Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 69 Vol.2 Antihero

Chapter 69 Vol.2 Antihero

"Hello, Master."

A stern female voice greeted Fujimaru Rika who opened the door.

It was a mature voice reminiscent of his older sister.

This is the rider's room.

Because Fujimaru Rika summoned in one breath, many people's real names have not had time to ask, coupled with the appearance of the last black king, everyone is in chaos, and there is no chance to have a good chat.

The first choice that Fujimaru Rika chose was the rider's room, a black-clothed beauty with long purple hair dragged to the ground.

She didn't have time to report her real name, and Fujimaru Rika chose her first, in fact, to satisfy her own curiosity.

"Hello, Miss Rider? Is it?"

When Fujimaru Rika heard her serious voice, she couldn't help but get nervous.

Inside the room, rider nodded and closed the things in his hands.

Yagi Xuezai noticed that it was an instruction manual.

After everyone came to Chaldea, everyone would distribute an introduction booklet with a map of Chaldea, the purpose of various facilities, as well as the basic facilities of this institute, as well as some information about the director and In short, the introduction by the former director is like the school guidebook that the university will distribute to students.

This kind of thing, except for a map that is still useful, is simply meaningless.Including Yagi Yuzhai, there are not a few employees who threw it on the table to eat ashes without even looking at it.

Seeing that rider is actually reading this... Yagi Seizai became curious.

"Are you interested in Chaldea?"

"Do not."

Unexpectedly, rider shook his head and expressed denial. The waterfall-like long hair shook twice with this small movement, as if the shampoo advertisement had added special effects, and the hair was soft and shiny.

"I must say...I like to read."

she said so.

It is not limited to the content of reading, but simply likes [reading] itself.

Yagi Xuezai suddenly thought of the light novels he brought to Chaldea with him.Thinking about whether this can be used to bring her closer.

Immediately, though, he noticed another problem...

"Wait, that blindfold of yours... can you see?"

"Don't worry. This is for [seal] and won't affect vision."

What Yagi Xuezai was talking about was the huge purple eye patch on her face, like the eye patch used by people with poor sleep to prevent others from disturbing their sleep, which obviously affects vision.

But listening to rider say this, it makes sense. After all, the Servant is not a simple human, but a spiritual body. It is hard to say that vision does not simply depend on the eyes?
Hearing the two talk about this topic, Fujimaru Rika's attention also shifted from rider's real name to rider's blindfold. Rider is tall and has long hair, giving people a tall and straight feeling, just like a model lady. It was the blindfold that blocked the face, if...

"It must be beautiful without that blindfold."

She couldn't help but say what she thought.

Rider seemed to shake a little, and Yagi noticed that her fair shoulders shrank.

Taking a breath from her nose, she maintained a calm voice and explained, "If you knew what this is and who I am, then you wouldn't think so."

There was a strong sense of self-loathing in her words, and Fujimaru Rika asked curiously, "That...why?"

" seem to have summoned me unintentionally. Then, let me introduce myself here."

Rider's Servant, the purple-haired beauty raised her head and said calmly:
"Medusa. That's my name."

"Medusa? That, snake that turns people into stone, Medusa?"

Mash was obviously more knowledgeable than Fujimaru Rika, and she told her legend at once.

This is a very famous monster in Greek mythology - of course, most teenagers know it from video games.As the so-called enduring is a classic, which can be quoted by many games, Medusa can be said to be one of the most famous monsters in the world.

In the Holy Grail War system, not necessarily only heroes are summoned. Many times, legendary beasts, monsters, and even wicked devils are also summoned as servants.These people are called [Anti-Heroic Spirits] [Anti-Heroes].Such examples are not rare.

It seems that rider is also one of them.

Rider smiled, but there was no color of joy, this smile only made people think of negative emotions, she said:

"It's basically correct. This body seems to be what it looked like before being cursed by the goddess Athena, but I don't know when it will change to that look. In fact, if I unlock the seal of the blindfold, it will just be right with me. If you are afraid, you will be turned into stone. If you are afraid, cancel the contract now."

"Medusa... Medusa? Well, I remember."

However, Fujimaru Rika just frowned and muttered the name repeatedly, which seemed to be quite unfamiliar. After repeating it several times, she finally figured out what she thought, and then gave her a smile.

Rider Medusa was obviously taken aback by her reaction. He didn't expect that someone would smile at him when he heard that he was a monster.

"Looks like I've been summoned by the awesome Master. Then, it's up to you."

Medusa obediently accepted her destiny.

She was summoned by Fujimaru Rika as a Servant related to Fuyuki. She originally came here just in a casual, good mood no matter what.

After all, with her fierce name, the moment she heard her real name, there must be many Masters who would directly fear her, fear her, and even want to execute her.

I was ready to be rejected, but I didn't expect that it was quickly accepted by Fujimaru Rika.

(It doesn't matter, from the point of view of being ordered, whatever is fine.)
Medusa thought so indifferently.

If she had to say her mood, she should be happy.

Because—she can continue to study.

It is rare to be summoned, and the more time you can read, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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