Chapter 799 Rescue Plan
Either way, summoning a Servant is better than nothing.Although I don't know why she responded to the summons as a servant, and why she suddenly became such a tsundere character——speaking so badly to myself, she must like me!To cover up one's good feelings with bad words, that's what is said in the animation-Yagi Xuesai wants to make it clear now.

Will Aochiko be willing to help rescue Fujimaru Tachika?

"... Tsk, that guy... okay, okay, anyway, Fujimaru Tachika is ten thousand times stronger than you. I really hope you learn from her! I really can't stand being driven by someone like you for a second! "

"Oh... then I will continue to work hard."

Yagi Yusai spoke to her wordlessly.

In fact, it was a complete coincidence that Yagi Yusai was able to summon Wasabi.

First of all, this Servant did not form a relationship with Chaldea in the [past].

Such servants are rare in Chaldea, but they are not without precedent.

The more typical one is Archer Emiya-senpai.It was the brown-skinned, white-haired chef in red who lived in the Chaldean kitchen all year round.He will become a heroic spirit in the future, and at the time of Chaldea, he should still be a normal human being.

Secondly, Mustard Seed and Chaldea have no direct fate.

She would respond to the summons entirely because of [Evil Attribute] and the summoning array is located in [China], and there is [a lot of blood] as a medium.


In the last singularity, Yagi Xuesai once fought with the person she never forgot. Because of the opponent's self-destruct, Yagi Xuesai inevitably got part of the opponent's smell.

With this as a connection, many coincidences merge together, and this can be successfully summoned.

For Kabanko, this call was too embarrassing.

She didn't want to put in much effort in the process of saving humanity, just paddling.Anyway, the strongest one in Group A must be fine, and there is no problem for him to save the world by himself.Just follow the boss to paddle honestly.I thought it was like this...

In the end, no one knew that Chaldea exploded before the water was even started.


In the future, mustard seed will carry out a series of things with Chaldea.

In fact, now Kabanko suddenly remembered...

It seems that in the future, when I confront Chaldea...

Indeed, I saw a masked, long-haired assassin in black gauze in the opposing camp...

Come to think of it now...

Is that actually me! ! !Am I fighting with myself! ! !

Aokako covered her face with her hands and knelt down on the ground, feeling desperate from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, Kabanko-senpai, can I continue?"

Just as we were talking about the background, Aka Hinako suddenly fell to the ground, and Yagi Yusai would naturally be concerned.

"It's okay...Leave me alone...Damn Chaldea...I shouldn't have promised Maris Billy in the first place..."

She regretted it.

Yagi Yusai didn't quite understand what she wanted to do. Her performance in Chaldea was completely different from her performance in the singularity.

"Hey! Two-horned ghost! There's not enough food!"

Just when Yagi didn't know how to start the topic, Ibaraki Doji's voice came over just right.

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Yagi Xuesai responded, and hurried over, thinking that Ibaraki had finished eating the roast meat, so he could cook it himself.

But he still miscalculated Ibaraki's appetite, or he didn't expect that such a small girl could eat so much.Not only the roasted part, but also the raw meat that was prepared to be roasted later was eaten. Ibaraki had a huge leg bone in his mouth, and he was using his sharp teeth to remove the meat from the gap between the bones. end.

He prepared two servings that matched his appetite, but Ibaraki ate them all.

Is this guy, like Arturia, a bottomless appetite?

Yagi sighed, and directly pulled the flying beast that he hunted when he was protecting Circe to Ibaraki for her to eat.

Now, knowing that Fujimaru Tachika is imprisoned in the base area of ​​the southern Utau Heavenly King, Yagi Xuesai's tactics are determined.

In the beginning, he just urged Ibaraki Doji to make a big fuss in the city of the Uganda King, and then he took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, which caused the confrontation between Da Jiangshan and the Uganda King.

Now, it should be changed to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

But, to be honest, Yagi Yusai is very curious now...

The Niutou Heavenly King has no Tang Sanzang, no Tang Seng meat, what exactly does she want to use to hold a magic feast?


At the same time, the base of the Tauren King.

Yuzao looked at the busy little ghosts around him inexplicably.

She was indeed caught with Tachika Fujimaru.

However, they were not locked together.

The Bull Head Heavenly King himself was blocked at the entrance of the cave, and he himself was blocked in the cave. A lot of little ghosts of different shapes were busy.

Lay a red carpet for the cave, a red sheet for the bed, and throw gold on it.

There are also two little ghosts holding red cloths and gesturing on themselves, no matter how you look at it...

Are you get married? ? ?

Tamazamo looked at all this inexplicably.

", is there someone here who wants to get married?"


The Bull Head Heavenly King made a dull sound.

She's not the woman Ibaraki Doji and the others mentioned at all!

"Ano, Ano... did you ask me to be the master of ceremonies? It's not Tamamo, I'm boasting, as a priest, I'm quite high! Mikon~"


"Ano, Ano...Although, Xiao Yuzao, I have an immature idea... Could it be, you mean, let me play the role of the bride?"


"You should say something! Even if it's a cow, you can moo!"

Yuzao sighed, looking at the busy scene of the little ghosts, it is estimated that [-]% of the time, this bullheaded guy wants to marry himself...

Wow, although I am very confident in my quality as a good wife, it is a little bit...

Moreover, what is the bull's head!It turned out that it really grew a cow's brain...

Yuzaoqian is also a famous big monster. In the mythology of various countries, there are also many monsters with bull heads. In China, Chi You, Bull Head, and Bull Demon King all have bull heads.The bull-headed king of Japan, Hathor and Apis in Egyptian mythology, and Morax in the residence of the Solomon 72 demon god are also human beings with bull heads in legend.

There are so many possibilities, it's hard to guess who it is!

Tamamo-mae didn't like it very much.She still likes humans more than bull heads!
Wanted to escape...but...couldn't.

Tamamomae felt great pressure from the opponent.

In front of Tamamo is the big monster, the nine-tailed fox. If it was in her heyday, she with nine tails would destroy the world just a matter of time.Although this bull-headed heavenly king has not yet grown to the level of his heyday, but...every minute, every second, the devilish energy is getting stronger and stronger.

I'm afraid it's not true, in another ten days and a half months, I will be able to compare with my own nine-tailed time.

That is... a monster that humans can never win.

(End of this chapter)

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