Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 755 Galactic Ascalon Movement

Chapter 755 Galactic Ascalon Movement
In the swordsmanship competition, the more he swung his sword, the more Yagi felt that he couldn't beat him.

The king of fighters, Sigurd, is much better than an unknown pawn like himself who popped out of nowhere.

However, he also has his own trump card.

Although, it must be used in advance, it is a bit...

Yagi Xuezhai made up his mind and stopped hesitating.

In fact, as a big fan of role-playing games, Yagi Xuesai often encounters a very tangled situation, which is to save the hole cards until the end.For example, consumables that increase all attributes in battle, or medicines that can restore full HP and MP in one go.I always feel: there must be a final boss battle in the future!Save it!mood, and end the game with god-level resources.

And... these hole cards are not consumables, are they?

Yagi Xuesai's heart sank, and as soon as he let go of his wrist, the hand holding the sword at that time shrank back a long way, gripping the tail of the sword.

Accompanied by his flexible roundabout slash, Yagi Xuesai also held his spare left hand above the hilt of the sword.

The distance between the two hands is very far, this kind of grip is especially rare on one-handed swords.

Because the one-handed sword doesn't have such a long hilt at all!

This grip is common with greatswords.

Yagi raised his big sword high, took a big step forward, slashed at the upper part, and swung towards Sigurd.

This is a serious German swordsmanship.

Sigurd didn't even defend himself, watching the golden sword barely brushing his glasses.

This is also the biggest disadvantage of using short swords to make long sword swordsmanship, because of the length of the blade, it will definitely make the originally easy-to-use technique extremely difficult to work.

But what does this matter?

Yagi Yusai didn't think this attack would work.As long as he can be a little flustered, he will have an opportunity.

But... hum, even if it's not messy, it doesn't matter.

Yagi Xuesai let go of his right hand, and the hilt of the sword spun around along his left hand, and the whole sword flew out of his hand, and spun around his wrist at a high speed.

This is the throwing technique of the long gun.

Use the back of your hand, arms, and fingers to lightly move the gun body so that the spear can rotate flexibly in your hand.Yagi has seen people use this trick more than once.Scathach is like this, Cu Chulainn is like this, and Diarmuid is like this.

The long sword circled twice, Yagi suddenly stopped, and the golden sword circled twice in mid-air, he punched out, facing Sigurd's glasses!
This move is a fighting technique handed down by Chiron, Pancrasin.

This is Yagi's hole card, not to control different weapons at the same time, but to use different techniques to control the same weapon.

The inspiration for this trick is thanks to Sasaki Kojiro.

According to the legend, the school that Kojiro learned was good at short knives. As a result, this person chose to use long knives to perform short knives. As a result, he developed amazing swordsmanship. In his own words: his sword is evil.

Of course, this Kojiro of Chaldea is not the real Kojiro.But legends are legends.

As for the technology that Yagi has mastered...

British classical knight swordsmanship, Mordred's improved wild swordsmanship, Siegfried's standard German-style great swordsmanship, Pankrasin, spearmanship handed down by Skaha, the original rune magic...

If these technologies can be mixed together, all kinds of tricks will become specious.

However, abnormalities are relatively difficult to deal with.

By the way, although I got the inspiration from Kojiro, but I really decided to use this as a trick, it was Sakata Kintoki's doctrine!

This tall, simple-minded man in sunglasses actually... got his idea from a novel? !
"Hey! Second General! Have you seen any of Golden Yong's works! This super-golden move, Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist! Second General, if you can learn it, you must be very powerful!"

It was just such an unintentional joke, Yagi Xuesai took it seriously.

His tricks, because all techniques are dependent on the sword, so each is specious.

The punch just now was not really intended to throw the golden sword away, it was simply because the sword was thrown away because one was not handled well.

Sure enough, thanks to his wit, otherwise it would be a shame.

The opponent obviously didn't know about such a hard-core situation. Facing Yagi's fist, Sigurd flew out four daggers from his shoulder armor, inserted them obliquely into Yagi's fist, and blocked his punch in mid-air , not allowing him a chance to approach.

Although he didn't know the origin of that punch, Sigurd instinctively sensed the crisis.

Yagi Xuesai made a strong attack, and stepped back with his heel a little, the golden sword just hit his ankle, with a force, the long sword flew up, bypassed his head, and landed in his hand!

Yagi thrust his sword obliquely into his shoulder, and now he was holding the long sword with both hands, as if he was holding a short gun!
Sigurd narrowed his eyes, showing a serious look, and slammed the blade of his hand, hitting Yagi's blade!


Hearing a crisp sound, Yagi Xuesai's sword was actually broken by him just like that!

Not only was it interrupted, it was broken!The whole sword turned into countless small fragments!

No matter how weak Yagi is, unable to release his real name (without relevant inheritance), this sword is also a treasure!It has the firmness it should have!It was broken like this? !
Yagi Xuesai himself found it unbelievable.

Sigurd's hand was about to pierce Yagi's heart with a backhand sword, but suddenly stopped his body, and he retreated rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a dazzling golden light beam fell from the sky, and separated the people who had just left. Two people fighting.

It's Istar!
Support shooting from the sky!
Like a locomotive swooping down at high speed, Ishtar's slender body made a beautiful roundabout, and landed beside Yagi with his bow. His fingers locked Sigurd tightly. Around her fingertips, magic power condensed into a Dozens of muzzles.It's time for a wave of scattering!
Sigurd narrowed his eyes and said, "If you think that you can beat our six musketeers if you can beat our six musketeers, then you are very wrong."

Sigurd snorted coldly, and there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Hmph, you're just taking advantage of the moment to show your prestige! Archer is born to defeat Saber!"

"Hmph, so what. Galactic Ascalon movement! You are a dragon! Dragons are sins! Punish them!"

Sigurd pushed back his glasses, and calmly spoke lines similar to the lines only available in sophomores.

Yistar touched her head, and had to say that her fair fingers were inserted in the waterfall-style black hair, which had a strange charm.Even Yagi, who knew her nature as a money fan, was almost tempted!

And... I don't know why, Yagi always feels that in his eyes, Ishtar is shining...

No... She, is she really shining? !
Before Yagi Yusai could understand, Ishtar's skin seemed to have absorbed some kind of curse, emitting a faint red halo.

At this moment, the two of them still don't know that Sigurd's scariest place...

Its name is the Galactic Ascalon Movement.

(End of this chapter)

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