Chapter 739 The Invaders

On the rubble of the planet Roman Incarnation, Yagi Yusai is in a bitter fight.

"Hmph, so there is no way out."

Chen Gong made a cold voice, looking down at the two of them with the vigor that a king should have.


Yagi Xuesai showed a rare look of distress, and Fujimaru Tachika next to him also frowned.

"Hey, male father, surrender quickly! Stop struggling! It's too ugly!"

Mordred unexpectedly also helped Chen Gong speak.

It's over, all betrayed relatives.

Yagi even felt that there was something wrong with Fujimaru Tachika's expression.


"Damn it! Am I... going to end here..."

Yagi Xuesai finally sighed and gave up resistance.

"As you please."

As he spoke, he dropped the playing cards in his hand.

Yes, playing cards.

"Then, I am a rich man."

"I'm rich."

After Chen Gong finished speaking, Mordred also followed up.

"I'm a civilian."

Fujimaru Tachika smiled, and played out the last two cards in his hand.

Yagi Xuesai sighed bitterly: "I am a poor man. I lost."

"Yahoo! It's great! Hahaha, I won!"

Mordred made such cheerful sounds like a child.

Yes, the four of them were playing cards to pass the time.

Due to the lack of crew members, the hull was severely damaged. It seemed that the woman who claimed to be XX was at least first-rate.Can destroy this battleship like this...

However, no matter what, there is no reason for the leader to go outside to repair the warship himself, so the four of them stayed in this universe and could only wait for the warship to be repaired.After all, there are asteroids all around, and if you act rashly, it is very likely that the already fragile warship will be killed.

In the universe, losing a ship is almost equivalent to death.

Because the distance from one planet to another is too long.

Even if a Servant does not need oxygen and temperature, he still has to consider whether he is lonely or not.

"Want another game?"

Fujimaru Tachika asked with a smile.

Yagi Xuesai shook his head, rejecting the idea.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Yagi Yusai left the room with the excuse of toilet.

Actually lost.

Being lucky with A+++, I actually lost.

What the hell is this.

Obviously when I first drew cards, my hand was good, so why did I lose in the end?
really weird.

He went into the bathroom and loosened his belt.

As a Servant, he actually doesn't have this need, but as a human being, he always has the urge to go to the bathroom.Especially when you encounter this kind of failure, you have to find an excuse to relax.

He doesn't understand women's words, but Yagi is very clear about what men say about going to the toilet, mainly: going to the toilet to smoke a cigarette to relax and actually going to the toilet have two meanings.

Thinking in my mind, why don't I finish my cultivation and hurry to the next planet.

"Rin, is your intuition really alright?"

"It can't be wrong. The sense of smell of a bounty [gold] hunter tells me that it can't be wrong. In this small room, there must be a legendary secret treasure. We're going to post it, post it~ hehe~"

Hearing the voices of two women, before Yagi Xuesai had time to react, the toilet door was kicked open.

"The little treasure is hidden in..."

With black double ponytails, wearing a beige denim jacket, denim shorts and cowboy boots on the lower body, a girl dressed in western America broke in with a light gun in her hand.

Her eyes suddenly focused on Yagi Yusai, especially...

His lower body...


Immediately afterwards, the woman's sharp shouts, accompanied by continuous gunfire, resounded through the warship.

"what happened?!"

The three people who were waiting for Yagi Xuesai's return in the house certainly heard the sharp sound.

Chen Gong frowned, and took out the communicator from his pocket. Sure enough, there was no hint on it.

"Don't even report this kind of thing? The quality of the crew this time is really terrible."

But this time it was Chen Gong who wronged him.

Because of the lack of manpower, the communication corps left the least manpower, and there were still people in the detection department, but now they all fainted, lying on the table, and were knocked unconscious in some way.

Because most of the manpower is repairing the ship outside, the defense inside the ship is very poor.

As a result, a duo of bounty hunters came out of nowhere and invaded here...

Fujimaru and Mordred ran to the screaming men's room, but there was no one there.

Looking at the interior of the cabin, there are black holes created by beam gun shots everywhere, and electric arcs are shining inside, obviously destroying the internal circuit structure.

Mordred could tell at a glance that the opponent was also an Archer.She raised the gun in her hand and said with a smile, "Okay! How dare you play with a gun in front of me?! Play you to death!"

After making such a heroic speech, Mordred seemed to be playing a survival game, holding guns in both hands to his ears, taking three steps in parallel, and quickly rushed into the cabin.

This kind of cabin environment is actually not suitable for gun battles.

Because, there are too few bunkers.

After the two groups met, they just shot straight at each other.

There is simply no room for much skill to intervene.

Except for the bullet-dodging operations of The Matrix.

So, what about the most important character, Yagi Yusai?
Of course, he's on the hunt.

Yes, he is the one who hunted down.

"Hey! Jane, what did that guy do? How come the bullets have no effect?! Knife too!! Even the grenade didn't respond!"

The black-haired woman in yellow denim who was temporarily respite from hiding at the corner of the intersection complained.

"Hmm... I don't know! The recent young servants really have everything! Hahaha~"

"Isn't this an occasion where you can laugh?"

Facing the complaints from her companions, the blond female gunman laughed and prevaricated casually.

It's not that she intentionally made fun of her friends, that's her nature, she is such a free character who doesn't hold grudges against others.

In fact, if you think about it carefully... it was actually my partner, Istarin, who asked to explore here.

At first, the blond girl [Jane] refused.

She and Istarin are partners, and they are bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters should act only to catch wanted criminals.

This kind of behavior of breaking into other people's warships without permission should be expressly prohibited!

Of course, Istarin also has his own statement, that is:

You see, the warship must have been killed in the rubble of the ruined planet Rome!When the time comes, an envoy of justice like myself will come to help, and they must give thanks!Another life was saved, and another thank-you gift!How wonderful!
Never should, never should, the two of them should not have broken into the men's toilet directly.

In fact, because the servants don't need to excrete, no one thought that there would actually be people going to the toilet in the toilet...

It's like selling bottled water in Atlantis.

In a sense, Istarin's intuition is really accurate...

Yagi Yusai did have a gem on him.

And it's a very expensive gem.

More importantly, it is filled with gemstones of massive magic power.

This is something that was stolen from Tohsaka Tokiomi's house in the previous singularity.

The magic attribute of the Tohsaka family is transformation, and they are proficient in gem magic. Every disciple of the Tohsaka family has a gemstone that they grew up with. They inject their excess magic power into the gemstone every day. Over the years, they will become Very scary magic storage.

With reference to the Age of Gods gemstone in Siegfried's sword hilt, you can roughly understand the potential of this small and beautiful stone.

This stone was originally Tohsaka Tokiomi's painstaking efforts for half his life, and was going to be given to his daughter Rin as a gift when she became an adult.

Speaking of which... Tohsaka Tokiomi's daughter is also called Rin, so it's really a coincidence that she has the same name as this Istarin.

(End of this chapter)

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