Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 718 belongs to Chaldea

Chapter 718 Return to Chaldea

"Wowahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't want to die!"

After making such a futile cry, Yagi Xuesai sat up in shock, his whole body covered in cold sweat, his clothes were soaked, he looked at his body in astonishment, it was safe and sound.

I looked around again, and saw the unattractive walls that I was used to.

This is Chaldea's own room.

came back? !

I'm back!
So much fun!

Yagi Xuesai smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he knows that death can also return to Chaldea, this is the first time he has returned from such a death... It's quite new.


Yagi Xuesai was about to leave when he suddenly felt something pressing on his leg on his bed...

Ah ah ah! !
A raging flame suddenly ignited in Yagi Xuezhai's heart.

According to the normal expansion!

Definitely is! ! !
I have been in a coma for a long time, the big adventure just now was a dream! !There must be beautiful girls taking care of themselves! ! !Then after she woke up, she just woke up, blindfolded, and hugged by a bear!
Oooo! !Can't go wrong! ! !This is what I have said so many years of animation experience!You can't go wrong with this routine! ! !
The only problem is...

Who is it?Hoo hoo...

Matthew dear?
Fujimaru dear?
Huhuhuhu, even if it's not, Nakaerkeqin or Qingji can accept it!

Hey hey, it would be the best if it's Ms. Kimyeol~~ That person is super feminine...

Oops... Oops, so many cute characters, which one should I choose?

Yagi Xuesai is immersed in his own terrible delusions...

In fact, once a creature encounters a huge crisis that may lead to death, it will enter a crisis state. In order to prevent its own race from perishing, it will suddenly have a huge interest in the opposite sex and reproduction.

Of course, Yagi's situation is because he is such a bad human being, and it has nothing to do with the sense of crisis.

With a feeling of excitement, Yagi Xuesai looked at his side of the bed.

No one, though.

Yagi knew it in his mind.

Qing Ji was the only one who would casually sleep in someone else's bed.

"I said, Qing Ji?"

Yagiichi lifted his quilt, revealing the purple shawl hair inside.

"Please don't come up casually, although I am very happy..."

In the middle of Yagi's speech, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

and many more?Isn't Qing Ji... blue hair?She dyed her hair? !
Purple hair...Purple hair...I can only think of Teacher Scatha!And Mr. Skaha will definitely not make such a small bird-like gesture...

With her height, it is impossible for her to get up in fright and hide herself under the quilt...

Yagi gently brushed her hair was the face of a child who looked less than ten years old.

She was wearing very exotic clothes, specifically, a long pink dress, which was positioned near her chest, and her exposed shoulders were covered with a gorgeous golden apron, and her slender arms were wrapped in a pink skirt of the same material. The colored arm sleeves are also wrapped in golden ornate decorations.

In the girl's purple hair, on the forehead, a small golden mirror was embedded on it, surrounded by metal decorations that looked like eagle feathers.

it looks...

Just like the style of ancient Egypt.

That gold apron is too ancient Egyptian.

This girl... there is no doubt...she is...

Matou Sakura? !

Looking at this non-Japanese decoration at all, sure enough...she was also chosen by...some powerful object and became a pseudo-servant?

Just like El-Melloi II.

Just when Yagi was surprised, Matou Sakura woke up.

Not as hazy as Yagi expected, on the contrary, she was very grateful.

A pair of golden eyes gave off a rather majestic look, and Yagi couldn't help wanting to kneel down.

Those are majestic eyes reminiscent of the sun.

"Son of Man."

Matou Sakura didn't speak, but Yagi could hear her voice.

The voice recalled directly in the mind.

"I'm sorry, it seems that the fusion with this girl accidentally got you involved. You should have been transferred to the [virtual] world that [doesn't exist] before, right?"

"Ah? Indeed. That... you are... a heroic spirit from somewhere?"

Yagi Xuesai asked in his mind.

"I am the god of Egypt. My real name is [Hathor]. The wife of Horus, the ruler... Forget about those titles. I am the patron saint of mothers and children. To answer the call, I felt this girl misfortune. I want to protect her."

The Heroic Spirit who claimed to be Hathor said so.

After explaining, she resumed talking about the topic he just interrupted.

"This girl has a very rare [imaginary number] quality. She has a lot of fate with us [made up] gods."


"Yes. I am not the god Hathor, but [an aggregate of modern human cognition of the god Hathor]. It is only because of the child's patron saint that he has sensed the mercy of the Holy Grail, and this child is indeed It is indeed the quality, the fusion of many conditions, that gave birth to a pseudo-follower like me."

Because what she said was too wonderful, Yagi Xuesai thought for a long time and still couldn't figure it out.

"Anyway, it was you who wanted to protect Matou Sakura..."

"Yes, this girl's life is too miserable. Even if it's just a bubble-like dream time, I hope she can spend it happily. Fortunately, you saved her who was murdered by the Matou family just now. If it was later, her body The magic properties of the [imaginary number] will be completely destroyed, and I will have nothing to do at that time."

"Is the Holy Grail you mentioned just now...Miss Irisviel?"

"Well, although the Miss Irisviel you know is not a mother, she is undoubtedly a mother. Following her wish, I, as a fictional god, was allowed to be born as a pseudo-servant .”

"Well... I have a little question..."

"Ask. Son of Men."

"Uh, why me? Why is it in my room? Generally speaking, shouldn't it be on Fujimaru's side?"

"Because, it is you who became attached to this child. She is a human being with a singularity, and she cannot exist without the singularity. You are her wedge in this world."

"I see."

"That's it. From now on, I will hand over the authority to her. Please treat this child well."

The voice in her head disappeared, and the golden color in Matou Sakura's eyes faded away, revealing those unfocused purple eyes again.

She looked at Yagi Yusai with empty eyes.

"Yo, Sakura. Welcome to Chaldea."

Yagi Yusai smiled, reaching out to rub her hair.

Like a well-behaved cat, she stretched her neck and actively poked her head over to be rubbed by him.

Just when the atmosphere is harmonious...

"Ah! Master Anzhen No. [-]! Did you call Qing Ji~~"

From under the bed, Qing Ji crawled out like a snake...

Immediately, her eyes burst out with a dangerous aura...

"My lord number two!"

"Wait!!! This is a big misunderstanding!"

(End of this chapter)

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