Chapter 733 Saber Badge
After the hood was removed, the man simply tugged on his cloak and threw it away with a swipe. The visual effect was very good.There is a feeling of a contestant appearing at a martial arts meeting.

The man stood upright, with protruding muscles, full of strength, but unexpectedly did not make people feel bloated or bulky, and the originally handsome face also appeared a little more resolute because of the muscular body.

Holding a sword in each hand, this special way of fighting, Yagi Yusai's first reaction was Miyamoto Musashi.However, looking at his face, he found that it was not.

This person is...


Fujimaru Tatsuka blurted out the opponent's name.

"Well, it's me. Why, this lady also knows... I feel very familiar. Could it be... Are you... Ms. Fujimaru Tachika?"

Unexpectedly, Diarmuid asked in a polite but distant tone.


"I see. As [he] said, she is a very straightforward female master, very good."

Diarmuid, holding two swords, nodded slightly to her as a courtesy, and then locked his eyes on Mordred.

"Wow, muscular baby face, super disgusting..."

Mordred curled his lips and gave a more pertinent answer.

"I came here because I heard that there are people hunting Saber servants here. Lord Justice of the Empire, Mordred, is that you? You abandoned the Saber job and turned into an Archer to hunt."


Mordred seemed to have completely forgotten who he used to be.

She just looked at Diarmuid with a "who the hell are you talking about?" expression.

"It looks like it's not you. Compared with hunting sabers, you should be simply looting resources."

"...You talk too much! Do you still fight? Ha! Do you want to fight!?"

Mordred's tone was more like a punk than the punks just now.

"Hehe, didn't I say that there is no need to be so tense?"

Diarmuid twisted his fingers, and the red long sword swirled beautifully in his hand, and the sword blocked the bullet that hit his forehead.

"Uncle, you have no fighting spirit at all, I will stop fighting, goodbye!"

Mordred felt more and more that people like him were not motivated, so he turned around and was about to leave.

Yagi Xuezhai managed to meet someone who might understand the situation, so he hurried over to pull her.

"Wait a moment."

"Fuck you!"

"Hey! Mordred! Do you still know me?"

At the end of Yagi Xuesai's memory.

He fought against the Lord of Justice of the Empire, the brainwashed Mordred on the battleship. In the end, Mordred ran away holding his head... Then Yagi was bombarded by the opponent's bombardment even with his people and the battleship .

Did she lose her memory?Or regain memory?In short, she should have some impression of her own words, right?

Mordred was grabbed by someone, and looked at Yagi a few times with a displeased face.


She had a puzzled expression on her face, as if she didn't quite remember.

For some reason, Yagi Xuesai suddenly became playful and said: "желание (desire) ржавчина (rust) семнадцать (seventeen) рассвет (dawn) печь (stove) девять (nine) доброта (kindness) домой (going home) грузовик (truck) один (one)."

Yagi Xuesai uttered a series of Russian words.

Don't get me wrong, of course he doesn't understand Russian, but it's like a person who doesn't understand Japanese can easily say "don't" and "here is not allowed" in Japanese. Human beings always have some special channels to know a certain language. part of the vocabulary.

Yagi Xuesai's words, this line is completely copied from the movie.

Mordred looked at him with an idiotic expression.

Sure enough, it won't be so easy to remember.


Fujimaru Tachika helped to suggest a word on the side.

Mordred's expression suddenly changed, and his expression became painful.

"Arthur...Dark Round Table...Alter Reactor...Agguwen..."

Mordred seemed to be aroused by this word, and with a painful tone, the key words jumped out one by one.

"Gawain... Mashed Potatoes... Mashed Potatoes... Gawain... Mashed Potatoes... Gorilla... Gawain... Mashed Potatoes..."

Hey Hey hey!What is the situation with mashed potatoes... Why is it more important than Arthur Station!

"Hey! Mordred, look at me! Who am I?"

Mordred was held tightly by the shoulders by Yagi Yusai, unable to escape, Yagi Yusai put his face close to let her take a good look.

"...Are you... the father king? The male father king..."

Mordred's face became more and more dazed, and he whispered the last title softly, and fell into Yagi's arms.

Unexpectedly, being thrown into the arms of a woman did not produce the excitement of a deer bumping around. Instead, there was a feeling of... a sense of relief, that is, a sense of peace of mind.

"Well, anyway, she probably won't be able to chat with you. Can we chat with you? Diarmuid."

"Well, welcome."

Diarmuid invited the two to sit down.

The first and most curious thing, sure enough...

Why did lancer Diarmuid become saber?

Diarmuid smiled and pointed to a small badge pinned to his chest.

Obviously there is some kind of special magic in it.

Calling it magic... is a bit of an underestimate.Should I say... is it some kind of superior aura?
Yagi Xuesai's magic power detection is not so keen and cannot be distinguished.

"This is a Saber badge. In the universe, someone sells it on a large scale. It is claimed that only a Saber job is an honorable servant. They despise Lancer and are hostile to Archer. As long as you wear this badge, you can become a Saber job."

What kind of badge is this, why does it sound so suspicious!

This was Yagi's first reaction.

"So, is there any problem with becoming a Saber?"

"There is no problem. At least all the people I have seen who use this badge have no problem. Everyone has also become a saber job agency. It's just that there are more derivative sabers, and they start to think that the original saber is a kind of Obstacles, I think this is very bad. Well, even though I said that, I am actually in an awkward position."

Diarmuid's embarrassment is that he is a lancer.It is through the saber badge that the job description is changed.

However, he also has the adaptability of a saber job agency, so he wears a saber badge, not like other inferior sabers in disguise, but simply changing a job agency, he has changed into a saber job agency for real value Own.

That is... he became a native saber by wearing a badge...


It's like a person who likes to eat sweet tofu nao and salty tofu nao at the same time, when faced with the dispute between sweet and salty, he can't stand at all!

Yagi Xuesai nodded in understanding.

"Then, the reason you're here is..."

"Well, I'm looking for those hunters who specialize in hunting saber jobs. I thought it was done by the remnants of the universe empire, that is, Mordred. Looking at it now, it shouldn't be."

Diarmuid looked at the sleeping Mordred and said so calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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