Chapter 768
Under the cover of the mist, the flying blade flew towards the unprotected back of Fujimaru Tatsuka's neck.

However, before that, a golden ax was blocked behind Fujimaru Tachika like a shield, and the subsequent blade was blocked by the wide axe!Sakata Kintoki turned his head sideways, leaving behind a sharp side face and a proud smile:

"I won't let the general get hurt casually! That would be too golden!"

Of course, he didn't notice it at all. Thanks to Hassan the Hundred-faced who was always hiding around, he was able to react correctly.

Although the ability of this masked assassin who comes and goes without a trace will decrease with the number of clones, knowledge, technology and experience will not disappear with it. Therefore, according to different usages, there are completely different usage modes.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Letting out a violent roar, the man in heavy armor roared like a beast. His heavy panting sound was like the exhaust tail of a steam engine, giving people an exaggerated deterrent force.

Every step he took, it was like a chariot crushing the earth. A burly man in armor rushed into the mist with a huge halberd in his hand. The halberd in his hand met the opponent's black cloak with a single blow. .

In mid-air, the black cloak was buzzing, and the person inside turned over, like a bird, and swooped toward the ground quickly, taking advantage of the height difference between the two people, dodged Lu Bu's thrust.

However, just as the other party landed on the ground...he heard a series of sharp chirping sounds, and looked at his feet, the soil was mixed with blood, sawdust, bones, and other things, twisted into dark red spikes, stabbing from the ground He came out, pierced through his clothes, and stabbed toward the heart.

He was about to escape, but found that in the sky, Yagi Xuesai had picked up the red spear, and the split spear turned into a canopy of thorns, blocking the way.

Then... the only way is...

The trapped man in black thought for a while, like a rabbit, he jumped nimbly, tore off the shackles of the black robe, and jumped into the mist in one step, passed Lu Bu's side, bypassed Yagi's spear, left and right A Z-shaped jump, bypassing everyone, was about to escape...



Before that, she obviously felt some kind of pressure.

The flying halberd almost tore through the white mist, and the too strong wind pressure directly tore a big hole in the mist!Lu Bu didn't move, half of Fang Tian's painted halberd was still in his hand...

He, he actually dismantled Fang Tian's painting halberd? !

No, to be correct...his Fang Tian painting halberd is a detachable structure!
There is an iron wire connected from the end of the halberd to the top of the stick, and General Lu Bu uses this to operate his thrusting halberd!
Lu Bu is tall, and his agility has been slightly affected. He is not very good at fighting against such a flexible guy. For this reason, someone provided him with such a weapon.

As one of the strongest among the Chinese heroic spirits, Lu Bu is also troubled by many strong people: that is, what weapon should be used?

When a person is good at bow, knife, spear, stick, sword... and a lot of strange weapons, any weapon can be controlled at will, then he will face this problem. If all weapons are brought, It's too cumbersome...

For this reason, Chen Gong, Lu Bu's military adviser, proposed a perfect solution for him.

So, wouldn't it be enough to invent a weapon that can use bow, knife, spear, stick, sword and strange weapon at the same time?
What was born for this was Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Before Chen Gong officially came to Chaldea, no one in Chaldea thought that the painting halberd could be used in so many ways!
The halberd stabbing from behind forced the opponent to land in an emergency, and rolled forward.

Fujimaru Tachika barely recognized the appearance of the other party.

It was a little girl with silver hair, wearing a black tights, and holding a dagger in her hand.

Because he was chased by many followers just now, he looked very embarrassed.

This is the current Chaldea, and its strength is different from the past!

Probably judging the difference in combat power between the enemy and us, she no longer tried to fight back, but focused on escaping...


The ground roared, and the heavy rock plate was lifted up and turned into a cage. From the ground and the cross-section of the ground, the magic array written on it with unknown method was arranged neatly, like the muzzle of a black hole. With the accumulation of magic power inside, the purple The magical power turned into a shining ball of light, and then released a slender and fiery laser!
Needless to say, this is naturally Circe's forte, because Eastern and Western magic bases are different, and there will always be some interference if you want to practice Western magic in China. However, thanks to the singularity here, this kind of interference is small. Many times, Circe was free to use his magic.

"Hey, don't try to run~"

Circe made a lovely sound, and felt something in the air with her left hand. Some kind of black muddy water condensed in her hand to look like a hunting dog, like a sea snake, with a bit of dragon features. The familiar created by the magical power of the dog, because of anxiety, did not set the appearance very seriously, in short, just treat it as a hunting dog!
Circe immediately released them.

With a wave of Circe's arms, four dark things flew out from behind her, and she herself spread her eagle wings. Inside the wings, countless magic circles formed a rainbow-like constantly shining wings, the magic power inside Exaggeratedly turned into a light bullet, and chased towards the opponent.

This scene is almost as if Schwarzenegger and Stallone are shooting at each other with machine guns...

Under the baptism of the magic bombardment on both sides, the petite assassin fled in all directions.

Like a little rabbit, fast and agile, quickly dodging Circe's attack.Circe was also smart, he added an automatic lock-on attack technique to the raised rock plate, while he fought indiscriminately.One side is precise locking, and the other side is random shooting without purpose, just to increase the possibility of hitting. In fact, it really works.

Unknowingly, the petite girl was hit by seven or eight shots, her body was dragged down, and she was hit by Circe's cannonball. Afterwards, countless cannonballs hit the same location, and the magic power bombarded the ground, turning the flying mud into pieces. It was a gray-black fog that polluted the white fog at once...

"Circe! Stop!"

Yagi Xuesai suddenly yelled, Circe was hitting Xing's head, and he didn't quite understand.But Yagi seldom drank her so directly, and his serious tone made her understand that there was no need to ask more questions, and she just followed what he said.

The shelling stopped, and the smoke gradually dissipated. The fog did not disappear, but...

There is nothing in the big pit that was blasted.

How did you escape?
Yagi Xuesai didn't think about this question at all.

That kind of thing, no matter what...

Something to note is that...

"Be careful! The fog is still there! She must be..."

"Here comes the killing... Our Lady of Disintegration... (Maria-the-Ripper)"

The small female voice echoed everywhere...

(End of this chapter)

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