Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 796 Counterattack

Chapter 796 Counterattack

"Return! The master's whereabouts!"

Baimao Hassan's words made Jin Shi, who was holding a large piece of monster meat, raised his head.

Because of his indecent appearance, blood was not only on his face, but also on his body, as well as on his sunglasses, and his blond hair was stuck in pieces, sticking to his cheeks.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a savage.

Hearing the news, Sakata Kintoki picked up the prisoner of war ax and spit out the bloody slices of meat that hadn't been chewed in his mouth.

"what are you doing?"

Baimao Hassan hurriedly stopped him.

"Then what else? Of course it's Golden's past, smashing all the enemies to pieces! Then Golden rescues the general!"

While speaking, Sakata Kintoki's hands were dyed blood-red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin that was originally white had turned red like a ghost.

Sakata Kintoki has half the blood of evil spirits. Once angry, the blood will be stimulated, and the body will turn red.In severe cases, not only the arms, but even the body will turn into blood red, just like the red ghost in Japanese legend.

"You don't even know how many people are there!"

Jin Shi was stunned, shrugged, and said indifferently: "What does that matter. No matter how many people there are, they have to be dealt with by the golden ones! What's the point of numbers?"

Baimao Hassan scolded him in his heart as a reckless man, but she was not the master, and she had no strength to stop Jin Shi, so she could only place her hopes on other people.

When the Tauren King attacked before, because the enemy was too strong, he easily eliminated all the people in Chaldea without any pressure, and then captured Fujimaru Tachika.

The other followers also dispersed.

After all, Baimao Hassan, who was following Fujimaru Tachika at that time, couldn't dodge in time, was swept away by the attack of the Tauren King, and disappeared directly.Hundred-faced Hassan had a short period of blank time and didn't know the whole picture.

All I know is that Jin Shi is alone now, and Lu Bu is with the woman in the wedding dress. The two berserkers are like robots that have lost their power, just in a daze.

The silver-haired girl in black was gone, and so was the summoned Tamazamo. Now, with the ability of Hassan Baimao, he couldn't control everyone at all.

Sure, you've seen a human use a phone, but have you ever seen a phone that in turn intelligently does things for humans?

As a last resort, Baimao Hassan could only ask Yagi Xuesai for help.Because, after all, he is still the master of half of Chaldea.

Under the current situation, Yagi is of course also very anxious.


If I don't eat it quickly, Ibaraki will eat up all the grilled meat!

He anxiously listened to Baimao Hassan's report, and anxiously began to snatch away almost roasted meat, feasting on it, and thinking about what Baimao Hassan said just now.

It seems that Fujimaru Tachika was taken away?

Ah, it doesn't matter, it's not the first time anyway.

Yagi Xuesai saw it very openly.

Moreover, now he already has a hunch... something like a fixed unfolding.

Anyway, I found the King of the Bulls again, and then solved it with a treasure.Or, several Artorias can open the Noble Phantasm together to solve it.

Anyway, almost every time.

However, because of the departure of Vlad III, Yagi Yusai knew that this singularity could send another follower over.

As long as a suitable holy relic is found, this kind of thing can still be done.

Speaking of which, I might as well summon another one directly from this singularity.

Hmm, looking forward to it.

It would be great if Circe was here, she could write the magic circle for herself, it took a lot of time to write that thing, especially the underlining, it can't be crooked or evil, it's very troublesome.

As Yagi Xuesai was thinking this way, he suddenly noticed a small black shadow flying towards him in the sky.

isn't it?
Thinking so in his heart, he wrote the farsighted Rune on his eyelids, and he could see clearly at once.



and also--

A large number of flying monsters.

It looks a bit similar to the legendary Griffin, or something like the Eagle.

The number is about ten horses.

Yagi Xuezhai knew in his heart that he was about to get into trouble again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah! My dear! Help me get rid of these guys!"

"Go find Archer! Bows and arrows have special effects on flying, this is a standard configuration!"

Yagi Xuesai sighed, and while grumbling, he picked up the spear in his hand, poured magic power into it, and liberated his real name.

Throwing the red gun in his hand with all his strength, he wiped it towards Circe's cheek, this action alone made Circe break out in a cold sweat.The red spear brushed against her shoulder, flew backwards, and suddenly split in mid-air. Countless spears split from the blade, and a long spear suddenly turned into a large canopy of long spears. To put it bluntly, it resembled a huge The mop... A blue lightning bolt extended from Yagi's hand, as if it was an extension of his hand, it was attached to the spear.

This is the usage comprehended in that singularity of the universe before.

The release of the Noble Phantasm, generally speaking, must be held in the hand.Because it needs followers to pour magic power into it continuously.

However, if this method is used, the Noble Phantasm can be activated from a distance.

For example, now, by generating an arc through the magic power of the hand, and transmitting the magic power over a long distance, the treasure can be operated at a long distance, and then!
Of course, flying monsters are very good at flying. When they saw the spear approaching, they scattered around to avoid the attack.

Yagi also has doctrines. Didn't the big gun in his hand turn into a huge tree-like structure?

He used the arc in his hand to operate the spear, as if there was an invisible big hand waving the spear in the air, waving it around, chasing and killing these monsters.

Originally, the monsters attacked Circe because they saw a moving creature and chased it instinctively. Now, Yagi disrupted the formation and interfered with each other. In a fit of anger, these monsters fought with each other. Circe took the opportunity to hurry up He landed beside Yagi, patting his chest with his small hands, looking as if he was still in shock.

"Then what, I want to try to summon a servant at the singularity. Circe, can you help me?"

"Well! No problem! I can help you with anything!"

"Hmm, then, help me draw a magic circle, I will try to summon servants. Ah, I want the highest standard!"

"...This matter..."

Unexpectedly, Circe, who had been obedient to Yagiyan all this time, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

She stared at Yagi's face, took his hand seriously, and said, "Yagi... let's run away?"

"Huh? Ah... You mean, avoid the sharp edge first, don't summon at this time?"


Circe shook her head seriously, with a sad expression on her face.

"Let's... let's escape from this singularity! You have the adaptability of spirit particle transfer. I have almost understood it now. I will use the magic power of the Age of Gods to build a world outside this world line. Even if the human nature is burned, It won't affect us either. Let's survive in it together! You and I, two people. If you feel tired, I can also make three or five concubines. Give up, this singularity enemy , we can't win..."

(End of this chapter)

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