Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 700 The Beginning of the Cut

Chapter 700 The beginning of everything

A long, long time ago, far away, somewhere in the follower universe...

The planet Logian, to be exact.

In the extremely ancient castle, a man in a pitch-black armor is accompanied by a cold face.

It was a face that made people think of steel at first glance, it was such an expressionless face.

In fact, he does have a nickname called [Iron].

Argo Specifications.

A member of the Dark Round Table (ROUNDS).

The famous cultivator of villains in [Servant Universe].

Called the master by many villains.

Today, he is still walking in this castle with an expressionless posture like an iron mask.

In the technologically advanced Servant universe, such quaint castles are rare, and most of them can only be glimpsed on those desolate and uncivilized planets.

He, who is respected by many villains, came to such a desolate place, it can only be explained that...he has nowhere to go.


What a disgrace is this?

Being chased by those guys from the Universal Justice Academy, he was actually forced to flee to this kind of border planet!
Thinking about it makes me angry.

With Ageguiwen's character, he must do his best to fight them to the end.This is the backbone of the villain!

There was one thing that he had to face up to.

That is... how to revitalize the villain alliance?
I definitely can't do it.

Being too famous is not a good thing either.

He heard footsteps in the corridor.

Following the sound, it was a life form wearing a pitch-black cloak and heavy armor that looked like a berserker.

It was a work he was proud of.

Equipped with [Alteria Reactor], the strongest decisive weapon created by fusing Altria elements and X-factor.

It's a pity that too much time was spent on development, and I didn't catch up with the final battle... It's a bit sad.


Probably because of the hasty delivery, her reliability...really...can be described as basically nothing.

However, now he can only bet his hopes on her.

After all, she is a secret weapon, not to mention the Justice Academy, not many people in the League of Villains know about her.

This kind of not being famous is an advantage.

This girl is top-notch in terms of combat effectiveness.There are tricks too.The only problem is...

Her personality is too laid back, and her living ability is basically 0.Except for the basic behaviors of eating, sleeping, online shopping, reading books and being in a daze, he basically knows nothing.

Isn't this a useless person!

But now, she had no choice but to entrust this important task to her.

Now she is squatting and playing with the iron pot-like robot beside her. It is an extremely old model, and it is not a remarkable thing. It is like a pet, right?
"Alter! X-alter!"

He calls her name.

The young black knight shuddered and quickly stood up.

"Yes! Master Aggie! Alter is here!"

Obviously frightened, the girl knight had confusion and fear on her face, and the fright was fleeting.

"Master, are you going to issue instructions on the next retreat location? I will follow you, no matter how desolate the planet is!"

Hearing what she said, Agguiwen shook his head. He, known as a steel man without blood and tears, also had human feelings for the first time.

"No need. Alter, the god-sent son of destruction who received the guidance of the alter element. A berserker made with the X factor as a catalyst. A decisive weapon against [anti-saber] residing in the body of the alter element crystal. In this universe Among them, people who know you are very rare, and this fact will become a breakthrough point for counterattack. All compatriots have fallen and been sealed."

Of course, the feeling in Agguiwen's heart is specifically...


"Alter, what I'm going to say next, you have to keep it firmly in your heart, and in your notebook! You have to hide yourself and embark on the journey alone, you are the only hope of the Dark Round Table... something like that."

Yes, that bloodless and tearless Agguiwen would also be bet all his hopes on this biggest uncertain factor.

According to Ageguiwen's understanding, even cooking instant noodles for this person may burn his hands, and if his glasses fog up, he may knock over the instant noodle bowl while cleaning them.

On the battlefield, Ageguiwen is not worried about her at all, she has a very good performance.

However, Ageguiwen is worried about whether she can go to the battlefield alive...

This kind of person with 0 life skills...can really shoulder such a heavy responsibility...

I'm afraid, before reaching the new planet, I will starve myself to death...

Although there is a simple kitchen in the escape ship, she must only eat instant noodles, right?Then she would clamor to order cosmic express to deliver expensive sweets, and at that time, funds would also be a very important issue... I always felt that she couldn't save the funds prepared for the counterattack.

Damn, the more I think about it, the more scared I become.

The wrinkles on Agguivin's forehead deepened.

"How can this be! What are you talking about! It's as incomprehensible as a loose pie. Are you trying to dismiss me! Please let me stay with you! I can't live alone!"

When most people say this kind of line, they are basically polite.

Only this berserker, Ageguiwen is very clear...

In order to catch up with the final battle, he had to give up other functions and try his best to adjust her combat performance.The result is that the combat ability is top-notch, but the living ability is not.If she was really allowed to go on the journey alone, she would probably die...

Damn it, can I just let that thing go too...

Aggavin was full of resentment.

That was the work before X-alter.

To be precise, it's a prototype.

In order to experiment with miniaturized reactors and special artificial life forms of various powers.

That thing...was sealed by the Agora because of technical flaws.

But now, there is no way to care about these.

"Don't be afraid, alter. Go to the underground hangar. There, there is a hidden person who seals the dark round table. His name is... [the Dark Lord]. Go! Awaken him and let him be your help."

"The hidden one!"

For some reason, X-alter's eyes lit up, as if he thought the word was very handsome.

Just when she was thinking this way, Agguiwen pressed her palm on her head, and immediately, the lightning of magic power flowed.

"For the sake of our righteousness, you must forget my existence. Turn into a crouching dragon, I will only become your hindrance. Go. The strongest in the universe, and the last alter! Absolutely don't let anyone find out about you the truth."


There was a sad expression on the girl's face that she didn't have food for lunch today, and maybe she didn't have any tonight, and she might be hungry and full after that.

Hey, isn't your expression too directional? ! !
"Hmph, it's a day worth celebrating, you shouldn't show such an expression. May the alter element guide you. Go!"

After saying the last sentence, Agguiwen slowly walked towards the battlefield.

The sound of the steam engine can already be clearly heard around.

That is the gnashing enemy of all villains, the first-class fighter of the Justice Academy, the steam monster.

X-Alter broke through the drone defense of the steam monster and ran all the way to the underground hangar. Sure enough, he quickly found the frozen warehouse of the Dark Lord and equipped it on his escape boat. Confused about future life, he left this planet.

(End of this chapter)

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