Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 765 Ghost Night Walk

Chapter 765 Hundred Ghosts Night Walk
If one word were to be used to describe the singularity of China today, it would be [Hundred Ghosts at Night].

For some unknown reason, the whole of China has been interfered by some kind of magical power. Using the previous example, it seems to have been cut off.

Now that it has been cut and empty, naturally, something needs to be filled in.

In the history of mankind, what has been annihilated and disappeared into the invisible, has been recorded in countless countries, but has disappeared in modern times, that is--ghosts.

The reactions are very messy, not just a certain kind of ghost, but many kinds of reactions.Just like when practicing Gu, stuff all kinds of poisonous insects into a small space, and they will fight each other to decide the final winner.

This is also the same, in the current Chinese singularity, the reaction of ghosts is like boiling hot water, countless bubbles rise up, then disappear, and then new bubbles appear.Repeatedly.

"This singularity, I want to move forward together."

Dressed in black, the elegant man with golden and pale skin declared his position irrefutably in a rather deep voice.

He is obviously a follower, but because of his aristocratic temperament, it seems that he is the master of everyone.

Vlad III.

"Even through the screen, Yu can still smell the stench of those vampires."

As the prototype of the most famous vampire image [Dracula] in later generations, his speech on vampires can be said to be very credible.

"Oh! General! Take me with you! China! That's Golden Yong's hometown! It's so golden!"

Another sign of longing is golden hour.

This two-meter-tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed man with sunglasses and a mouth full of English words looks like a man who has just begun to modernize. He is actually a genuine ancient follower, the Sakata Kintoki of the Heian Era... It seems that he is answering the call When I got modern knowledge, I thought it was so handsome!Then I changed the Spirit Base to this...

Hello!So casual no problem!

Siegfried was on the side, he was a bit tangled and wanted to step forward, his eyes were fixed on Yagi, obviously worried about his dragon transformation.But Circe jumped out first and grabbed Yagi's arm.

"I'm going~ Wouldn't it be more at ease to have an expert in magic?"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded, agreeing with her.

This is the predicament now.

It's not that there are too few people.At the beginning, there were too few Chaldeans, but it was easy to choose.Because you have no choice.

However, there are so many followers in Chaldea now, and all of them are high-level people, who do you take with you?

Surely someone will be upset by this?

For example... His Majesty Nero...

What did His Majesty hear?Going to China?

Immediately, I thought that my Roman Empire had never held a concert in China, and immediately wanted to make this the first stop of the world tour. My eyes were shining, like two bright gems...

Fujimaru Tachika didn't dare to look at her piercing eyes, those eyes seemed to say choose me, choose me, choose me quickly.

Because Fujimaru Tachika doesn't want China to disappear.

As she said, she hasn't eaten Chinese food yet, so how could she let Miss Nero go there for a concert...

I still remember that in the previous singularity, the entire planet Rome disappeared because of Nero's concert in the universe...

A planet can be destroyed, let alone a country...

And, seriously...

Nero's ability is not very suitable for exploration in this kind of situation.

Deep in her heart, Fujimaru Tatsuka had indeed finalized a few ideas.

Now there are only two places left, and she has decided on one in her heart. Now, in the last place, her choice is:
Hercules, a particularly trustworthy berserker.

Lu Bu Fengxian, a powerful berserker from China.

Martha, a saint with the ability to exorcise evil spirits, and a treasured tarasque for long-distance travel.

For Joan, the reason is the same as above, but changing the second half of the sentence can reduce the damage of all members.

Jing Ke, a rational Chinese hero, can provide some advice and help.


It's too hard to choose.

Fujimaru Tachika sighed, in short, let's select the already confirmed candidates first.

"Your Excellency Hassan Baimao, may I ask you?"

Among a group of great heroes, Tatsuka Fujimaru unexpectedly invited someone who was not here.

From the corner, a dark-skinned, blue-haired woman with a skull mask got up impatiently from the corner and came over.

"As you wish, Master."

This is the role that Fujimaru Tachika has determined before.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hassan Baimao is currently the strongest servant in Chaldea.

Because, first of all, she has the ability to block the breath, moreover, she can clone herself, and each identity can communicate with each other... What is this?
This is a conscious mobile phone that can be invisible!

Whether it is scouting the enemy's situation or communicating with each other when the two teams are separated to explore, they are the strongest!
Especially when exploring the singularity for the first time, Hassan Baimao's ability is arguably the most important.

Nero's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she continued to look at this side seriously, with an expression that you must choose me.

Fujimaru Tachika was getting more and more troubled.

She stretched out her finger, wobbled around, and finally pointed to...

Lu Bu Fengxian!

Sure enough, he finally chose the heroic spirit of China!Little Lixiang!
The final team is: Jinshi, Vlad III, Circe, Yagi Xuesai, Mashup, Baimao Hassan, Lu Bu Fengxian.Jin Shi, as the Four Heavenly Kings of Raikou, has considerable experience in hunting ghosts, Vlad III hates vampires, Circe is a master of magic, Yagi and Mash are considered to be a regular, and Baimao Hassan is the most suitable follower to explore , Lu Bu is the most breakthrough among the Chinese followers.

In other words, is the number of berserkers too much? ?Moreover, Arjuna, who had been serving as a servant, was not invited.

By the way, with the arrival of Chen Gong, communication with Lu Bu is no longer a problem.

Ah, yes, many people may think that Lu Bu can't speak, but that's not right, he just said something that people in Chaldea couldn't understand.

According to Kong Ming, it doesn't seem to be ancient Chinese either. In short, communicating with Lu Bu requires a special language.Chen Gong was able to communicate with him normally, and even wrote a book "Introduction to Lu Bu's Conversation" for Tatsuka Fujimaru.Why does it sound like a book about communicating with cats and dogs? ?

Looking at His Majesty Nero, the whole person was waiting for her eyes to go dumb. She probably didn't expect that she would lose the election.

There is no way.

Because... there are really too many powerful servants!
Fujimaru Tatsuka herself was also very embarrassed, but, after all, this is an exploration of the singularity... If it's a singularity that is usually a small thing, it's fine, this kind...should choose a powerful follower.

"The master is an idiot!"

His Majesty Nero, who made such a cute scolding sound, covered his face with his hands and ran out of the war room... Hey, it made Tatsuka Fujimaru feel bad...

(End of this chapter)

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