Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 781 Devil's Nest

Chapter 781 Devil's Nest
Jekyll's cooking skills are not very good. It is obvious that he is very bad at using those classical Chinese cooking utensils.

Not to mention him, even the modern Chinese may not be able to understand the bamboo steamer, the stove that needs to be blown, and all kinds of cooking utensils with strange shapes, let alone a foreigner.

What he does is not very powerful, he just stuffs all the ingredients he can find into the pot to cook porridge.

Hassan Baimao gave feedback, and Circe couldn't judge whether it was poisonous from what she said... But she also had her own method. She set up a [hostility spell] in the room.

If there is someone hostile to the master in this room, they will whistle loudly, trigger two powerful magic circles at the same time, and fire magic bullets similar to machine guns.

As long as Jekyll poisons the Master, there is no doubt that it is a hostile reaction, and it will definitely be triggered!
Jekyll served a pot of something that could hardly be called porridge. The room was quiet, and Circe's spell was not triggered, which showed that Jekyll really did not have any hostility or malice towards everyone.

Fujimaru Tachika was starving, seeing that there was something to eat, as if she was afraid that others would steal it from her.

The main ingredient of this porridge is white rice, mixed with chicken shredded into small pieces, and unknown eggs, and then green should I put it, it looks more like soup!

"I haven't asked yet, why are you being chased by so many zombies? Generally speaking, as long as you don't get close to the territory of Camilla, the king of vampires, there won't be so many zombies."

"Hmph, we are just going to make that evil guy disappear."

Vlad III snorted coldly, and said angrily, "All vampires deserve to die..."

He said it harshly, as if he wasn't a vampire himself.

Speaking of which, when Vlad III came as a berserker, he was full of irreconcilable contradictions.

He hated the legend of vampires, hated someone calling him a vampire.

However, in the battle, he did not shy away from using the abilities of vampires, including atomization, including radiating blood piles.

It's really hard to figure out what he was thinking.

"Are you... going to destroy Camilla? You... are new here?"

Jekyll had a bitter look on his face.

"In this singularity, there are several existences called ghost kings..."

"Ah, we know that."

Fujimaru Tachika has always been out of tune with other people because of her lack of knowledge, and finally has something she knows, why don't you jump out and show off?
"So, do you still want to challenge? Wait? Are you, the legendary Chaldean party?"

"Yes! It's us!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka slapped his chest proudly.

"That's why! My lord savior! No wonder! Then, please take a good rest today and recharge your spirits. Tomorrow, I will accompany you to eliminate that nasty vampire! I know a safe passage to the castle!"


Fujimaru Tatsuka agreed, but unconsciously, she yawned loudly.

Sleepy when full...

Fujimaru Tachika really deserves to be... um... um... the savior?Well, he really deserves to be the savior, that is open-minded!Highlight an open-mindedness that ordinary people cannot match!

"Please rest well and recharge your spirits!"

Jekyll hurriedly helped tidy up a clean house, and urged Fujimaru Tatsuka to sleep.

Fujimaru Tachika was tired all day, and was drained of magic power by the servants. Naturally, she was so sleepy that she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.Mash guarded her with a shield on one side, and the other servants also stayed in their rooms.

Until... nightfall.

The sharp explosive sound woke up the drowsy Fujimaru Tachika!

Thanks to Chaldea, she has now developed the excellent mobility of getting up as soon as she hears the alarm, and getting up as soon as she says she gets up, never staying out of bed.

"What's going on! Is it an enemy?"

Waiting for Tatsuka Fujimaru was a crowd of "as expected" expressions.

This was true for Circe and Vlad III. It seemed that they had known for a long time that there would be an enemy attack in the middle of the night.

Both Jin Shi and Matthew were shocked. They seemed completely unaware of this incident. One was innocent and the other was pure in thinking. Neither of them thought that Jekyll might betray him.

"I noticed it during the day. This person is too eager."

Vlad III explained coldly.

Yes, he was too eager.

First of all, in this singularity of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, if you see someone being chased by a zombie, will you really save them?Okay, let's put that question aside.

Secondly, Vlad III is so much like a vampire, no, he is a vampire at all, knowing that this is Camilla's territory, and seeing a vampire, wouldn't he really have doubts?

What's more, his performance was too logical, and he was eager to let Fujimaru Tatsuka rest here.It can only show that he has laid some kind of trap here.

Then, on to the first question.


It is a land of demons and ghosts walking in the night, and it will answer the call, so it must have an inseparable connection with ghosts.

Either he is an evil heretic, or he is a hero who punishes rape and eradicates evil.

Since Jekyll is not the latter...then...there is only one possibility——

Circe's method of discrimination is a little simpler:
There are people who will be nice to others for no reason!
As a fallen witch, she doesn't believe in such things, okay?
It must be a scam to be nice to others for no reason!
Except for my love for Yagi-kun, everything is fake!
Of course, in addition to this, there is another important discriminant method...

It was Circe who studied the branches he had taken down.

The conclusion is... this thing is not a pepper tree.

In ancient China, Zanthoxylum bungeanum was considered to ward off evil spirits, but... there is a thing with a similar name, which means just the opposite.

Sanjiao, considered to be a plant monster growing in deep mountains and old forests since ancient times, will rest during the day and disguise itself as an ordinary plant, and will come out to attack humans at night...

And in this room... right now, there is only one human being.


The window was crushed by the rattan, and the green branches and leaves seemed to pour in like countless tentacles, attacking Fujimaru Tachika!

Vlad III was the first to react. With a wave of his pale wrist, a section of blood flew out from under his skin.

He originally wanted to turn the blood into spikes and shoot it out, but after thinking about it, it would consume too much magic power. Calm down, instead of firing the spikes, he stuck the blood on the outside of his arm and turned it into a blood knife. The cut down the tree that struck from the window.

Around this house, there are sansho peppers everywhere. It can be said that this is an out-and-out magic cave.

(End of this chapter)

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