Chapter 726 Escape
Trapped in this kind of prison, Yagi Xuesai didn't realize that there was something wrong with him.

Um?Why does he think so?

Nonsense, even Gilgamesh's chains that locked the bull of the sky, he can forcefully break free, let alone such ordinary things.

As long as the time comes, he will be ruthless, endure the tearing sensation from his limbs, forcefully spray magic power on the wound, and force the peg out of his body.

He needs to calmly think about the timing of his escape.

At this time, you can't blindly reveal your hole cards!For example, now that he is right in front of him, is it necessary to show him that he can escape?
Yagi Xuesai was thinking secretly, and secretly contacted Fujimaru Tachika through spiritual dialogue.

Sure enough, it was able to connect.

This shows that, first, her life is not in danger.

Second, her consciousness is very clear.

Third, there are no magical constraints.

Fourth, the relationship between myself and her is still the relationship between the servant and the master.

【Are you OK? 】

Yagi asked her in his heart.

[I'm fine.That black-haired lady looks like a good person. Although she is full of evil and evil, she is actually a good person.And put me in the VIP room! 】

【Oh, that. 】

Is a nice guy?

That is to say, aside from her murderous intentions, she is indeed a pretty good woman.And right in Yagi's strike zone.

Ah, what is Yagi's strike zone, you ask?

It's long and beautiful.

Good figure - in fact, bad figure is also acceptable.The point is to look beautiful.

Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, this guy is a scumbag.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for the first one, which is...

Gotta be human.

Falling in love with a follower is like playing with a 3D custom maid in an Internet cafe.No matter how much time and energy you spend on it, when you turn off the phone and return home, the original configuration will still be restored, leaving only loneliness.

[Where is Senior Yagi? 】

[I'm... in the small presidential suite next to me. 】

[Wow, as expected of Senior Yagi! 】

[In short, don't act rashly, let's collect information first. 】

[Good senior!No problem, senior! 】

"Hey! I said you, are you listening to me carefully!"

Suddenly, Yagi Yusai was called back by a sharp female voice.

"Uh... yes, yes!"

"Then repeat it!"

"Miss... I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding between us. A beautiful lady like you shouldn't..."

"I'll make you repeat what I said."

The lady didn't buy it at all, and took another step aggressively, leaving guilty sweat on Yagi Xuesai's forehead.

"I... actually... lost my mind a little bit."

"Hmph! I knew it!! You bastard!"

The black-haired woman drew out her samurai sword angrily, and was about to cut him, but after thinking about it, she put it away again.Probably because he felt that it would be disrespectful to strike against such a bound person.

"What are you thinking?"

"Master's matter. Let me ask you, my master Fujimaru Tachika was also brought by you, right? How is she?"

"She's alive and well. That's all you need to know. But it doesn't make any sense. Because..."

The black-haired woman smiled contemptuously as she spoke, with a contemptuous arrogance in her eyes.

"Sigh. In 10 days, we will be able to reach the final altar. At that time, we will be able to fulfill our long-cherished wish after sacrificing that master.... What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Noticing the change in Yagi Yusai's expression, the black-haired girl asked solemnly.

"Ah... how should I put it, it's that kind of feeling after hearing the standard unfolding, right? It's like, there's a kind of formulaic thing where you can guess the ending just by listening to the beginning."

"Hmph, no matter how relaxed you are, it's only now. The former universe emperor, the harem prince, Diablo Yagiqing."

"Just as I'm begging you, don't call me by that name again, okay?"

"? Uh, okay. The Dark King..."

"Call me Yagi Yusai."

"...Understood. If it's only this level. In short, don't try to escape. There is a 3000-meter-long laser array outside. There are hundreds of traps."

"Oh, I'm sure I won't run."

The black-haired girl said nothing, turned and left.

She originally wanted to ask him a lot of things, but she didn't ask him in the end.

After all, his attitude is indeed a bit annoying.

After all, one of the characteristics of Yagi Xuesai is that it will 100% annoy those who are too serious.

Yagi Xuesai noticed that when she left, her walking posture was still a bit wrong, probably due to the impact of the previous battle.

Sending her away, Yagi Xuesai heaved a sigh of relief, and forced out the pegs in his wrist with all his strength.

Ok, so what's next?

Meanwhile, Chaldea.

"Ahhh! What should I do! Senior was taken away in front of me..."

Mash held her head in her hands, curled up and hid in the corner of Fujimaru Tatsuka's room.

Da Vinci and the doctor watched her, but could do nothing.Losing her Master was too much for her.

"I said, dear Da Vinci, is it impossible to determine their location?"

Romani asked.

Da Vinci shook his head: "I can't track it down. If there were any clues, I would have tracked it down a long time ago."

Da Vinci, the think tank of Chaldea, a genius, and almost all-knowing and omnipotent, expressed helplessness. This time, there is really nothing to do.

There was no abnormal reaction at all on the Sheba device.It was as if they were not in this world at all.

"Our only keyword is the Servant Universe, but how do we get to the singularity called the Servant Universe? Isn't there any clue related to the Servant Universe?"

Da Vinci crossed his arms and complained.

Just when they were at a loss, suddenly there was a fierce confrontation outside the door, accompanied by Saber!The roar, the sound of metal confrontation resounded clearly.

"You unfilial son! Today is the time to teach you a lesson!"

"Wow! It's the father who came out of nowhere! You will definitely not pretend to be unaware of provoking me!"

There is no doubt that this noisy voice belongs to only one servant...


Da Vinci remembered this Miss X.

Because she was so nonsensical that she chose to forget this person directly in her mind.

Her character is so troublesome!

Speaking of the Servant universe... isn't she the Servant who descended from the universe? !
"Quick! Romani, I have an idea! Matthew, go and suppress that one, that King Arthur in the tracksuit! Hurry up!"

Matthew nodded half-understood, summoned the servants to arm, picked up the shield and rushed towards the opponent. She is now in a state of confusion, and she silently responds to what others say, without thinking about the reason at all.Lost backbone.

"Wow! What are you doing, Dunzi! Damn it! Are you a traitor too! Infernal Affairs?! Don't take my zh... Wow!"

"The capture is complete! Da Vinci, what should we do next?"

(End of this chapter)

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