on which sits his master.

Darius holds a battle ax, emerald flames, and carries his master on his shoulders.

This pair of old enemies, even the appearance of the final battle is very similar.

El-Melloi II aimed at the moment when the inherent barrier was undone, released his Noble Phantasm, and included the two of them in the eight formations of stone soldiers.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, when Darius III in his heyday confronted Iskandar in his heyday, Darius should be slightly better.However, with the weight of three Command Seals on his body now, the battle situation may be different.

The masters of the two are both half-baked novices, half-baked, and the biggest reliance in this battle is probably the magical influence of the Command Seal.Judging this, El-Melloi II unfolded the Noble Phantasm to offset the gap as much as possible.

In the eight formations of Stone Soldiers, the enemy will be continuously weakened by powerful curses.

The rest depends on the will of the two kings.

"Oh la la la la la la la!"

With a heroic roar, the King of Conquerors pulled the reins, and Busiferas jumped up. Taking advantage of the momentum of his fall, the King of Conquerors clenched the spear with both hands, and stabbed it towards Darius' heart.


Darius, too, let out the same furious roar, swung his mighty wrist, and slashed at the King of Conqueror's spear with his right hand.


The tomahawk easily cut off the long shaft of the spear, losing the tip of the spear, and the spear was just an ordinary stick.

Darius' whole body quickly fell back, and Busiferas' galloping body slammed into Darius' chest hard.

The black horse pushed the black giant, and the black giant's feet crushed the ground. With the sound of rattling, two traces were dragged on the ground.

Darius ignored Fujimaru Tachika on his shoulders, hugged Busifalas with both hands, stepped on the ground with both feet, and fought against it with all his strength.


The King of Conquerors roared, raised his arms high, pulled out the sword from his waist, and struck him head-on.

The sword had been broken long ago, and only half of the sword was left, which still had the basic function of being a weapon.

"Darius! Urgently evade!"

Tachika Fujimaru, who put her arms around Darius' neck with both hands, gave an order in a sharp voice, and the magic power penetrated the master's uniform and merged into Darius' body.

I saw the black giant retreat quickly, like a basketball player making a layup, and made a big stride, bypassing the impact of Buciferas, and raised the tomahawk in his hand high!The emerald flames lit up the sky!
Originally, because of the loss of resistance, Busifalas' sprint would definitely avoid Darius' blow.

However, for one thing, this is one of the eight formations of stone soldiers, and Busifalas' foot strength has been weakened.

Secondly, Darius is tall and has a huge body, which means that his arms are also very long. Coupled with his brute strength, even if it is just the tip of the ax that hits someone, it is fatal.

Blood gushed out from the back of the King of Conquerors, the crimson cloak was dyed dark red, and the golden lines gradually lost their color.

Being hit directly by Darius' axe, the golden wind with emerald flames, the exaggerated blow chopped him all the way from the shoulder to the back of Busifalas.

The black horse wailed, its feet went limp, and it disappeared.The King of Conquerors clamped Master Weber with one arm, and fell firmly to the ground.


The King of Conquerors stopped and did not continue to fight back.

He obviously still had energy left, but he stopped.

At this point, if you still want to entangle, it will be too unlike his style.

The King of Conquerors is always victorious and undefeated. According to his personality, even if he encounters a small failure for a while, he will not take it to heart. Instead, he will go back and prepare again with a complete attitude. It will be fine if he wins back next time.

"Darius III... This time, Yu is also very happy. Being able to stand in front of Yu's hegemony, without thinking about anything, just to stop Yu, this bravery really makes Yu very happy. Unfortunately, If you also respond to the call with the body of a rider, maybe you can have a good time drinking and talking."

The Conqueror King Iskandar expressed his thoughts in a hearty manner.

"Wait, you, you idiot, didn't win at all!"


The King of Conquerors called the Master's name for the first time.

However, nothing further was said.

Everything is integrated into this sentence of Weber.

The boy's voice was choked up, and he couldn't say a word, he just covered his mouth and sobbed non-stop.

"Master over there, what's your name?"

The King of Conquerors asked the Master, who was bravely sitting on Darius' shoulders and fighting alongside him.

"I, I am the Master of Chaldea, Fujimaru Tateka."

"Yeah, yeah. Chaldea, Fujimaru Tachika...haha. You're such an interesting little girl. You actually ordered him to evade at the last moment, but it's also interesting. Where's Lancer over there?"

"I am also Chaldea's master candidate, sub-servant, Yagi Yusai."

Yagi Xuesai also reported his name, and the magic power consumption of liberating the holy sword before made him still a little sloppy.

"Well, a pure and innocent girl, and a boy who doesn't care about honor, but only thinks about results... Hahaha, Chaldea is really an interesting place."

The King of Conquerors commented one by one, and finally, his eyes fell on El-Melloi II who kept his head down.

"The stern-faced military master here, your formation is really strange enough."

"...That is, the treasure I borrowed from the heroic spirit Zhuge Kongming, I didn't get it through my practice..."

"come here."

El-Melloi II didn't know why, so when he approached the King of Conquerors, he stretched out his arm, clasped his fingers, and flicked Er-Melloi II's exposed forehead hard.

It was a snap comparable to the clash of weapons, which showed how powerful the blow was.

With a helpless smile, the King of Conquerors expressed his evaluation:

"You really are, idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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