Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 720 Saber Annihilator

Chapter 720 Saber Annihilator

The brilliance of the holy sword wiped his head and chopped it off, and Yagi Xuesai also broke out in a cold sweat. No matter how you look at it, the holy sword is far beyond the grade of C, and it is not a joke to chop it up.

Being killed is a trivial matter.

Because he will return to Chaldea after being killed.

The problem is, if he is killed and returned to Chaldea now, he will definitely bump into Qing Ji...

Then it's over.That woman must have played with herself in various ways.

The only way is to let Fujimaru Tachika go back with him, and then use Fujimaru to distract her.Yes, there is only one way.

Yagi dodged the blow and looked back.

The person who attacked him was wearing a neat blue sportswear, his two toned legs were wrapped in shorts and boots, and a large section of fair skin was exposed in the middle.Although his face was covered by a baseball cap, he couldn't see clearly...


There is no doubt that……

This character is jealous of evil, ah no, jealous of swords.

In addition, this is obviously not a way to wear clothes.

And the voice just now sounds like the voice actress Ayako Kawasumi...

This man, without a doubt...


"Hmph, have you heard of my name too! Hmph, I didn't expect that the pursuer of the universe empire has already... Hey? Isn't this the dark prince teacher?"


The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Even the surrounding people who did not know if they were Roman soldiers in the background stopped attacking.

In the silence, suddenly a Roman soldier couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.A group of blue veins protruded from Yagi's forehead, and he drew his sword in extreme displeasure and hit it with one blow. The pathetic soldier had already turned into a ball of magic power, leaving only a bunch of golden hair on his head.

"You're laughing! I didn't come up with this name!"

Looking at Fujimaru Tachika again, her eyes lit up inexplicably, with an expression of: "So you are also a companion".

(What are you looking at! I’m not! Aggie!!! You’re plotting against me!!! Is this what you planned too!!!)

Yagi Xuesai shouted crazily in his heart.

If he didn't need Fujimaru to help him lie for a while, he would have gone over and rubbed her hair to vent his hatred.

"Ahem, anyway, X-san, my real name is Yagi Xuesai."

"Oh! Yagi Xuesai! I remember!"

Saying so, the mysterious heroine X nodded, and then she made a movement that was careful not to be heard by others, and stepped closer, stood on tiptoe, and asked softly beside Yagi's ear.

Originally, this action was supposed to be a way for the two of them to pass by each other, so as not to make others suspicious, but she made it extremely suspicious.

"Yeah, I understand, Mr. the Dark Lord, you also have a wonderful mission. Do you want to revitalize the lancer job, so you go back to the past like me, and try to maintain the ecological balance of the servant universe? So Do you want to change your name and surname without causing a space-time paradox?"


Yagi Xuesai didn't know what to say to her for a while.

"Actually, I came back to save the world."

"Well, I understand I understand."

X Sang looked as if she understood everything, but Yagi Xuesai knew very well that she didn't understand a single word.

"Okay! Companions! The reliable combat power has increased! This will make it easier to collect Artoria elements!"

X-san yelled.

Yagi Xuesai was taken aback: What, why did you count yourself as a teammate somehow?Moreover, what is this Artoria element?I always feel that Artoria will have nightmares at night, okay?

"That... Yagi-senpai is also a saber... don't you need to rule it out?"

The good boy Matthew asked timidly.

She didn't want to bully Yagi or anything else, just pure curiosity.

X Sang shook her head and said with a smile; "Look carefully, he is not Artoria's face at all! Just let him go. Occasionally, there must be one or two male sabers. What's more, he is not just a saber, It's still a rare lancer!"

This time it was Mash's turn to be more confused.

"Lancer... rare?"

"Okay shield! Don't think about these questions! Use your body to think! Come on! Move! Hurry up and collect Artoria elements and parts of my spaceship. Hurry up!"

Under X Sang's command, Matthew nodded half-understanding, picked up the shield and continued to fight the surrounding enemies.

She is still at the most basic stage of the shield, using the shield to defend, and the attacker is still stuck in a very simple push and bump, which seems really inefficient.

In about half an hour, these Roman soldiers had been wiped out.

There are only a lot of parts of unknown purpose left, and a lot of... uh... the so-called Artoria elements.

"Oh! Did you do a great job!"

Yagi Xuesai gave a dry laugh, grabbed Xunsang who was picking up these things, and took her aside.

"I said, what the hell is going on here?"

"Ahem, originally, this should be an absolute top secret, but if it's Mr. Dark Lord... No, if it's Mr. Yagi, I'll tell you."

It can be seen that X Sang's eyes are shining, obviously wanting to let others know, and then look at her with admiration, preferably with actual praise.

"You've noticed it too! In the servant universe, the servants of the Saber job proliferate abnormally."

Saber, as one of the jobs in the regular Holy Grail War, should be about one-seventh of the entire universe.After all, there are seven jobs in the regular Holy Grail War.

However, it seems that because of God or some other reason, only the number of Saber's followers keeps increasing, and they all have the face of Arturia, which leads to serious inflation.

Sabers, who were supposed to be equal to other occupations, have completely destroyed the harmony of the servant universe because of their large number.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the mysterious heroine X will continue to attack Saber servants.

Of course, her original intention was to exclude sabers other than herself, and only let herself have rare value, which is the so-called rarity is more expensive.

But for the heroine X...

Secretly speaking, she is actually a saber, but disguised as an assassin.

Her real name is Artoria Pendela... Oh, I can't say more, otherwise people will guess her real identity.

So, she came up with a bad idea...a good idea that she couldn't think of after searching her brain. She decided to go back to the past and eliminate other sabers in the era when there was no surge in saber job agencies.

Yagi Xuesai nodded, feeling more and more that this woman might be a joke...

Moreover, time travel to the past?What kind of Terminator plot is this?
"And... I'll tell you secretly, in fact, I was attacked by the space empire's battleship when I made an emergency landing here. The shelling of the Empire's Lord Justice shot down my spaceship. I don't know why, that person released The light beam hit me so painful!"

(Because you are Arthur...)
Yagi Yusai complained in his heart.

Considering that the Lord of Justice is Mordred (brainwashed), it is estimated that the Noble Phantasm also has the same effect.

"Anyway, please help me this time, too! Please help me collect the parts of the spaceship and repair the spaceship!"

(End of this chapter)

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