Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 792: Bullhead Heavenly King!attack!

Chapter 792: Bullhead Heavenly King!attack!
As the dazzling light dissipated, Fujimaru Tachika's eyes adapted to the strong wind, and only then could he see the person clearly.

She is wearing a blue maiden costume, lined with a long black skirt, has pink hair reminiscent of honey, and a pair of beautiful fox ears protruding from the hair.With a look of expectation on his face, Fujimaru Tachika thought about it carefully, and it was indeed as if he had seen this face somewhere before...

and many more……

this is not……

"Ah!!! It's Miss Miko Fox at that time! The one who cooked in Chaldea! The super luxurious seafood pot!"

Fujimaru Tateka thought of the sea through blue, seafood through the sea, and seafood pot from seafood, and then she thought of her.

A philosopher once said... In fact, Tatsuka Fujimaru does not know whether it was really said by a philosopher, or if he made up a philosophical sentence in his head, and then mistakenly thought it was said by someone.Anyway, she felt that the human imagination can only make such a leap forward at this level.

Of course, she didn't know that the crazy foodie theory in her mind unexpectedly matched the famous saying of a famous Chinese thinker.

"Yeah! Remember me! Little Master~~ Tamamo, I'm so happy!"

Ah, maybe some people have forgotten that once Qing Ji got a Holy Grail from nowhere, and then held a Chaldean cooking competition, anyway, it ended inexplicably in the end.

The summoned servants all returned to the Hall of Valor.

Of course including this flashing vixen, Tamazamae.

I don't know when it started, vixen is always referred to as a beautiful woman.

Specifically because the vixen is referred to as a beautiful woman, so there are many rumors and anecdotes that follow?
Or is it because there really are foxes who cultivated into beauties and wrecked the palace, and then vixen are called synonymous with beautiful women?I do not know.

But there is only one thing that everyone knows, no matter what kind of personality a woman is called a vixen, no matter how many bad things she has done, at least she must be a beauty. If she is ugly, no one will call her a vixen, which is too shameful for a fox.

When it comes to vixen, there are many rumors in both China and Japan.

For example, in Chinese legend, Daji, who troubled the court, is a vixen.In Journey to the West, the concubine of the Bull Demon King is a jade-faced vixen, and there are many images of vixens in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio.For another example, Tamamo-mae in Japanese legend is a vixen.In addition, it is generally believed in Japan that the fox is the holy beast that protects the shrine, and it likes inexplicable settings such as fried tofu, and then there are monster legends such as Guanhu and Foxfire. In terms of types, It is indeed much more inexplicable than China's.

Speaking of the famous vixen, Fujimaru Tatsuka's first reaction was...

" it Tamamo-mae?"

"Uh-huh! Xiao Yuzao, whom you trust and trust, is talking about me! Uh-huh! By the way, this spirit seance array can actually accommodate my spirit foundation... It seems..."

The witch fox who called herself Kotamamo raised her head and looked at Circe hovering in the sky.

Probably, this is the so-called special induction between the casters, right?Tamamo squinted her eyes, as if a character in Dragon Ball was sizing up the opponent's combat power.Then Yu Zaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, as if seeing a slag with only five combat effectiveness.

"Hmm! It looks like there are very good casters here!"

With a contemptuous smile, she finished the second half of the sentence with peace of mind.

Ah, I have to explain here, Tamazamae didn't mean to look down on Circe, nor did she mean how good her magic was.


As a good wife (self-proclaimed), she has a fairly good level of vision, and can tell at a glance that although the opponent's magic attainments are quite good, she is not inferior to herself.But——as a cook, as a cook, as a wife, he was really far behind himself.Although he is just a rookie who has just started, he is much stronger than her.

Peace of mind, peace of mind.

Yuzao had originally prepared two sentences for the second half of the sentence, one has already been said, and the other wants to say: [It seems that there are also good wife servants like Xiao Yuzao here! 】

Needless to say, the second half of the sentence is really great!

By the way, Circe, who was floating in the sky, also instinctively sensed the crisis. The sixth sense of a woman instinctively told her that this woman was very dangerous.

First of all, as a carnivore, foxes are not very well adapted to eagles.

Secondly!In the legend, the vixen has always been responsible for seducing men... Circe murmured in his heart: No way, this person will also snatch his dear!

In short, because of their respective moods, one maintains a dignified mood and the other maintains a peaceful mood.

The sky is gradually sinking. From the south, gloomy rain clouds are gradually drifting over. It is obvious that in the singular point shrouded in magic fog, the sky gradually turns from deep purple to dark black, and there are vaguely undead haunting it.Fujimaru Tachika shivered, for some reason, she always felt a little uncomfortable.

Goosebumps all over my body.You must know that the Chaldean master uniform has magic properties, not only can defend against conventional sword cuts, but also has the function of keeping warm.

Wearing such clothes, the goosebumps are naturally not caused by the cold...

Tamazamo's relaxed expression suddenly turned serious.The same is true for Circe. The two have no time to take into account their attitudes towards each other and get together.Tamamomae took out several charms from his sleeve, and Circe also raised his staff.

Sakata Kintoki picked up the axe. As one of the four heavenly kings of Raikou in the Heian period, he killed countless evil spirits as a ghost seeker. Naturally, he could clearly sense the evil spirit in the air.

That kind of pressure that makes even a heroic person like Jin Shi want to try to escape from the bottom of his heart.

Never seen such evil spirit.

From the sky, heavy steps came.

From the earth, heavy steps came.

At the end of the line of sight, heavy steps came.

Step by step, the sky is trembling, the ground is trembling.People... are trembling too.

That is, a monster with a bull's head.

Bull head king...

Fujimaru Tatsuka was so oppressed that she couldn't breathe...

" must escape..."

Fujimaru Tachika didn't intend to fight it at all.

Just looking at those golden eyes, there is no feeling of confrontation at all.

Have you noticed the meaning of escaping here?

The speed of the monster with the bull's head increased rapidly, and it rushed to the front of everyone like lightning!The long iron stick in his hand is a head-on blow!
Sakata Kintoki didn't dare to respond, he hugged Fujimaru Tachika and flew out, the long stick fell on the ground, only to hear a bang, the ground was cracked, the deep gully tore the ground, the roar rolled up the dust, and swallowed it in one breath everyone.

This is - the might of the Bull Head Heavenly King!

(End of this chapter)

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